Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: the beginning Sun, 24 May 2015 22:06:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: From Québec Sun, 24 May 2015 22:06:33 +0000 WOW! What an interesting journey it must have been with Jack and Ellis.
I envy you. I can easily imagine the kinds of conversation you must have had.

The kind of Soap Opera that I want to write, would be about something similar to your experience. A main character (with a mixed style of yourself, Jon, and of Alex Jones)…. LOL

Can you imagine such a character trying to wake-up the herd of sheep heading to the cliff nonchalantly? It could be so hilarious and at the same time, so instructive. All I’m missing is some skills in writing. The imagination is not lacking, it’s the words that make a text interesting that are lacking. You Jon, could write it so easily, you have all the words, the skill of a writer and the talent to write comedies

At one time when I was a teenager, I thought of becoming a reporter, an investigator or a lawyer. Finally, I chose Art School. You can do all of this through paintings. Report what you see, investigate all angles and other possibilities and defend what you have imagined. A bit like: I rest my case!

By the way Jon, did you finish your book “The Human Who Knew Everything.” ?
If not, wouldn’t it be great to write it now that you know so much? I’m sure it would be a best seller and a great way to open minds. I surely would buy it.
