Comments on: Big money: pump and dump as a way of life Tue, 14 Jul 2015 00:47:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Adam E. Tue, 14 Jul 2015 00:47:32 +0000 Big money people (big pumpers) have been doing this with silver forever. And all the government “regulators” look the other way, even do a little pumping and dumping themselves. Indeed, silver is and forever has been blatantly manipulated for profit. The only way to stop, or control it just a bit, would be vigilante-style neck stretching, as “big pumpers” are as addicted to “pumping” as any junky shivering in the cold in any alleyway is to shooting up heroin, and they can’t stop, either of them. It’s just that the heroin junky is pitiable.

By: izzy Thu, 02 Jul 2015 00:04:45 +0000 Many definitions can be found for capitalism, with various subtlties. But classical economic theory (and economics has been called the “dismal science” for good reason) breaks its component parts into capital, labor, and entrepreneurial ability. The third leg – ha! – is where much of the trouble comes in, as entrepreneurial ability today often includes a lot of shuck-and-jive, as well as outright criminal activity and deception, all in the service of amassing ever more personal wealth for those so oriented. Coupled with the darker aspects of human nature, it’s a recipe for exploitation and disaster. The old notion of enlightened self-interest quickly morphs into self-centeredness, and the light soon goes out. Adam Smith must be spinning in his grave.

So here we find ourselves after its inevitable evolution, slaves to the system that was supposed to free us. What a crock.

By: Heretickle Wed, 01 Jul 2015 13:33:18 +0000 Jon,

Please include a reference to consolidation. Our banker masters have implemented bubble economics for the past century. The result has been a massive consolidation of wealth and control of technology and resources. Which accelerates the road to a one world government, where the same criminals own everything. Take your favorite product, at one time it may have been owned by an individual; today it is owned by a holding company, which is probably owned by a bank. Think of all the products your remember growing up and now realize they have been purchased by the same set of criminals who can play with the ingredients (toxins), reduce the quality of parts (obsolescence), reduce the skill and craftsmanship (outsourcing).

But the bankers are just one arm of a criminal operation. Other bad guys want a cut of the pie, so we change academia from learning to loan factories, we change medicine from health to the manufacture of chemically controlled robots; we change defense from protecting the homeland into overpriced contracts for the things we don’t need, cannot afford and do not work; we change a young man or young woman’s patriotism and military service into world wide thuggery, murder and death.

Most importantly, between the bubbles, our friends manipulate markets and products to create artificial scarcities which justify high prices on all commodities (peak oil, water, electricity, food, etc.) and services.

Everything to create more debt and accelerate the enslavement of humanity, forever.

By: laurabruno Wed, 01 Jul 2015 00:00:30 +0000 Oh, I think they have it planned to happen, but whether it does or not is a different question. People might want to consider socially responsible investing and/or impact investing or shareholder advocacy. As shareholders/investors, people actually do have way more leverage than they realize. Pulling money out of corporations ruining our planet and economy and instead putting that money into local projects or more promising companies that just need some cash flow is one powerful way to opt out of the casino culture.

By: jacobite2015 Tue, 30 Jun 2015 21:08:27 +0000 Informative article. So…I guess having a company 401k with funds invested in the stock market is nothing more than gambling with the wall-street casinos? Though many financial experts have predicted a market meltdown worse than the 29 crash, I wonder if the magic money creators at the Fed Reserve and the IMF would actually let it happen?

By: jacobite2015 Tue, 30 Jun 2015 21:08:04 +0000 Informative article. So…I guess having a company 401k with funds invested in the stock market is nothing more than gambling with the wall-street casinos? Though many financial experts have predicted a market meltdown worse than the 29 crash, I wonder if the magic money creators at the Fed Reserve and the IMF would actually let it happen?

By: The Chiefe (@the_chiefe71) Tue, 30 Jun 2015 18:21:53 +0000 Monday June 29, 2015:

Obama signes TPP Fast-track “bill”

Tuesday June 30, 2015:

Jerry Brown (California governor) signs mandatory vaccination “bill” for ALL public & private school enrollments in California


Coming soon, new “Federal” “bill”:

Mandatory consumption of Monsanto’s GMO corn in each American household, with the mandatory amount per person in each household to be decided by Michelle Obama.

By: laurabruno Tue, 30 Jun 2015 12:36:46 +0000 Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:
Another excellent piece by Jon Rappoport — this one explaining the difference between capitalism and what he calls “meta-capitalism.” As Greece and Puerto Rico default and economists pontificate about likely ramifications, Jon puts it all into the larger context of the big, rigged poker game and how that game is played.

By: ebolainfo Tue, 30 Jun 2015 07:33:55 +0000 Reblogged this on EbolaInfo and commented:
Insiders propagandized the (false) worth of the dot-com sector, pumped the stocks, lured mad investors and speculators to the table…

By: Sean Tue, 30 Jun 2015 03:38:46 +0000 Nicely written article.
