Comments on: Jon Rappoport Live, Newport Beach, CA: it’s free Mon, 10 Aug 2015 15:02:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: bdoyenBarb Mon, 10 Aug 2015 15:02:51 +0000 Sure wish I could be there! How about having a live feed online for us to attend virtually?

By: Greg O. Sat, 08 Aug 2015 05:09:52 +0000 %#@*!!. Starting my vacation eight days later! In the olden days, traveling through two or three states to go to a rock concert was no big deal. That lost its appeal a long time ago. Driving that same distance now to see Jon Rappoport? THAT would get me off my ass and on the road again.

Yeah I know, I sound like a real kiss-up. But for me, truth merchants are the rock stars in the new millenium.

By: Kimo Kala Fri, 07 Aug 2015 08:17:12 +0000 DEFINITELY!! Presently, I’ve been pushing on THE HOMELESS situation in HNL, HI–it’s criminal what’s happening, absolutely heinous.. With the ongoing lull in the MAUI/HI GMO issues presently at a standstill, I’ve been writing about the Homeless issues in HNL (been canceled on F’BOOK, and HNL CIVIL BEAT, and daily censored on HNL Staradvertiser, don’t feel like creating new identity’s, besides they track your IP address, etc.. So, instead–I’ve been hammering on every Hawaii politician. Amazing how maligned they all are.. I’m presently in Ketchum, ID with an elderly family member–who’s been quite ill, etc.. Enroute down to L.A. via SFO and I need the drive… Expect to see you in NPB, CA–my old stomping grounds, many moons ago… Still have my VIP Backstage Pass for “The Golden Bear,” Huntington Beach (HUH! Where’s that?)… MAHALO/ALOHA!
