Comments on: The Reality salesman makes a house call Tue, 09 Jun 2015 23:25:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: eric Tue, 09 Jun 2015 23:25:15 +0000 yahooooooooo0o……………………

By: josh Wed, 27 May 2015 14:23:05 +0000 Jon, your articles are great. “1% of the population who doesn’t want limitation of perception”…. i assumed the % was higher than 1. I understand this figure is an estimate, and im wondering what the equation looks like. what factors are you considering to determine that so few people are ” bucking the trend”?

By: ozziethinker Wed, 27 May 2015 04:23:05 +0000 @MB


Revelations was seeking “inspiration” from a deep past (billions of years old). At that time Ari-man (us) didn’t exist and the cosmos was guided/influenced/controlled by a reptilian-man hierarchy. It was matriarchal and I’ll tell you what, those reptile queens knew precisely what to do to “please” the boys!

Ah ah, heady, fond memories….;)

By: ozziethinker Wed, 27 May 2015 04:17:36 +0000 @MB

Now that is a top comment. It says it all. That’s where we are at. WE are the problem that blames “them” because they are US!

Keep up the perception, mate…:)

By: Michael Burns Tue, 26 May 2015 20:34:22 +0000 “…by active or passive psychosis”

Interesting, and here I thought psychosis was a new layer of consciousness I was breaking through into…oh well.
Consensus is such a polite word Oz man, personally I prefer hive. And with the great queen/great whore of Babylon (as predicted in Revelations…oops…that gnashing teeth guy will comment now) herself about to walk up onto the Global throne. The first woman.
She gonna be wackin some bad pee pee’s now…mah.
Are you so positive it is Reptilian, and not that the shredding of the blood brain barrier has allow the lymbic system to flood its wonderfully dark POV into an unprepared pre frontal cortex.
Sort of an accidental awakening…and the sheep are not sure which way to go.
Follow the dog…listen to the shepard…follow the dog…WTF the shepard’s a woman. Not that that’s a bad thing *cough*

By: Michael Burns Tue, 26 May 2015 19:00:30 +0000 Boilin Frogs: No pun intended.

I can agree with you on the 1%…to a point. But philosophically when I start to understand the logic or in this case illogical.
I do not agree, totally agree with the proletarian. The victim Joe Public? In most cases deserves what he gets.
We as a species have become pathetic things. Greedy, nililistic, walmart trolls.
I am watching here, in my little town in farm country the relentless destruction of wetland… why? To feed the starving hordes of course. Greed pure greed.
Birds are on a very serious decline, I pay attention, because I have been a bird watcher for a long time.
At present I am in the big city in a new subdivision. The multiples of beige, all in a row…light to dark vinyl siding, ergonomically, systematically, scrumdeliously designed to get the most out of the least, for the most.
The generic trees, GMO’d from a nursery. The cookie cutter ticky-tack, paper and plastic houses. There are no fucking birds…no insects…every idiot with a colour swatch checking to see if his grass is growing up the exact Hunter’s green and Kentucky blue. I watch on Saturday each twit come out of his house and start he own favorite brand of new lawnmower and mow a lawn the size of a postage stamp. Each house the same and each with 2 or three and in a lot cases 4 vehicles parked in a driveway. With two humans living in the house.
This is oil country. And every global red neck moved here. And they are not all white.
I watch some android vacuum the small grass clippings of his tiny little lawn. While he bangs copy out on his new Galaxy 6.
And then watch four more idiots spray roundup or somesuch solution on dandelions. They are fucking dandelions, they were brought here from Europe as a food source.
I said to one of the clones, “Hey, do you realize we are going to eventually drink that shit.” He cowed, snickered and laughed saying “yeah I know, big tumours huh”.
There a paper I read a few years backs that hypothesized that the fall of the Romans was really about them drinking water from the lead pipes in their housing.
I think we are all fucking insane Q, all of us, nobody is untouched. Even Jon, he’s batshit crazy, you and me.
We are certifyable, over the edge, cuckoo-cuckoo, boing boing crazy.

Empires end this way, they always have.

Inform who will listen to you but really, Alex Jones is about fear Porn. And don’t believe anything less. Its Porn. He might of started out valiantly. But now…
What I like about Jon is that he gives the individual a solution to this fucking madness. And that’s his genius. He’s right.
The solution is your own head. Expand it. Expand your consciousness. Make the radio bring in more stations, not just Human Being 1.0.
Rewrite your own software. What ever way you feel.
But the 1%, they are a empire on the way down. And they can think up what ever they want…but nobody gets out alive.

By: From Québec Tue, 26 May 2015 04:21:00 +0000 Stupit shit, yes and no. This is exactly how the Elites win the game. They give us tyranny bit by bit, so people do not fight back, they just adjust to it… till it’s too late for us to fight back.

By: Michael Burns Mon, 25 May 2015 04:13:32 +0000 Awesome…keep asking for refund.

By: Michael Burns Mon, 25 May 2015 04:09:26 +0000 Oh I followed the video to the end…up until the end I felt they are actually were boiling a frog. I was more involved in the frog suffering, than the point being made. The point became irrelevant to the frog suffering
I thought WTF…to make a point they boil a frog.
And then the end of the video…and I was released from my ill feelings.
And it got me angry that my feelings had been used like that and I imagined a revenge on the twit that made the fucking useless video.
Reminded me of the photographer and the vulture and the starving black child on the verge of death.
Stupid shit Q

By: From Québec Mon, 25 May 2015 03:24:54 +0000 Good post Gökmen!

Exactly the kind of comment we like on Jon New Blog:
