Comments on: Federal judge erases Maui voters, bows to Monsanto Sun, 05 Jul 2015 20:46:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: KIMO KALA Sun, 05 Jul 2015 20:46:50 +0000 ..look at “UMPAH”.., OH, yea, it’s “OPRAH!” DOES SHE LOOK LIKE SHE EATS NON-GMO?

By: InalienableWrights Sat, 04 Jul 2015 07:22:19 +0000 To bad the voters have not figured out who runs the country, and that voting is just show for the “useful idiots”

By: NWO Reporter Fri, 03 Jul 2015 23:55:39 +0000 The 9th Circuit is probably the most likely appeals court in the entire country to reverse the Maui decision. Sounds good, except it won’t matter in the end, because Monsanto will appeal, and the Supreme Court will reverse the 9th Circuit. SCOTUS would probably welcome a case like this, to put a stop to local anti-GMO efforts. But don’t worry, its ruling will sound impeccably reasoned and impartial.

By: From Québec Fri, 03 Jul 2015 16:46:05 +0000 “We are swimming in round-up.
The city is less toxic than were I live.”


Sorry to hear this, Michael. I thought you were safe in North Central Saskatchewan. Here in Laval, Québec, we don’t have so many farm fields. We use to have a lot of them when I was young, but now they are almost all gone.

But we get a lot of chemtrails. Every day, I can see them running right over the place I live in. I hope there won’t be so many where I’m moving to in 15 days.

It makes me so mad to see these idiots destroying our planet and our health. It’s hard for me to believe that seven billion people cannot seem to be able to win over this tiny group of criminal psychopaths. Where has all our power gone to?

I hope that the message of Jon, about imagination, creativity and individual power will reach the mass in time to save this beautiful planet we live on.

By: Elise Travis Fri, 03 Jul 2015 07:28:41 +0000 With all the Celeb’s and Hollywood Elite that come to Maui every year, and live here and claim to Love Maui where are they? Why aren’t they speaking out and getting the word out what is happening here? Why aren’t they giving back and helping to save Maui from Monsanto? We need their help. We need donations, Their voices could be heard and they could help make a difference. I guess when Maui becomes a toxic dump they’ll just move on to another island ,if there are any left. Rob Schneider ,Neil Young and Lukas & Micah Nelson and Promise of The Real have all supported and spoken up on our behalf. It helps give us the strength we need to continue fighting this battle, that we are
not alone. Kudo’s to Rob for sharing this info on his Facebook and tweeting . Maui is prime for it’s land & perfect weather for the spraying of their chemical cocktails and perfecting their seeds. Monsanto doesn’t care about tourism. They would just as well get rid of everyone and take over all our lands and control the World’s food supply. Will tourists still come to Maui knowing what is happening here? Will the hotels wake up and see it’s too late and they should have gotten on board and spoken out? Is everyone asleep as Monsanto takes control and poisons Maui?
Most of all, a big Mahalo to Jon Rapport. He has stood by us from the very beginning, speaking truth and informing everyone , always hitting it right on the nose. He is there when we take a bad hit and brings us up again. The next punch is ours and I hope it’s a big one!

By: Michael Burns Fri, 03 Jul 2015 01:42:42 +0000 Cont’d
All over the country side around my little town, and they dump it in the school yard and the playground and along the edges of the sidewalk.
Then the old retired farmers who live in town and grow gardens, dumb it on their gardens and around their edges of their property and along fences. I have seen them spray along the edge of the primary school building. People got around squirting it on individual dandelion…strange dandelions were brought to Canada in the 1600’s as a food source. It is highly nutrious.

Round-up drains into the wetlands.
I have seen a flock of 100 sparrows fall from the sky because of the helicopter spraying of round-up on a field of wheat in the fall to desiccated the wheat crop.
Everybody in this town dies of cancer…but they seem to make the connection that 1 plus 1 equals cancer.
I knew a farmer who put round-up in a paint tray and used a paint roller to apply it around his evergreen trees…he’s dead now.

Sorry I am too busy over here Kimo Kala to help you in Maui. We are swimming in round-up.
The city is less toxic than were I live.

By: Michael Burns Fri, 03 Jul 2015 00:43:30 +0000 I live in north central Saskatchewan.
Every spring and summer they dumb millions of liters of round-up

By: From Québec Thu, 02 Jul 2015 20:27:19 +0000 Alternative Health Practitioner’s Death is Third in Past Two Weeks
Mysterious spate of deaths rattle medical community

By: Ainalani Thu, 02 Jul 2015 18:15:30 +0000 Eh bra, aloha from Upcountry. How are the Islands to heal, if the cancer has not been eliminated? You gonna just roll over and let them plow you under? Maybe you forgot the true meaning of “Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono”?

By: Citizen Thu, 02 Jul 2015 16:08:28 +0000 I’m trying to find a copy of the opinion. Anyone have a link?
