Comments on: The vaccine matrix: covert birth control, female sterility Mon, 14 Jun 2021 13:26:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: TheAlmightyPill Thu, 15 Oct 2020 18:05:09 +0000 RTP *really* knows his stuff. He strikes directly and relentlessly at the heart of the fraud. I was lucky to come across his efforts years ago in a different context.

Another great read (costs a few bucks for a digital copy) is “Fooling Ourselves on the Fundamental Value of Vaccines” by Greg Beattie:

Greg and RTP make fundamentally devastating and irrefutable arguments, but they may be hard to grasp for those just beginning to question. So often you will have to argue the “safety” and “corruption” angles.

Two things to keep in mind:

1) Safety arguments are fundamentally about who can instill the greatest fear, and the government can always pull out the biggest stick on the Germ Theory-believing masses (e.g. Covid). So it is a good angle for starting to open minds, for exposing cracks in the Church of Vaccination, but ultimately a losing argument. (In)effectiveness, or even better, falsity of Germ Theory, wins the day.

2) There is no doubt massive corruption within vaccine research, but uncovering it is tricky. Furthermore, much of vaccine science operates not on explicit corruption but institutional and paradigmatic blindness: vaccine scientists take Germ Theory as a given and on that basis are trained to cut fundamentally important corners (isolation, proving Koch’s Postulates, etc) as a regular matter. So in that sense, the “fraud” is baked into the operating belief systems and circularly reinforcing them.

By: k. sam Fri, 09 Sep 2016 23:07:03 +0000 At 41, I was given a DTap vaccine right after I gave birth to my 2nd son, in the hospital, I did not know what I know now. I have been trying to get pregnant for 2.5 years and cannot. Could the vaccine, in someone as old as I was still cause infertility?

By: Cal Sun, 01 Nov 2015 15:44:22 +0000 You might want to educate yourself a bit further so that you can at least tell the truth from the lies and propaganda being fed to the public.

Start here:

By: Doreen Agostino Sat, 01 Aug 2015 01:16:48 +0000 To quote

We live in a world stacked with TNT, run by monkeys with matches!

By: FP Mon, 20 Jul 2015 22:47:00 +0000 Excellent direct quotes in the article. This is a keeper! Could they proclaim their mass-murdering guilt any louder?! Absolutely wicked, Men-Playing-God.


On another note: Big Pharma’s drugs are making people go bonkers in China:

Liao said he harbored hatred for the doctor because he believed medicine prescribed by [Dr.] Ou was to blame for his chronic headaches.
According to a police investigation into the attack at Longmen, Liao went to the doctors’ office at Longmen hospital to look for Dr. Ou, who had been his doctor, on Wednesday to inquire about his headaches. Ou asked him to go to the outpatient department as she was not on duty at the clinic that day.

Liao became agitated and took out a knife from his bag. Ou was injured on her right hand and left arm before Liao was stopped by others.
7/19/15: “600,000 Chinese doctors sign petition against hospital violence”:

Too bad it’s not the other way around:

“600,000 Chinese PATIENTS sign petition against Doctors/Hospitals/Drugs”

By: person Sat, 18 Jul 2015 17:36:55 +0000 Thank you for sharing this video. I had a hunch that aborted fetus was for sale, and this video confirmed it.

By: jacobite2015 Fri, 17 Jul 2015 08:41:59 +0000 Great info rtp!

The child health-safety site was especially informative. As I’m relatively new to this, information to refute the pro-vaxxer’s continual presentation of stats that show effectiveness of vaccine reduced deaths & cases is paramount in this controversy.

I’m wondering though, how much of the “sacred” stats they stand on have been skewed and manipulated by the CDC & WHO? How much funding do these organizations receive from the pharma industry? How could one find out any disclosure on this? Freedom of info act?

Furthermore, what about other countries’ national department’s of health organizations as far as funding from CDC & WHO is concerned? For example, the popular science blog “Respectful Insolence” orchestrated by the imperious and haughty “Orac” are reporting this new stat: “MMR vax campaign last year in the Philippines reduced measles cases by 95% and measles mortality by 97% compared from the previous year.” Could that be an outright fraudulent report propagated by the WHO and CDC?

One other thing Orac’s science blog boasts about is that any vax safety and effectiveness study done by the the National Institute of Health is NOT influenced by the pharma industry and has no affiliation with the CDC. I’ve heard other mainstreaming scientists say the same thing. And I know the NIH does lots of studies on a multitude of areas other than vaccines. Are they trustworthy or is there some “under the table” funding from the pharma industry that is being concealed from the public?

I think the biggest way to counter the pro-vaccine’s *aggressive* movement of vaxx safety & effectiveness with their sacred studies & stats is to show the fraud and influence by the pharma industry (i.e., industry funded studies tend to show a positive). Otherwise, they seem to have the upper hand with their studies & stats (and certainly that’s what the politicians are believing with all this recent legislation going on).

By: Theodore Thu, 16 Jul 2015 23:52:20 +0000 Wow! Thanks!

to digress,…

I like the precise wording,…

For example,… “The purpose of measles vaccine was to reduce the *total* number of people with encephalitis and deafness”

implying to me THE CRAZINESS OF ALLOPATHIC DOCTOR LAND (when they are not fixing broken bones or repairing gunshot wounds…),… in this case, a “severe something going on in the person (brain swelling, deafness) — due to various causes (toxic chemicals in the body, dehydration, nutritional deficiency, trace mineral deficiency, etc)” — labeled by an (ignorant) allopathic doctor as “measles”… THEN, some other “scientist” allopaths (at corporations) tinkering with one very, very small area of the overall immune system in an attempt to try to prevent the symptoms from occurring… when the real root cause of the illness — for the given patient at hand — is some combination of toxic chemicals in the body, dehydration, nutritional deficiency, trace mineral deficiency, not enough sleep, etc., etc.

to digress further,…

when, it comes to “diagnosis labels” — for the doctor who is face-to-face with the patient, that is just a label to get them into the ball park — i would think. Then the real, real work would need to begin — i would think. Asking the patient questions around toxicity and deficiencies, etc., etc… It just seems like the “diagnosis labels” adds an unnecessary layer of confusion, IMO. And the “scientist” allopaths (at corporations) RUN with all this! CRAZY LAND! BAZARRO WORLD!

By: rtp Thu, 16 Jul 2015 22:30:16 +0000 I came up with some concise points people can make to explain to others that vaccines don’t actually work. It only uses ‘mainstream’ sources so sheeple can’t dismiss them.

The purpose of measles vaccine was to reduce the *total* number of people with encephalitis and deafness. There was no significant reduction. and

The purpose of rubella vaccine was to reduce the *total* number of kids with congenital defects. There was no significant reduction

The purpose of the polio vaccine was to reduce the *total* number of crippled children, etc. There was no significant reduction (see data for India in 1996 and again in 2014) as well as and publications/sipp2010.html (Table A-4) (for disability rates).

The purpose of the diphtheria/pertussis vaccine was to dramatically reduce the number of kids hospitalised with respiratory infections. But hospitalisations due to respiratory infections are now extremely common.

The purpose of the Hep B vaccine was to reduce the *total* number of people with liver cancer. Rates in the US have tripled since the introduction of the vaccine.

The purpose of the Hib vaccine was to reduce the total number of cases of meningitis/pneumonia/sepsis. It did no such thing.… (look at meningococcal disease (invasive) and pneumococcal disease (invasive)) and because of the dismal failure of this vaccine it was inevitably followed by further attempts to vaccinate people against meningitis supposedly caused by other strains (eg Prevnar) showing that abject lunacy (doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result) is the standard procedure for vaccination policy experts.

And so on and so forth. When you try and marry up the vaccine against the *real world problem* it was supposed to address (as opposed to the number of germs found in the patient’s body) it is always an abject failure.

I will give this one non-government site as a link – (all of the data comes from government mortality data) which shows that even if you ignore the pro-treatment bias of doctors and trust the government data, there is no way you can claim that vaccines have saved millions of lives.

By: Hawkeye Thu, 16 Jul 2015 20:48:20 +0000 has articles written about how vac’s are being put in to these chem trails as well. You won’t consent, then inhale it.
“….too many people are disruption for the transnational corp.’s….” all connected to the chem trails folks.
Taking a crisis and making the most of it, except this time, time is too short for a future for the bankster transy group. It’s why we are being sprayed. Think about it hard, hope you catch my drift. Great job Jon, thanks much for your info!
