Comments on: A key source clues me in on TPP code of silence Wed, 01 Jul 2015 12:47:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jana Murray (@janamurray) Wed, 01 Jul 2015 12:47:33 +0000 Assigning National Security secrecy-status to the details of TPP violates the Separation-of-Powers principle

By: Clyde Harkins Sun, 14 Jun 2015 21:11:25 +0000 Congress has been doing all the deceitful things rightly mentioned in the above comment section from day one. After all the “Federalists” (New World Order, Globalists of their day) took over the supposed “constitutional” convention. There never has been any government on this earth established for the benefit of the people. This reality is coming into clear focus for many Americans.

By: ozziethinker Thu, 28 May 2015 03:33:45 +0000


“According to Gould, while out of his body his son lived with a second family of Mantis types. These are well known to those that study exo-politics and look like bipedal grass hoppers, some towering over ten foot. The modern name is the Mantid-type, but I think the old name was Thuban. I have experience of these and have visited both the master soul energy field and the solid (rock) version. Energetically they are very odd. Whereas all human beings have convex ectoplasms, the Thubans are concave. Early myths paraded by the mainstream media persuaded that those with ADHD were addicted to sugary drinks. Though there may be no truth to this, it is interesting to note that the Thubans drink sugary nectar for sustenance. Indeed, Thubans are not designed (able) to eat. There are numerous cases of hypnotic regressions revealing human/Thuban relationships. After being regressed, a number have claimed they are “hybrid” with either a Thuban mother or father. Most notably, the London Town Councillor, Simon Parkes claims to have a “Mantid mum”. Nevertheless, he is a reptilian. His energy field is very clear. Some reptilians also have concave ectoplasms, but I have never witnessed a human/reptilian field of this character. Via the joint-venture activities with the ancient god known as Thoth, various insect-reptile combinations have been created. Thoth is miscategorised as an Ibis….”

By: Johnny Kay Wed, 27 May 2015 22:39:40 +0000 Ozziethinker: Your reference to vaccines is enigmatical. Care to elaborate?

By: Doreen Agostino Wed, 27 May 2015 14:25:36 +0000 The time is now to ‘pull together’ and take peaceful action to transform force, fraud, and deceit under Roman Civil Law that divides society into 2 classes, ruler and ruled a.k.a. separation consciousness, into unity consensus that empowers Natural Law: Do no harm, and do not allow others to harm you.

As per the Constitution of the International Tribunal For Natural Justice.

Article 20: Applicable Law
1. The Tribunal shall apply and follow the higher law and ‘natural law’ and the highest
commitment to universal moral law and the principles of natural justice taking into
account when appropriate national and international laws applicable to the cases and
parties before the Tribunal such to ensure and determine a just and fair outcome and
in accordance with the protection of human rights and the rule of law. Learn more at

By: ozziethinker Wed, 27 May 2015 04:29:06 +0000 @JK

It will be interesting to see if “waking up” will prompt a REAL declaration of war and what “form” it will take. Once “known” 0.00001% become ever so vulnerable. They can only stay “hidden” for so long. A new batch of Star Kids are being produced each with a wide open third eye. Those vaccines will only help improve their “vision”.


By: Johnny Kay Tue, 26 May 2015 08:57:04 +0000 Theodorewesson: The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement will pass because the international corporate elite that runs things behind the scenes wants it to pass. The TPP will be supported by Democrats and Republicans — no matter how damaging the TPP will be to the vast majority of Americans and no matter how much it may be opposed by the vast majority of Americans — because Democrats and Republicans all play for the same team and are all paid by the same people. They are not ideologically motivated; they do what they are told.

Capital has no country. The United States will be ruined, but the international corporate elite that runs things behind the scenes has no allegiance to any country. Destroying the United States is to them like causing a depression in Thailand. The international corporate elite — and I’m not talking about the “1%”, more like the 0.0001% — always come out on top, no matter what happens to the rest of us.

The sooner we realize that our politicians are willing servants of the corporate elite and promote an agenda hostile to the interests of most Americans, the sooner we can begin to make the large-scale systemic changes necessary to create true self-governance.

If we sit around waiting for “our party” to get back in control and make things right — or wait for the next political charmer anointed by the corporate media as the “outsider” who will at last take us to the promised land — nothing will change and those really in control will continue to be way ahead of us.

By: phil strawman Tue, 26 May 2015 01:11:07 +0000 TPP is stupid: It wants to drop all tariff/import taxes, then governments lose all control of trade policies, and the corporations run the whole show.
Only real traitors support TTP.

By: fromawaysite Sun, 24 May 2015 22:10:12 +0000 When you think about this, the end is here. The blackness surrounds us, evil grows stronger every passing day.

By: Michael Burns Sun, 24 May 2015 21:23:26 +0000 Do you know how much it costs to get rid of that kind of nuclear waste? I mean…come on. Heard about two birds with one stone.
