Comments on: Maps of consciousness, ancient Tibet, and a new psychology Thu, 25 Jun 2015 00:52:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Thu, 25 Jun 2015 00:52:09 +0000 Damn, Jon!

Could not have stated it better myself!

I would like to use this article as a basis of a few of my upcoming articles. I am busy tackling the problem of modern psychology/psychiatry by exposing the main weaknesses in their modality and methodology. This also comes into play where I will further delve into the “addiction of religion and religious dogma” that has been set forth by the establishment-approved “church”, and today’s governmental part of it.

Thanks for the inspiration, by the way.

– Rev. Dragon’s Eye

By: farsight3 Mon, 22 Jun 2015 14:31:49 +0000 Thank you. While reading I had a sudden intuitive flash why the PTB concentrate more on the group – rather than the individual: If you have money or thugs you can suppress a single person more easily in THEIR world – while a group needs the special attention – as THEY regard it as the main obstacle against their “plans”.

That’s the classical failure of the materialistic “the more the mightier” or “size matters”. Au contraire the individual – when connecting whith his real point of power, the bigger self – can litteraly “move mountains”. Institutional religions have always tried to hide that fact from their “believers”.

Ask a person who tries to sleep when sharing the same room with a “tiny” mosquito…

By: Mia Manners Mon, 22 Jun 2015 08:26:29 +0000 As I was about to say- this path to the origins of my own self mastery, is fraught with my own mind games causing negative illusionary systemic history.
However, you are deeply articulate, and your perceptions are boldly and tenderly, guiding my own new paradigm shifts, and with my other practices, I am determined to break out and break through to pure imaginations of good fun, education, and environmental wonder to raise my vibrations for humanity and essentially, me. Nice one!

By: Mia Manners Mon, 22 Jun 2015 08:20:04 +0000 Morning Jon,
A beautifully written act of understanding. I am currently studying esoterical understandings within my own life to realign my truth and authentic voice, thoughts, senses to stand up in my own self realisations and do my job with buckets of mindfulness and love without my old programmes of racketing, attacking and undermining my endoulment.
If ain’t
