Comments on: Utopia: the dream and the psyop that will never die Fri, 19 Jun 2015 01:51:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: ozziethinker Fri, 19 Jun 2015 01:51:59 +0000 @MB

Tesla “scratched the surface”.

I learn that the Zeta Grey Beings have a way of switching atoms “on” or “off” and can create static energy force fields based on the same principals. If only our scientists would WAKE UP!

By: ozziethinker Thu, 18 Jun 2015 07:36:07 +0000 Plus one, FQ

By: ozziethinker Thu, 18 Jun 2015 07:34:57 +0000 Personally, I’d much prefer to see “pure evil” out in the open so that I might avoid or clobber it, as necessary.

Times and “scenarios” may have changed, but influences and reactions are the same. The “blessed” people are as gutless and self-serving as ever. Someone should write a book called “Hitler’s Henchmen”. That would be enough to curdle Putin’s (the pretty face of evil) milk.

By: Michael Burns Thu, 18 Jun 2015 05:53:58 +0000 @Salvador
Yes Tesla was well intentioned he didn’t diserve his end.
A great genius who was more that likely murdered.
Morgan saw his ideas as dangerous.
I speak of his technologies. What we experience today as scalar technology and microwave are his inventions…they are still very dangerous. But I am sure he would have saw that eventually.
HAARP is really his work. He saw it as a way to move Vast amounts of electricity around the globe.

By: Ultrawoman Thu, 18 Jun 2015 01:04:08 +0000 I remember back in the Eighties reading about gallium arsenide based chips around the mid-Eighties or so in the Mercury.

By: Ultrawoamn Thu, 18 Jun 2015 00:50:12 +0000 Evil or corruption was always there. My parents’/grandparents’ generation would have smiled indulgently, reminded me I was just a kid and reassured me this was bullshit if I were to tell them of all the stuff that went on.

It was always there. It did not receive as much coverage as it does now.

By: Ultrawoamn Thu, 18 Jun 2015 00:44:41 +0000 Great article!!!

By: Salvador Wed, 17 Jun 2015 22:19:13 +0000 Allow me to put it a different way – sheer evil was not right out in the open for all to see, as it is today. A century ago it was indeed well hidden from the masses, as well as obviously not as well developed and far along as it is today.

For Bucky to be as naive as he was would be completely understandable. It was a different time – again as we perceived it to be. And perception provides the basis for our behaviors, our thoughts, our actions. I do see Bucky as naive but well-intentioned, not the nefarious, collectivist-globalist mentality of the men running the planet today.

As far as Tesla, everything I’ve come to understand about the man was that he was someone that was genuine, and wanted to give it all away – free energy – for all of us. That doesn’t sound oppressive to me. Pehaps we werent’ ready back then for it. Perhaps we’re still not ready today for it, as consciously the majority of the citizens of planet earth still seem to be, well, let’s just say less than enlightened. Utopia or Oblivion? Guess we’ll have to see. But don’t think we’ll have to wait too long as it appears whatever “it” is, it seems will be coming to our collective reality sooner rather than later…

By: From Québec Wed, 17 Jun 2015 20:50:27 +0000 I’m allergic to the word “collectivist” Every time I come across that word, my mind paints a picture of obedient robots controlled by Darpa or some other dark forces.

I want a world filled with individuals who blows your mind with their imagination and creativity. I like diversity. The salt of life.

By: Gökmen Wed, 17 Jun 2015 20:16:24 +0000 As species, we like NOT to learn from mistakes. We are hard headed, we are the best, we conquer all, we are the greatest.

The final trap will well be the ultimate: sacrificing the whole individuality so nobody can ever learn from any mistakes at all, even If he or she want to, because It’s not even there anymore.

knock knock, nobody’s home.

Alan Watts, the great zen philosopher said In his talks “you can’t separate the north pole and the south pole of a magnet..the moment you detach a magnet from It’s north pole, It creates another south pole”

So these mr Jensen’s, these scumbags, they are imagining to detach whole human race from their self, In order to exchange that with a ‘fake’ self which they also created..and looks like they’ve done the job so far.
But we will see.

Because I’m seeing a tide, coming to wipe these Mr. Jensen’s, who standing up on their desks and yelling-preaching “you have meddled with the forces of nature!”…well, they are the ones who let go of that ‘self’, that ‘individuality’ so long ago, that’s why they are masters at It right?

I see there are other people, John and Jane Q’s, willing to join them. They think, they might declare themselves as ‘nature’ and stand up on their desks, yell at people If they all ditch themselves and become one, become same, agent smith’s after all.

Yea that Is what It Is. Agent smith’s all over. They think they have It all. They conquered all. They all become the same. They are the collective.

That IS against nature. That Is impossible.

“You can’t detach the north pole from a magnet in order to get a whole north pole. The moment you separated north pole, It creates another south pole. This Is the nature of things, they go together, you can’t get rid of the south pole” — Alan Watts
