Comments on: Red flag: grand experiment: the plan for a future Australia Tue, 30 Jun 2015 11:45:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Orlando Tue, 30 Jun 2015 11:45:55 +0000 No – “The LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil.”

By: Mick Sat, 27 Jun 2015 10:48:57 +0000 Can we live without money? Can we band together as a people and make sustainable communities, a sustainable life? How about NOCA, No to this Crap Anymore? What would they do if we all stopped going to work, to school, to college? If we stopped paying into banks full stop, if we didn’t care if they didn’t pay us our money, if we just got our s**t together and used our minds and skills to create our own life?

By: Lindsay Thu, 25 Jun 2015 14:37:59 +0000 Let’s organise an International Interest Default Day (IIDD)

A day after which those of us who are awake to the scam refuse to pay interest, en-masse.
Money is POWER and it’s through our honesty and compliance to the fraud of fiat money that we stupidly continue to make money for them.

We need to wake up to the reality that WE COLLECTIVELY ARE THE POWER, it’s just that we are too afraid and brainwashed to stand united. Those brave souls who have stood up against this evil system have been assassinated or at least compromised and falsely discredited.

Money is now only fictional digital credits ona computer screen and we have been reduced to subservient plebiscites who are not allowed to know the rules but we are bound by them just the same.

What would “they” do if ALL of us didn’t pay? Sue us all?

Sure, the payment of a small fee on Capital would be fine along with pre-specified agreements for investor profit sharing etc.

Even the major religions forbid usury, so how can we have systems of law based on the holy books and yet not follow them?

By: Theodore Thu, 25 Jun 2015 13:28:50 +0000 Also, just to add…

By: nocompulsoryvaccination Thu, 25 Jun 2015 13:18:23 +0000 Reblogged this on nocompulsoryvaccination and commented:
Is Big Brother using Australia as his ‘testing ground’ for repressive policies? Will Australians stand idly by whilst their rights, their livelihoods and their children become nothing more than profit centres for corporate interests? The future will see what the result will be. But I am hoping that our proud Australian nation will stand up and draw a line in the sand – only this far and no further!

By: DarkStarAZ Thu, 25 Jun 2015 04:03:00 +0000 In the short run the switch to robotics will be hell. In the long-long run probably a good thing.

By: John Burns Wed, 24 Jun 2015 23:08:12 +0000 The elephant in the room has to be the workless excess population. With an estimated global loss of jobs by 2030 at 2,500,000,000 who truly believes that governments, corporations or soup kitchens are going to step in and feed them? A massive chunk of Earth’s human stock is going to heaven early.

By: archecotech Wed, 24 Jun 2015 18:44:33 +0000 Very interesting post. I seriously think your wrong in one area, unemployment won’t be the biggest problem. Once automation is fully completed, reduction in human population will be the issue. I think the real agenda isn’t actually so much about what’s seen but what isn’t.

By: ozspeaksup Wed, 24 Jun 2015 14:38:49 +0000 some things to ponder
unemployed people tend to be depressed
so they get handed SSRIS quite often starting around puberty or not much after
add birth control like depo provera, and throw in HPV Vax for female and now males also, as well as other dna/chem/heavy metal contaminated enforced vax before blood brain barriers even established
then puzzle the falling fertility rates
also if you want to create ill weak n mentally ill animals you cage them feed them bad diets with little fresh food, stress them with noise n disruptions to sleep cycles etc
sounds like our cities and the planned forcing into high rise urbanity so many nations are planning with the help of the ecoloons saying man isnt allowed to BE out of certain areas, because he might upset nature.
kids cant run or play, might hurt themselves? or accidentally get FIT enough to fight or run maybe?
Aus got used for the RFID crap, now chipping is forced for registering pets in most states as well as all cattle sheep and anything else that stands still long enough to get stuck!
then the faked pt Arthur scanario to see if the only nation outside uSSa with many guns could be disarmed
and we fell for it
such a well trained amenable malleable test bed for whatever control n command methods the crazies in EU n uSSa want to try.
well…some of us might be…NOT ALL.

By: Dorian West Wed, 24 Jun 2015 08:56:46 +0000 Australia is a resource rich country populated by mainly a great class of imbeciles and idiots. It’s a natural choice for this. Give them booze, footy and cricket and they’ll do anything for you.
