Comments on: Charleston church shooting: the larger covert op Fri, 10 Jul 2015 06:24:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Burke Fri, 10 Jul 2015 06:24:06 +0000 100% hoax shooting never happened.This guy supposedly reloaded 5 times with everyone waited their turn to get shot without beating the living shit out of him? Don’t think so.

By: Mark Burke Fri, 10 Jul 2015 06:06:49 +0000 The whole thing was fake.This guy supposedly reloaded 5 times as everyone waited around to be shot and didn’t beat the shit out of him?I don’t by the media/govt fake shootings like Sandy Hoax.

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Sat, 27 Jun 2015 02:25:17 +0000 It is ALL a “battle of Mind”.

The end question, as result of all of it is, “What do you believe, and WHY do you believe it?” – If one can only answer, “because I was taught that . . .”, then there is the problem. The problem of WHO and WHY they “taught”, based on a one-sided view they have.

The most dangerous thing in the mind of a tyrant: An Idea he/she has no control over.

By: bballar18 Fri, 26 Jun 2015 00:34:54 +0000 Any thoughts on this being another gun grabbing psyop from the government? Considering the government fast tracked 29 million dollars to the “victim’s” families and their was an active shooter drill taking place in Charleston during that exact same time! Here are some interesting links!

$29 million in hush money for Charleston shooting victims (by David Action Reporting)

Charleston Shooting Hoax Crisis Actors “We Feel Nothing But Love” Exposed (Redsilverj)

Charleston Shooting Hoax Was Part of Active Shooter Drill! June 15-19 PROOF! (Redsilverj)

By: BDBinc Thu, 25 Jun 2015 20:36:11 +0000 “Charleston: 15 Questions that Demand Answers”

By: Dennis Liam Ardell Thu, 25 Jun 2015 15:51:04 +0000 To every white hating person ( especially white liberals) I love to refer all these morons to justice department statistics on black ( people of color)
On white violence(people without color)
Shocking when you see the rape statistics by black males, on white females, murder of whites by blacks-assaults on whites by black males.
I guess we who have no color should feel relieved to know these are not racist, hate , crimes; but, as far as race hatred goes , F.B.I. Crime statistics where there are no white men ,raping black women ; and violent crimes against blacks ,by whites is rare, proves that when it comes to racism; the blacks have the sickness; not whites.
Go ahead , read the black on white murder rates ; this war against whites has been out of control since the civil rights laws were passed in 1964.
The Justice department keeps track of who kills whom; the objective statistics are there for any open minded white liberal, like Chris Matthews , and all the white , self- hating talking heads who just can not stop lying about whites being so evil, which only creates more mayhem , assaults, rapes, and murder,by racist , blacks, against white people .

By: Shiva Thu, 25 Jun 2015 02:26:38 +0000 Hot water eh.
With whom?

It is obvious that drugs are used in the battle.
Prohibition is used to promote the use of a substance( the “war on drugs” to protect drug cartels from competition and to increase certain drug’s use)
(Isn’t the battle of Mind all )

Isn’t the ultimate drug the one that makes you think you were born and will die.

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Wed, 24 Jun 2015 20:15:35 +0000 The old systems of thought have been pushed out as to making way for the “new”, that is, the expert-approved knowledge. The early churches did much harm to mankind by denouncing and even altogether forbidding the old ways and their teachings.

Just look at how modern medicine is done these days. There are many great strides in the knowledge of diagnosis and/or detection of certain abnormalities, but most of the “therapies” and treatment regimen are corrupt and even down right dangerous, yet there is enough pressure from the profiting businesses ans their lackeys to keep these dangerous treatments “the norm”. This, while many of the ancient treatment systems utilizing nutrition and herbal remedies (with also mental-relaxation and stress relief techniques) have been forgotten to the point of being permanently lost.

By: PurpleHaze Wed, 24 Jun 2015 17:28:18 +0000 That’s my thoughts exactly. Nobody seems to listen though. Christians seem to love dancing to their beat that only they can hear and then keep wondering why our country is going to hell.

They are blaming the wrong people!

By: PurpleHaze Wed, 24 Jun 2015 17:24:58 +0000 Since we all know and it’s obvious that these shooters are getting help from higher controllers why isn’t anything being done about it? Seriously not EVERYBODY would give the silent treatment about staged shootings no?

Why aren’t there groups demanding answers in a serious way that is not just to get extra attention like the Occupy and Tea Party groups? We need REAL individuals demanding removal of these corrupt military and government officials.

We need individuals to demand a serious spring cleaning of the whole *system*.
