Comments on: Network: the last great film about media Fri, 02 Jul 2021 11:57:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Casey Sun, 02 Jul 2017 15:25:30 +0000 Jon Rappoport – always on point.
Hollywood today never knew Chayefsky.
Someone forward this to Rob Reiner (meathead).

By: Michael Burns Sun, 07 Jun 2015 01:06:13 +0000 The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 

All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for enough good men to do nothing. 

All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. 

In order for ‘evil’ to prevail, all that need happen is for ‘good’ people to do nothing. 

All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. 

The surest way for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. 

All it will take for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing. 

All that is necessary for the forces of evil to take root in the world is for enough good men to do nothing. 

All that is needed for the forces of evil to succeed is for enough good men to remain silent. 

All it takes for Evil to prevail in this world is for enough good men to do nothing. 

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

By: Gökmen Sat, 06 Jun 2015 20:35:54 +0000 You all saw this new statue in germany of manning (now chelsea after sex change), snowden and assange, 3 of them standing up on their feet and 4th chair is empty for ‘anyone’ to speak out right?

I mean…man, I’m just lost for words after seeing that. I mean where to start here…an empty chair for ‘free speech’. “there you go, you are free on that chair, now be nice and make sure that doesn’t take much time, people waiting in line…HEY! Don’t forget to put that selfie on your social media”

By: Casper Sat, 06 Jun 2015 08:30:01 +0000 I give you a prediction of what will happen with the current “Main Stream Media” and “Alternative Media”.

When the MSM juggernaut realizes that “Alternative Media” is the new boom, they will infiltrate and pounce upon this opportunity just like in the film.

Just like BigPharma is now infiltrating “Organic”, and “Gluten Free”.

Now you can buy shampoo, or bricks at the hardware store that are gluten free for pete’s sake.

The MSM will infiltrate and pollute Alternative Media, just like they infiltrate and pollute everything else they touch.

The days are numbered for wonderful blogs like this.

By: ozziethinker Sat, 06 Jun 2015 00:43:42 +0000 @MB

Now we step into my arena. With the Draco reputation for channelling fear [or anger] and the Zeta’s channelling of love only strong individuals can separate the “synthetic” from reality. Humans need to wise up. All kinds of freaky stuff is coming our way and, soon, we won’t be able to distinguish what is “up” and what is “down”.

By: Michael Burns Fri, 05 Jun 2015 17:34:34 +0000 McLuhan and his statement of fact, ‘the Medium is the Message’. Has always stimulated deeper thoughts. As in the how the specific frequencies of Media are broadcast. In the beginnning days of analog signals and VHF, AM and FM bands in radio and television, the human voice is an analog signal. To the present digital signals which are finite, precise in their broadcast.

As of 2010, roughly, there is no more broadcast of analog television or radio.

Analog is a higher resolution signal, probably infinite in resolution but the possibility for degradation is much greater. Back ground or copying can degrade it. Over the long term.
Digital is exact, a precise, and at a much lower resolution, and extremely high frequency less likely to degrade. It is at a finite resolution.  A digital signal is a precise signal and it can be copied and recopied from copied copies. And still retain that exact message. The perfect entrainment tool.

As greater and greater amounts of information can be squeezed into smaller and much smaller spaces. The possibility for the signal to carry more than simply video or audio information, Information embeded in the television program. Embeded information designed to be picked up at lower frequencies that relate to sleep or dreaming in the human being or to hypnosis, or hypnotic state.

We are now far in advance of a signal than be individualized and sent on/within the television signal, and having that signal received in a room full of viewers and the ebbed message reaching its intented. Rather than the auduence of the whole room.

With the Washington Post in reinventing itself, individualizing the front page for each of its subscribers. Now we can individualize television, radio, any media as a matter of fact, for each viewer.
The ‘medium is the message’, the ridiculous little show is irrelevant to the real message.
As this media becomes more profound, exempli gratia., holograms, virtual reality etc. Advancing technologies; a singular information beamed directly to an single brain.
It will become normal for prisoners to be induced into a sleep, a dreaming within a dream frequency, virtual reality, truly separate rality.
And for that fact, whole societies to be induced into a virtual reality.
Maybe…that what is happening right now.
Art is/has become a group thing, the art of the group mind.

By: middleway Fri, 05 Jun 2015 05:49:15 +0000 Seemingly trapped in a Global Village while surfing through the Gutenberg Galaxy. Happy trails…

By: ozziethinker Fri, 05 Jun 2015 02:59:02 +0000 With so much focus on negativity, Jon, I have decided to “turn a corner” (to quote GW Bush) in my latest post.

It’s only when you attempt to write meaningful fiction, you realise how difficult it is. Nevertheless, this, even if I say it myself, though different to the beautifully constructed strident harmonies above, hits a chord….


By: Gökmen Thu, 04 Jun 2015 23:10:02 +0000 Is all I can say.
This is one of the most powerful I read from Jon.
From what I understand since I start this journey, human consciousness devolved gradually on this planet. Best example I can think of: words replacing and somehow some symbols representing the reality. Now at this day and age, rabbit hole is deeper, meaning this replacement is so deep, so complex and so developed by any means, that people can not even grasp the basics and think this is just an idea, a creation, they are lost in it completely. Completely devoured by it. Wow. That is indeed the starting point of the matrix and indeed, the basis of the matrix, the constructed reality is ones and zeroes, symbols. Almost similar to the physical reality, you only can reach smaller parts of atom if you try to go down to smallest parts in reality.

Without creative power and awareness of the individual: everything is meaningless. Good luck looking for all those smaller parts and try figuring all out..and if that sense of individuality, fake creativity is fed to you from some tube, some images…. you are introuble. shit.. I just figured out all those people out there never aged. Most people are like, never born.
