Comments on: Official science: the grand illusion for all robots Mon, 10 Aug 2015 14:59:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bachateroachatero Mon, 10 Aug 2015 14:59:28 +0000 What makes everybody think sheeple should survive? Sheeple are for dinner, maybe lunch. Sheeple are background noise but who is the signal?

By: phil Wed, 05 Aug 2015 01:31:32 +0000 I’m sure that the readers of this blog want to better understand some of the very valid points made by the author. For instance, you may want to be able to intelligently discuss the pseudo-science of psychiatry and how it differs from real medicine and from the natural sciences. I highly recommend the almost 40 books of the late Dr. Thomas Szasz. “The Myth of Mental Illness,” far more than just a provocative title, is probably his most famous work.

Dr. Szasz, an atheist, co-founded an organization (CCHR) with the Church of Scientology. However, he was never a scientologist. He was an atheist. Scientology was the ONLY organization willing to provide money to hire lawyers to help free innocent people incarcerated in prisons called “mental hospitals.” Szasz would have co-founded an organization with any group willing to put up the money to try to free enslaved people. He would have done the same thing with the Catholic Church, Judaism, the Nation of Islam, protestant churches, the Church of Satan, and any other group. He was famous for his criticism of psychiatry and the “Myth of Mental Illness” long before this partnership.

I say this because people often dismiss his work by saying, “Oh, Szasz, that’s all that Scientology gobbledygook, ha, ha,ha, LOL.” Of course, no reader of the Jon Rappaport blog would be dumb enough to fall victim to that type of ad hominem argument. But, just in case, I thought I would mention this. If you have the requisite courage and intelligence (and you will need far more courage than intelligence), please do yourself the favor and start getting some Tom Szasz in your life. He was the greatest man of any of our lifetimes. We should honor him accordingly. Come find out what a valedictorian of the University of Cincinnati Medical School thought about the “medical specialty” of psychiatry and its consequences.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 01 Aug 2015 10:42:04 +0000 It is not too late. Rebellion must be subliminal and resilient. The “powers” will get the message and, given enough resilience, change tack. It will mean “sacrifice” for the thinking middle classes, though.

The issue doesn’t seem to be “them” but, rather, “us” – the ones that sit on their hands whilst ever so quietly “crying foul”.

By: drketedc Fri, 31 Jul 2015 18:59:09 +0000 Remember Galileo? Substitute ‘government’ for ‘church’. Saying the science is settled means there is more control over the individual and he can be tried in the court of public opinion for heresy. Keep up the good work, Mr Rappoport, but I fear it is too late.

By: jacobite2015 Fri, 31 Jul 2015 08:51:34 +0000 Great info Jon!

In the realm of vaccines, that’s all I hear today is this new catchphrase: “the science is settled” or “the science is solid.” For example, try taking your unvaccinated/undervaccinated children to a pediatrician for a sport physical or something, and you’ll be bombarded with “the science is settled” on effectiveness & safety of vaccines. Even those friendly nurses like to get into the action by saying how “the science is solid” on vaccines.

Try talking to parents of vaccinated children who are terrified to have their kids come anywhere near unvaccinated kids. When we give them our reasons why we refuse/dissent from vaccines, they invariable respond that they watched some PBS science program on vaccines where it said “the science is solid.”

Try going on one of the science blogs stating that you refuse vaccines for your children. You’ll be with met with some of the most vicious, demeaning and degrading attacks because in their tyrannical mind, refusing vaccines regulates you to a 2nd class citizen because the “science is settled.”

I’m glad I live in a world where the “science” is so “settled” when it comes to vaccines. I should sleep much better now….

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 31 Jul 2015 07:40:53 +0000 Thank you, Gok.

Undemocratic Turkish earthquakes, NATO, “911” and Erdogan/Davutoglu sought refuge in one, I think!

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 31 Jul 2015 07:37:21 +0000 MB you evaluate the “short form”.

Sentiment was inspired by three separate interviews:

First was with a Squadron Leader, second with a Captain and the third with a Brigadier. All said the same thing in not so many words,

“the reason [our boys] join the forces is they LIKE KILLING PEOPLE”.

Thus, the cowards can do what they enjoy – killing safely without any fear of reprisal. If is FAR more dangerous being a civilian in Iraq. Check the stat’s!

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 31 Jul 2015 07:30:49 +0000 Well spotted MB.

Blair/Orwell was also a “mouthpiece” for the Illumati aiming at cancelling any prospect of “rebellion”.

By: Gökmen Thu, 30 Jul 2015 22:28:08 +0000 Survival in physical means is stupid, as your idea of “bulding arks” in my hones opinion.
That’s one of the oldest catchphrase. You won’t have to ‘survive’ by any means, unless you create. That’s how you survive. Not by building an ark or some shiit like that.

By: Gökmen Thu, 30 Jul 2015 19:07:01 +0000 That is one great post from you OT, straight up fire and thought provoking.
