Comments on: Psychiatry: erase the unique individual Sat, 07 Jan 2017 08:14:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robbin Knepp Sat, 07 Jan 2017 08:14:17 +0000 The outrageous behavior of an individual with a schizoaffective disorder, or schizophrenia is the worst form of mental illness a person can have, and only about one percent of the population has it. Living with a loved one who suffers from audio hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, eating disorder, addictions is hell. Finding the right meds has finally allowed her to function and have a life. She became ill suddenly 11 years ago, and I have had to deal with the broken medical community during this time, and was totally in the dark. I tried going through the Ortho Molecular medicine founded by the late Abram Hoffer, and it was a challenge to say the least. When you are dealing with an individual with addictions to soda, junk food, smoking, ect.. The program results in failure plus the cost was outrageous. Finally, a medication cocktail of Aripiprazole (abilify), Celexa, and Klonopin gave her stability, she is still emotionally flat, and has bouts of mania if she is given money, she sleeps a lot, and has gained an enormous amount of weight, but has been able to function, hold a conversation, and has periods of actually being happy. She has been able to complete college classes, and has some goals. Also she has been able to drive a vehicle, which was out the question before. She no longer hears voices, has outburst of crying, laughing, hands waving around ect. Nineteen is when she came down with this illness, and was in the Air Force, now she is 30 years old. She has a little one whom I am raising, but we have lived together for the last two years, and things are going ok, but without the meds she goes into the world of psychosis and it is a living hell. I cannot leave her to live independent because she has no social life and I am fearful she will commit suicide. If you met her you would not know she was ill, as long as she is on the meds. I understand your opinion of the drugs, and psychiatry as a whole, but I find most folks who promote the holistic approach have never dealt with the severity or long suffering of a loved one with the illness, and have no clue the pain of watching them suffer so much, and the feeling of terror that over takes your life year after year. The medication saved us. Long term effects are not good, but at least she can have a life while on the medication. Without the medication she is a shell of herself, it is sad to say the least. Thanks for letting me comment here, God Bless You.

By: Narad Fri, 19 Aug 2016 21:16:09 +0000 The novels Catch 22 and One Flew Over the Cukoo’s Nest do a good job in exposing the psychiatric myth. They do it cloaked in fiction; like a trojan horse.

By: clairemalibu Wed, 02 Sep 2015 21:23:18 +0000 Drugs do not “normalize,” unless your normal is wasted, flat, and dead insidel. Drugs numb and create profits out of lies and labels. Magic.

By: JerseyCynic Sun, 30 Aug 2015 00:56:31 +0000

Great timing on this one, Jon!

“Survey of 100 psychology papers published in prominent journals finds more than half can’t be replicated”

By: Tracy Fri, 28 Aug 2015 00:10:47 +0000 But we miss that important fact out when forcing it into people.

By: Tracy Fri, 28 Aug 2015 00:06:19 +0000 I will read some of these facts to the ego maniac shrink who is feeding me acidic tasting “Saphris” (Asenapine) wafers.

Thanks Jon, excellent as usual. 🙂

By: 8UNG! … 25.8. | farsight3 Tue, 25 Aug 2015 02:25:03 +0000 […] Psychiatrie: Die bewuĂźte Zerstörung des einzigartigen Individuums… Es gibt eine – allgemein akzeptierte – Auflistung von 300 physischen Störungen. Zur definitiven – nach wissenschaftlichen Kriterien geprĂĽften – Feststellung dieser “Störungen” existiert aber kein einziger objektiver Nachweis. Nur die Meinung eines “Eggsperten”… […]

By: Governmental Deception Fri, 21 Aug 2015 22:53:25 +0000 Those who see a shrink, are only going there to solidify what they already know in many scenarios. Most people already know the answer(s) to their problems, or what to do about it. They just seek what they already know.

By: Steve Fri, 21 Aug 2015 04:39:39 +0000 So you are stating that you were falsely labeled as having a mental illness and you reject that designation. And you reject the notion that medication could help you to “normalize”. Yet, you hint that your mother is/was mentally ill…….and deserves what she got. Not judging; just trying to catch the drift of the logic in all the comments.

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 21 Aug 2015 02:18:13 +0000 @CM Excellent comment.

I have copied it to refer to for a future article.

