Comments on: Apple mind-control news is on the way Thu, 25 Jun 2015 14:44:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Dunbar Thu, 25 Jun 2015 14:44:25 +0000 Reblogged this on thinkREthink and commented:
“We want to make all of you into androids, through basic PR and propaganda and a pathetic excuse for education. However, we recognize you’ll become different varieties of androids, and we’ll serve that outcome with technological sophistication. Trust us. We care about what you prefer.”

By: FP Wed, 24 Jun 2015 17:56:44 +0000 @ Greg wrote: “Man’s desire to dominate others simply because he can.”

“…man has dominated man to his own injury.”
–Ecclesiastes 8:9.

The “Dominators” have a date with Payback, in due time, when their iniquity has reached its full “ripeness” (Revelation 14:18-19).

By: FP Wed, 24 Jun 2015 17:29:50 +0000 Loved your comment/Trip Down Memory Lane, on 3 counts:
–Who needs apps when we have browsers? Apps are like the crowds who ride busses & are driven by someone else. A browser is like a car where you do your own driving.
–Browsing bookstores in the old days pre-internet. I did love doing that. Spent hours reading the flaps, lol.
–Driving Backroads vs Interstate, Always! More Scenic, Personality, Little Towns, slower pace, less crowded (unless you got stuck behind a yellow schoolbus at 3pm that stopped every block w/no passing lane to get around it), curving winding roads (so much fun to drive!) vs straightaway boring Interstates, etc. etc. What a joy!

Apps are a huge pain anyway. Been there, done that. Most of them work like crap, slow, buggy, cumbersome, & are “too stripped down.” Give me the real website instead. Apps hog space on the device. They are incessantly being “updated.” And if they were created by small time developers, those guys eventually get burnout & abandon their apps.

All you need are a Memory-Cleaner app, Browsers, Download apps, & if you like to play w/photos & videos, then Photo/Video Editing apps. Forget “shopping” apps, “news sites” apps, etc. Who needs them when a browser will get you there? You can just as easily load up your screens with free icons/direct links to sites YOU like to visit.

So, Apple, if you include your news app automatically, it will go on the last homescreen inside a folder with your other apps that never get used (since you won’t let us delete them!)

By: KSKing Wed, 24 Jun 2015 15:24:52 +0000 “The internet has become the ultimate tool of social control. It allows ‘mass’ control at the ‘individual’ level. A first in the history of humankind.” – This is from an article I posted last week. It meshes quite well with this article. I think ya’ll would find it of interest.

By: Greg Osborne Tue, 23 Jun 2015 21:43:37 +0000 It’s all about CONTROL for the sake of CONTROL. Man’s desire to dominate others simply because he can. Empires and personal little fiefdoms. Throughout history, that’s all it has ever been about.

By: Greg Osborne Tue, 23 Jun 2015 21:20:18 +0000 Screw Apple. I don’t need anybody or anything “fetching” me ANYTHING. I will go out and look for what I want. If I miss something, well then, I miss it.

Part of the fun of the Web (and I will apply this to a lifetime browsing in book stores, music stores and libraries) is the stumbling upon of those rabbit holes that take you to some weird and wonderful place or subject. Something you would never have thought to investigate otherwise.

I can also apply this to road travel. As opposed to being obsessed with getting from Point A to Point B (THAT for which I am very guilty of), some of the best times I have ever had were those unscheduled little stops way off the Interstate that held some odd person, place or thing that ended up changing some immovable object in my mind or that simply left me with a positive impression or experience.

By: Greg Osborne Tue, 23 Jun 2015 20:59:06 +0000 I sometimes apply that to art — in a good way.

By: FP Tue, 23 Jun 2015 16:16:30 +0000 Re: “Is their goal a total chaos?”

They love “total chaos”:

ORDO AB CHAO. A Latin expression, meaning Order out of Chaos. A motto of the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry:

By: josh vongoh Tue, 23 Jun 2015 06:47:02 +0000 Another mind blowing post. At this point there doesn’t seem like there’s anywhere else it can go, does it. The illusion of diversity all still centrally controlled from the tippy top of the turdpile – I mean pyramid ..

I do think there are a whole lot of people that are stepping back and seeing it for what it is. The information about other realities is still available to anybody that wants to suddenly change their mind and click somewhere else, somewhere more truthful. Or they get schocked by the sheer craziness of it all and one day pop out of it “now wait a minute, this isn’t right”

The trick for them is to somehow keep people in their silos without wandering too much. There’s always going to be the kind of people that want or need to be in one, they’ll be the easy ones.

By: juliath83 Tue, 23 Jun 2015 04:53:49 +0000 Of course the easiest way to avoid this is to avoid Apple. Which you should be doing anyway.
