The story doesn’t seem to give specific details about the woman’s age or whether or not she had ever receieved the MMR. The report states that “the woman had several other health conditions (like what?) and was on medications (which ones?) that contributed to a suppressed immune system.” It continues to say that the woman had no symptoms of measles and the infection wasn’t discovered until after her death, which health authorities claim was “pneumonia.” (can’t pneumonia be from several causes?).
So, to me, it sounds like a severly immunocompromised person that could of died of any viral or bacterial infection. However, I guess the pro-vaxx tyrants will always try to blame the unvaccinated when an immunocompromised person dies of a viral or bacterial infection. Now you would think immunocompromised person who’s at risk of serious problems if exposed to any viruses or bacteria in the first place, would simply want to stay out of the public and reduced THEIR risk of exposure.
The blame game continues….
]]>And for those “high brows” out there, you can always catch one of the most literate versions of this slight-of-hand: Globalist Mouthpiece Charlie Rose at his round table (a literate, literal circle-jerk). Things like “But can she leverage voter enthusiasm?” and “It’ll be a horse race to the end, that’s fer sure!” will be said to make everyone sound smart and all-knowing. Charlie will say “coalesce” at least once a show.
And not the slightest indication from any of these highly educated idiots that the whole system is illegitimate and has been for a long time.
As more and more people realize that it’s all one big illusion.
]]>I am going to do something really stupid and flick the idiot box on at news time tonight and observe. It’s been a while.
]]>WOW! You really nailed it strong this time. If people do not get this, then there is no hope for humanity.