Comments on: Exit From The Matrix: your inner capabilities and powers Tue, 28 Jul 2015 12:28:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karen Tue, 28 Jul 2015 12:28:45 +0000 Just read your article on “The World Is [An] Anchor Space”.

This is so jolting to me right now. And it does seem like society is all about making sure the lowest common denominator are served when we censor everything we think and say (like “I love all mankind” or “I try to think color blind” or “Sticks and stones can break my bones but names don’t have to hurt me”) to higher functioning people — which convey freedom of choice — so that a few bullies and racists don’t get the wrong idea that we’re being permissive.

No, I don’t bow to the interest of people who can’t understand. No, I’m not permissive but I’m also not going to center my life’s work and interactions around what wrong headed people might misunderstand.

If you think that makes me “part of the problem”, that’s going to have to be your problem. Just don’t come to me to fix it. I can tell you what a wasted investment on your part that is right now. End of discussion.

I’ve got creative, fulfilling work to do today. That’ll be my contribution to society. Bowing to the wrong headed is not on my agenda. Anyway, those are some of my feelings about that.

By: Tracy Sat, 25 Jul 2015 11:34:13 +0000 It’s interesting how even a little imagination makes such a big difference. I find it therapeutic too. I can have treatment any time I like (with no nasty “side effects”).

