Comments on: The individual vs. collective mind control Sat, 04 Jul 2015 02:13:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: timetowakeupamerica Sat, 04 Jul 2015 02:13:25 +0000 Here is another topic, about which MOST Americans are largely, if not totally – IGNORANT:

X22 Report: Central Bankers Can’t Stop The Economic Collapse Instead They Will Cover It Up

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By: Grim Fandango Thu, 02 Jul 2015 01:51:13 +0000 And a liberal application of cognitive dissonance on the part of the average citizen allows this impossible scheme to appear to function.

By: burnersxxx Wed, 01 Jul 2015 19:47:36 +0000 brilliant Jon, maybe the best of your writing that I’ve ever read. Thank you!

By: Timothy Madden Wed, 01 Jul 2015 15:48:47 +0000 Twelve years ago, I undertook a project that involved my reading some 22,000 pages from a collection of sixteen antiquarian law dictionaries. From all that mass of material I encountered one particular nominal definition that I have since come to believe has the most probative or explanatory value. In the ensuing twelve years I have not encountered a single broadly-defined socioeconomic or government or private system that does not follow its constructive blueprint. The term defined is: Systematized Delusion


A “systematized delusion” is one based on a false premise, pursued by a logical process of reasoning to an insane conclusion ; there being one central delusion, around which other aberrations of the mind converge. Taylor v. McClintock, 112 S.W. 405, 412, 87 Ark. 243. (West’s Judicial Words and Phrases (1914 edition)).

I think this may be a large part of what Jon is referring to. If our broadly-defined socioeconomic subsystems are in fact systematized delusions, then people would expect to become commensurately agitated if and when you even bring attention to their anchor “false premise(s)”.

By: Theodore Wed, 01 Jul 2015 14:01:55 +0000 just to add…

* how many saved by allopathic “trauma specialist” doctors. Car (motorcycle, boats, etc.) accidents. Gun shot wounds. Injured by tools. “If I am in a motorcycle accident, i want to contract with someone who can put together my broken bones. At that immediate moment, i am not ‘in-market’ for a Chinese herbalist.”

* here is where is gets really interesting… how many saved by allopathic “chronic disease specialist” doctors — thru correctly prescribed drugs (menaing, followed exactly the RX info when administering the drug) VERSES how many saved by clean water and good nutrition including trace minerals and herbs, and, proper exercise and rest, and, midigation of environmental toxins, and no vaccine injections.

By: Grim Fandango Wed, 01 Jul 2015 13:21:38 +0000 I have seen that 200,000 deaths-by-doctor before, and It makes me wonder how many lives are saved by the medical profession, lives that would have been lost without medical intervention, and how that number balances off with the malpractice deaths.

Obviously the mistakes and negligence behind those 200,000 deaths needs to be exposed and reduced, as just one malpractice death is a needless tragedy for the family members and friends of the victim.

By: Kelly Ann Wed, 01 Jul 2015 13:11:18 +0000 I am so sorry for your losses, Laurie. My mom went to have a biopsy for a tumor. She freaked out at the hospital (because all of her friends have died there) and her heart skipped a beat when she started having a panic attack. They moved her to the cardiac ward, gave her twice the medication she should have and week later she had a heart attack and needed a stent. Now she has to take heart medications which interfere with some of her cancer drugs. Turmeric could probably heal her, but it reacts with her heart medication pills that she has to have for the rest of her life thanks to doctors who didn’t speak to her to understand why she was having the panic attack and didn’t give her the right medications.

Blessings to you and your family.

By: Patrick Wagner Wed, 01 Jul 2015 07:25:06 +0000 “…the collective has no existence and reality but in the actions of individuals. It comes into existence by ideas that move individuals to behave as members of a definite group and goes out of existence when the persuasive power of these ideas subsides.” [Ludwig von Mises]

By: mangrove Tue, 30 Jun 2015 22:57:22 +0000 Chillingly accurate. Loved the ending. I hope we get there.

By: The Chiefe (@the_chiefe71) Tue, 30 Jun 2015 12:51:39 +0000 I know. I was simply asking Jon if he had seen this / addressed it. I still haven’t seen any direct mention of it by Jon anywhere.
