Comments on: The CIA: long-range planning for a drugged and debilitated society Thu, 01 Aug 2019 00:33:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chad Warren Mon, 24 Aug 2015 16:26:33 +0000 Bro, I concur. We who follow curiousity and feel a duty to warn the others and use this friend network to pull ourselves out of the poison traps of daily life should STOP even trying to confront the drones.

Seriously, we’re at the amputee decision point if you ask me. We should just accept that we are part trans-human to some degree because we depend on this inter-network to access “we the people of the world” so we’re causing unneccesary suffering biting off more than we can chew.

Eugenics is not new. Go read Plato’s Republic. If you think we should have nice landscaped yards then you’re for controlled growth.

Its natural that there are a mass of follower people that are expendable not by my opinion but by their choice to live at the convenience or mercy of the manmade system.

I think we are progressing because anyone can opt out regardless of how much money we have or education – its a personal decision.

I think we could attract more to the back to eden plus using tech respectful of human nature if we just went out way and one day people started asking – where did what’s her face go off to?

We’ll be there either in an urban or rural environment being self sustainable and interconnected eating pure food and playing music and letting our children learn form playing in the woods.

I’m thankful that I’m not worried about all this stuff anymore – its too much to process so the old way of shouting about the invasion of the body snatchers won’t work.

What can we get each other to do is the question – we should do simple things like grow some flowers to help bees pollinate then collect a symbol of our work on a website so people can see that little daily acts turn into big action.

We are going to see a separation of those who become the androids and those who protect human nature – I would just accept that.

By: Cilla Mitchell Thu, 09 Jul 2015 14:33:26 +0000 Much like the state medical boards are responsible for legalized genocide.

The first line of defense against preventable medical errors in the United States is the state medical boards. Their responsibility and obligation to the public is to protect patients by ensuring all physicians in the state are properly licensed and comply with the laws and state regulations pertaining to the practice of medicine.

The media reports preventable medical errors are the third leading cause of deaths in the USA. The figures reflect 1,000,000, and some even 1.5 million deaths per year, making deaths by the medical community number one in the USA which includes long term care, deaths by pharmaceuticals, mistakes and/or negligence by doctors and nurses. This is unacceptable and horrific considering the total amount of deaths exceeded in a 10 year period is more than all the wars the United States has participated in since 1775. The state medical boards are responsible for these deaths and can be compared to legalized genocide.

How does this happen? How can 1,000,000 people die each year without accountability? The Texas Medical Board is a strong example of how this happens nationally. Mark Bello, a retired trial attorney with over thirty three years of experience stated:

“The Texas Medical Board (TMB) is not required to disclose cases of medical malpractice when a doctor moves from another state. In fact, they are not required to look into cases. You read that correctly, the Texas Medical Board does not check to see if a doctor moving from another state has a track record of seriously injuring or killing patients. The responsibility to disclose malpractice cases rests solely on the doctor. If the doctor does not report his/her own medical negligence, patients are left in the dark. And, it gets better. Thanks to Governor Perry, if you are injured, or worse, it is nearly impossible to seek justice because the state tort reform severely reduces a doctor’s accountability for negligence. Feel safe now?

According to the TMB, all state medical boards have full access to the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB), which lists malpractice cases and disciplinary actions taken against doctors, but because the NPDB charges for queries it is rarely, if ever done. Why? Because it would cost the state an estimated $160,000 a year to check on every doctor licensed in the state. There you have it; in Texas, your life is not worth $160,000. Sadly, Texas has become a safe haven for dangerous doctors. They can erase previous harm done in another state, then avoid accountability for harm caused in the future. If you were a doctor with a history of committing malpractice, wouldn’t you move to Texas? Unfortunately for Texas, until anti-justice tort reformers are legislatively reversed these stories won’t stop”.

State medical boards for the most part, are appointed by governors. Members are volunteer physicians and members of the public, for example, real estate brokers, individuals who own insurance companies, geologists, head hunters, attorneys and other members who do not have medical backgrounds or experience. The reason these people are appointed board members is simple. These positions are used as political favors by the governors and these positions are used to reward them for assisting the governors to win the elections. This is a way the governor repays them for their favors.

Examples of how the Texas Medical Board communicates with the public when concerns are directed to the board for deaths caused by doctors and the public demanding justice and accountability is shown in the correspondence spokeswoman Leigh Hopper sent to family members or verbally communicated via phone.

“We judge a doctor’s guilt by their demeanor.” This response is a blatant display of arrogance towards the public, which was given to Anna Mae Rooks and myself. We were told we would be able to attend the hearing, and the medical board lied to us because neither one of us received notice to attend.

Ms. Elizabeth LaBozetta also received a similar response from the Ohio Medical Board.

“I confronted them about my concrete evidence and asked why they still refused to take action against my surgeon. Their reply: “We don’t have to take action. We do not owe any duty to any individual.” Later she found out why the medical board did not owe any duty with a case she found, Warren v District of Columbia. Warren v. District of Columbia is an oft-quoted District of Columbia Court of Appeals case that held that the police did not owe a specific duty to provide police services to the plaintiffs based on the public duty doctrine.
Ms. LaBozetta also stated ,” A top-level staff member at the Ohio State Medical Board tried to steal my best evidence after inviting me to bring it in for show-and-tell. After looking at each page she asked to take the stack to another room “to copy for their files” and carefully picked out and stole ALL the most incriminating pages, the ones she had taken the most interest in. I did not find out about the theft until I got home and was refiling my papers. Thankfully, I knew enough about how crooked these so-called protection agencies can be and had taken in only COPIES of my evidence–so that thief didn’t get what she thought she did. And I phoned her to make sure she knew it”.

There is a momentum of patient safety advocates and patient safety sites growing in our country. Many people believe that by passing more laws will decrease the collateral damage left behind the medical cartel. The first line of defense is not being addressed because the medical cartel made it impossible to penetrate the medical boards and hold them accountable for failing to do their job. When the first line of defense is not accountable for their actions any law passed to decrease injuries and deaths will not make a difference because the figures and deaths each year is increasing, not decreasing.

This is why state medical boards are responsible for legalized genocide in the USA

Cilla Mitchell
A Texas nurse and US Army vet

By: Gökmen Wed, 08 Jul 2015 14:47:33 +0000 Great information, man, thank you for sharing knowledge.
Space traveller oh yeah but this thing I made was nothing like DMT. It was supposed to be like DMT but I screwed up something maybe. To keep it short: It was one of those older experiences, a plant poisons you too bad you get awaken naturally after making your way out of that experience. hehe. maybe I get the good stuff next time around.

I’m still processing man..I don’t know what language was that but, existing in a place where time doesn’t exist was a big eyeopener for me. To finding out that I’m eternal. still processing. A year passed. Working on other matters, too busy atm, preparing a book and a website to translate massive chunks of knowledge to Turkish-share. None of these matters are published here you see or there ain’t no researcher doing It, and was what I ought to do all along it seems. short life, 29 years. I will find peace in me when I put this output with my life, and working on it since winter.

you know, mystic coming back from the journey, has to have some proof with him. too busy crafting that atm.
Glad you know the ways, keep on shining soul brother.

By: From Québec Wed, 08 Jul 2015 04:27:56 +0000 Well, get rid of these monsters, just cut the legs of your bed…lol

By: himagain Wed, 08 Jul 2015 01:11:54 +0000 Caution! Do not read anything by Jon Rappaport before going to bed !
Unfortunately the monsters in his stories are real – AND under your bed…………..

By: himagain Wed, 08 Jul 2015 00:58:23 +0000 I’m losing many of my contacts these days, ever since I released a simple paper to my group entitled: “The Noah Dilemma”.

Understandable, because I don’t like reading Jon Rappaport’s work. It’s scary!
Unfortunately, most of what Jon writes is only alarming confirmation of my own information/thoughts/research but what I/we all really need now is answers. We already have the proved, awful details.

Here, in summary, is the result of my own last fifty years research.
To literally save you and yours, you have to:

Cities are now far too deadly to live in.

Sorry people, it’s the best we can offer.

By: KSKing Tue, 07 Jul 2015 14:50:43 +0000 I recently stumbled upon a talk by Aldous Huxley given at Berkley in 1962. It’s an eye opening talk from an insider. It’s referenced as the ‘Ultimate Revolution’.

MP3 –
Youtube –

Here are 2 paragraphs relevant to this post;

“And it is of course true that pharmacologists are producing a great many new wonder drugs
where the cure is almost worse than the disease. Every year the new edition of medical
textbooks contains a longer and longer chapter of what are Iatrogenic diseases, that is to say
diseases caused by doctors (laughter} And this is quite true, many of the wonder drugs are
extremely dangerous. I mean they can produce extraordinary effects, and in critical
conditions they should certainly be used, but they should be used with the utmost caution.
But there is evidently a whole class of drugs effecting the CNS which can produce enormous
changes in sedation in euphoria in energizing the whole mental process without doing any
perceptible harm to the human body, and this presents to me the most extraordinary
revolution. In the hands of a dictator these substances in one kind or the other could be used
with, first of all, complete harmlessness, and the result would be, you can imagine a euphoric
that would make people thoroughly happy even in the most abominable circumstances.

I mean these things are possible. This is the extraordinary thing, I mean after all this is even
true with the crude old drugs. I mean, a housemate years ago remarked after reading Milton’s
Paradise Lost, He Says “And beer does more than Milton can to justify God’s ways to man”
(laughter). And beer is of course, an extremely crude drug compared to these ones. And you
can certainly say that some of the psychic energizers and the new hallucinants could do
incomparably more than Milton and all the Theologicians combined could possibly do to
make the terrifying mystery of our existence seem more tolerable than it does. And here I
think one has an enormous area in which the ultimate revolution could function very well
indeed, an area in which a great deal of control could be used by not through terror, but by
making life seem much more enjoyable than it normally does. Enjoyable to the point, where
as I said before, Human beings come to love a state of things by which any reasonable and
decent human standard they ought not to love and this I think is perfectly possible.”

By: Bj Tue, 07 Jul 2015 04:11:15 +0000 Have more Wi-Fi information effects?

By: Michael Burns Tue, 07 Jul 2015 03:51:04 +0000 I see the minister asked Varoufakis to step back. He will be back unless. They give him a vacation with the fishes.
The Germans are slimy…and I find it interesting that having been involved in the two major world wars, that they are in such great financial state.
I guess the new fadderland has been fortunate for them, NATO money…Amerika.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 07 Jul 2015 03:38:41 +0000 @Gökmen
WiFi, microwave and EMF technologies are Tesla’s invention. Of course I don’t think he understood their terrible effects on the human body and brain. And the chakra system. His Intent was true, and the science in modern times has been manipulated. The US government has weaponized the tech.
We as human are connected to vibration,  the Schumann resonance of 7.83 is a very important frequency. It is the lower earth frequency with the highest intensity. Its whats called the grounding frequency. When you take your shoes and socks off and stand on bare ground you are harmonizing or grounding and retuning to that base frequency. Quite like tuning a musical instrument. It resets all the internal gauges. Studies have shown before and after Biorhythms, re-adjust, reset if they are in a dysfunctional  state. These rhythms relate to stamina ,energy, emotional stability…and the beat goes on.

So if interfered with over a prolonged period, sickness is the most likely result.
For instance someone living near high power Hydro lines are being constantly affected by 50 to 60 Hz ELF radiation. Prolonged exposure to this will produce Leukemia in weaker, immune compromised individual. All cancers are greater along power corridors.
It is in the ELF (extremely Low Frequency) range 3 to 300 Hz, that has a very long wave length, 10,000 to 100,000 Kilometers. It can penetrate deep into salt water, roughly 120 feet and having very low attenuation of 3 decibels over a 1000 kilometer. Moving in a zig-zag from 10 to 60 Kilometers high bouncing of the an ionized ionosphere back to earth. . It is a very stable medium of communication. It has a hissing sound.
It is in the VLF range that information can be carried on 3000 Hz to 30000 Hz.

ULF (Ultra Low Frequency) is 0.3 to 3 HZ
VLF (Very Low Frequency) is 3 kHz to kHz
All these can be related to disease.
Microwave is in extremely in the high range of frequencies…megahertzs, and the wave (micro) will fit inside a human cell.

I sometimes go for a walk around my little town here late at night.  I too have listened as the frequencies are amped up.
I live close to a Gwen Tower (Ground Wave Emergency Network). We get very powerful Northern lights (Aurora Borealis) here in Saskatchewan. I have seen GWEN draw Aurora down almost to the ground and let it go when it is pulsing. I have also saw many times it effect on chem-trails. Gathering an rippling the resultant cloud bank like sand on a beach. Sometimes they are fractal shaped clouds. Different frequencies make different shaped clouds. Haarp micro-waved ionosphere creates high or lower pressure to move it.

The government says that they no longer use GWEN;  it was initially a cold war communication system because of its stability and ability to go around or through objects. ELF can penetrate granite.
But we all know the government tells the truth…right…wink wink. MOther fu……..s.

Interesting point you made about bees. Yes they are connected to Schumann and the natural Matrix. . But other frequencies interfere, confusing the little fellows. That and the Neonicotinoid pesticides that are addicting them to nicotine and now they seek out the plants with that pesticide on it…death by addiction.
You can cause a bee colony to abandon with a cell phone in two weeks…just put a turned on phone in the hive and leave.

You’re a space traveller. Ahh that’s good.
Ajna for me and has been running at 110 % for a long time…fifty years. I’m starting to shine man. I spend a lot of time with the  esoteric.
Old Turkish brews…well we know about them. Gökmen.
I have my own shamanic joy juices. Yagé I would like to try, preferably in the jungle the old way with the Indians.
A hero’s dose of 5 grams of psilocybin mushrooms every month or so allows me to keep my third eye squeeezy clean. Gets the bugs out and I can stretch the boundaries of the egoic mind box.

Interesting brew you are making… is it DMT based? A Syrian rue maybe.
What kind of writing did you do on your brew. Automatic? Sumerian? Aramaic or old Greek…alien?
