Comments on: The Devious Matrix Called Psychiatry Mon, 13 Jul 2015 08:00:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: R. Hawthorne Mon, 13 Jul 2015 08:00:05 +0000 Reblogged this on Tales from a Awakened Mind and commented:
It’s done, founded by persons like Edward Bernays who told us: ‘If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it.’
So picking up outlaws and degrade them back to the required norm is key for programmed behaviour of the people.

Thanks Jon

By: Luke Sun, 21 Jun 2015 20:03:29 +0000 very interesting article. I heard an interview with you on a Peace Revolution podcast.

Have you heard of or seen the book !Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain” by William J. Walsh

In this book he goes over many cases of “mental disorders” that have been cured because of nutrient deficiencies and has a list fo what nutrient deficiencies trigger what symptoms. very interesting.

I think there is a Bulletproof exec podcast that interviews him, it might be of interest to you.

Thanks for all your work, I look forward to doing your Logic course soon and reading more of your articles.

By: Tracy Wed, 17 Jun 2015 15:10:31 +0000 This is an excellent article Jon. There is plenty of ammo packed in there!

I have an unresolved matter to take up with a psychiatrist and I will be quoting from this article. I bet I won’t even get to finish Insel’s statement… again..

Having been “treated” by several different psychiatrists over the past four and a half years, I have no doubt in my mind that their mission is to destroy people. Mentally and psychically. They want to own you. Put restrictions on freedom. Cause conflict within your family. Service with a smile.

When simply questioning what is happening in the world turns into a crime, the punishment being involuntary commitment (also known as imprisonment) and toxic drugs given against your will. Also being told you are ill simply because you do not agree to accept their diagnosis or “medicine”.

As Will Hall said “there is a part of us, a part of each of us, deep inside of us that is absolutely untouched by trauma, that has never, ever been hurt, never been hurt by psychiatry. They never could touch it, never, it’s untouched and it’s inside of us and we still have it”.

By: Gökmen Wed, 17 Jun 2015 06:48:40 +0000 Thanks for your compliment.

It did the same effect on me as well, Jon did his magic trick on that story. Reading something that’s never been written unleashes the imagination. The story Jon wrote outsiderealitymachine is a painting with text and like you said It has the “contradicting bizarre effect!”

I dropped my thoughts about It replying your comment there.

Again, good luck with moving. Throw what ever unnecessary! Don’t carry all that ‘stuff’ like George Carlin said.

By: From Québec Tue, 16 Jun 2015 23:53:31 +0000 Brilliant post Gökmen!

You should post a comment on Jon new story: Atlas ~a short story~, on his new site:

You seem to have a lot of imagination.

Usually, I’m one of the first person to post on that site. But now, I’m sort of stuck. I read his story about 5 times, and still cannot comment on it. My mind seems frozen and my imagination seems to melt… what a contradicting bizarre effect! .

Maybe it’s because I’m moving next month, so I’m packing my stuff and throwing half of it away. I’m clearing the way to a much lighter path for my future. Less stuff equal to freer, more vitality, imagination, creativity and actions. I guess my brain is concentrated right now on what I keep and what I throw away.

But, eventually, I will find something to post on that article. I can’t force it, it will come unexpectingly while doing something that has nothing to do with the subject. It is just waiting to find an open spot in my mind to pour out from an unknown energy floating around.

By: From Québec Tue, 16 Jun 2015 23:03:12 +0000 Nothing I like better that to help a poor soul get out of his misery.
He can keep writing all he wants, I’ll come out each time with more brilliant solutions…lol

By: paschnn Tue, 16 Jun 2015 15:22:12 +0000 ROFLMAO!

By: Gökmen Tue, 16 Jun 2015 14:00:44 +0000 Reading stuff from Jon is like; Imagine you are in the belly of a giant whale. This whale is now deep down under the ocean, depths, bottom. You are in It’s stomach, there is no hope what so ever, you completely let go..and then you find strength, now you find some tools, you blast your way out from stomach of that whale, this lousy whale tried to eat you without even having decent teeth to chew you so, you don’t feel bad for putting it down. Then you rush up to the surface from deep deep darkness of the ocean. A breathe of fresh air. You keep going, there is no stopping now, out of the atmosphere to space. You stop and look: new reality. Totally new perspective.

I’ve had my share from this psychiatric fraud. Not me personally, but the girl I was in love with and then other people around me. It’s very painful to watch someone you love and care, building giant walls around them just to ignore reality totally so they can feel ‘happy’..they are not happy because this doctor tells ‘well my dear, you have obsessive compulsive disorder, and that’s very serious thing which happens to be I have just the perfect medication for it..’.. It’s completely connected to all this other matters like collectivism, or Jon’s previous article about social media, being star in your own Truman show..everything. A giant assault on the mind.

People who use these toxic SSRI drugs, become totally disconnected beings from their own core so they can now melt into the collective, smooth. they can look at themselves and say ‘I am ok now, I become somebody who is a part of the good society and they say I’m ok, so I should be ok’..Completely ignoring the inner work, totally ignoring your own self. “correcting myself? destroying myself? creating myself? crafting myself? spending time for exploring the self? well who does that..forget it. I will go into this circus, they have plenty toys there, lights, free rides, great colors, everyone seems happy there which I also become”…

Jon, brilliantly as usual, connects all this to projects of darpa and the implants to visual cortex which is EXACTLY where It’s headed. A total manufactured, pseudo, synthetic environment for the good old people so they can be ‘happy’..cuz its all about being happy, ads on TV telling so..

What will happen? All this self-murdered creatures will rush in to get those implants. They need constant stimulation because they are not aware, they disconnected themselves from the natural unfolding IMAGINATION (not reality, reality doesn’t exist until you invent It) before their eyes.

So I think, problem is not the power elite. Not some hidden hand manipulating the lives of millons or manufactured wars, I am sure If we get rid of the current power elite the popes the rockafellers the bushes or rothschilds etc, nothing will ever change until people learn to swim.

By: Hypertiger Tue, 16 Jun 2015 03:40:32 +0000 Yes I checked myself into a mental health facility and it is just like you spell out…University trained mind rapists.

By: bob klinck Tue, 16 Jun 2015 03:07:25 +0000 And they have the centralized control of monetary resources (which are inherently the property of the population, and inherently easily divisible for distribution) that allows them to enforce their will. The nub of the problem of a power-mad elite having their way is the matter of the ownership of money, the vast majority of which is created as credit by the banks and loaned to the population on the banks’ terms. Flowing of new money into the economy by a National Credit Authority in the form of universal, unconditional dividends is the solution to the problem of freeing the individual from institutional domination. Vide “Social Credit”.
