Comments on: A message to Libertarians about the FDA Tue, 09 Feb 2016 12:07:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: JayTe Tue, 09 Feb 2016 12:07:04 +0000 Hi Jon, There is an even simpler solution. A federal law requiring companies to have liability insurance on their products. The dangerous ones with numerous side effects will obviously have higher liability costs because of the abundant side effects and the safer products will carry lower liability costs and therefore lower prices. Companies dumb enough to not properly vet their products would leave themselves open to huge potential losses that could put themselves out of business and it would change the whole focus to producing cheap inexpensive solutions to all diseases.

By: D. Saul Weiner Mon, 24 Aug 2015 17:32:25 +0000 This is an excellent commentary, but there is something that needs to be emphasized here.

Yes, the FDA has done a LOT of damage by approving harmful drugs. But it has done a LOT MORE damage by interfering with the ability of doctors and patients to use alternative approaches. If we could readily and economically use (e.g.) legal cannabis oil to treat cancer (and many other conditions), then it wouldn’t matter so much how many overpriced, dangerous drugs the FDA gave its stamp of approval to.

There have been many providers of beneficial cancer treatments that the FDA (and other agencies and medical licensing boards) has put out of business, yet Boobus Americanus thinks that the FDA is doing us a great favor by cracking down on “quacks”. And the same goes for treatments for other so-called chronic conditions.

If alternative doctors and remedies were allowed to compete on a level playing field with allopathic medicine, Big Pharma would go belly up.

By: MalteseX Sun, 23 Aug 2015 05:33:36 +0000 What are you on about? Please explain, “…refuse records…”

By: onebornfree Thu, 20 Aug 2015 15:25:26 +0000 Jon, this is so easy:

Fact: Government is a scam -always has been, always will be. Therefor, the FDA is a scam. Obamacare is a scam, of course. But then again, so is social security, medicare, medicaid, welfare, the Federal Reserve, the EPA etc. etc. ad infinitum. There’s no end to it.

Jon, if you do not see this simple fact then I’m afraid,you are well and truly locked down inside “the matrix” you claim to have escaped, IMHO. 🙂

“In your dream, Obama is not a scam”
“In your dream, George Bush was not a scam”
“In your dream, Clinton was not a scam”
“In your dream, Reagan was not a scam”
“In your dream, all the rest were not a scam”
“In your dream, the constitution was not a scam”…….”

Quotes from original music and lyrics: “Dreams[ Anarchist Blues]”:

Dream on… or not , Jon? As always, your choice .

Regards, onebornfree.

By: John Thu, 20 Aug 2015 02:13:37 +0000 The FDA, aka Monsanto is all about human rights, the right to do what your told and die on command. I assume 100k deaths a year is is acceptable a long as the cash flows in the right direction. Libertarian, limited government and less hack agencies needs to be the direction. How about that false flag toxic water spill in AZ? Just budget posturing? Just keep appointing your Monsanto handlers to the board off the fda el presidente

By: robinsoncaruso1 Wed, 19 Aug 2015 19:52:04 +0000 I cant stay silent, ALL of you, be dam careful in hospitals, they now somehow, have permission, to refuse records, lie, poison, It has been done to me, Jon, you have my e mail, if you know an attorney with guts, who wants to get rich, but be warned, that person, would need protection.. fact

By: robinsoncaruso1 Wed, 19 Aug 2015 19:49:42 +0000 yes Sir Jon, its a horrible situation, down to where one cannot trust them at all, and musty, repeat MUST, learn medicine, as I have done, whemn one does, he sees how bad it really is, and its paramount to murder. ALL be advised, here is some “change” you can belive, they have begun medicating and chipping patients, without consent. If I knew a good sattorney, I can PROOVE that.
I sure wish, you could have gotten in office, but as you know, an honest man, is not wanted in politics.. a den of vile corruption, greed, and lies now, has been for a long time, but now very blatant.
Thank you again sir, respects.

By: James Tracy Wed, 19 Aug 2015 13:33:22 +0000 Reblogged this on Scoop Feed.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 19 Aug 2015 10:24:26 +0000 Ah, Jon, you have struck on one of those convenient “word meaning” changes I highlighted on (revamped) Exopolitician:

Louisa Sarah Bevington and James Tochatti, mentioned, were two bone-fide Victorian era libertarian/communist/anarchists (take your pick) that would have lambasted “free marketeers” (nouveau libertarians) and the FDA with distain. The latest on my Ozzie Thinker blog punctuates “the issues” and a couple of plausible remedies.


By: jacobite2015 Wed, 19 Aug 2015 09:45:01 +0000 Great and sobering post. Your absolutely right when you said, “In a half-sane society, the big drug companies would have prosecuted to the sky long ago.” The problem is this society is far from being anything close to being half-sane.

Sadly, I have a loved one that sustained serious and permanent damage from medical-drug destruction. The drug involved is even listed in a respectable medical journal as having a link to organ failure! The doctor administering the drug incredulously stated, “well…this drug is used safely with millions of other people and it’s FDA approved.” A legal opinion that I consulted with basically explained that if the doctor(s)/health provider followed “standard medical care” in administering the drug, they’re “off the hook.” And we all know the FDA is untouchable as our illustrious politicians feel so compelled to protect them like you would a small innocent child.

So…who wins here and who loses? The victims of this medical-drug destruction crisis seem to be expendable in the eyes of the FDA, while the drug companies laugh all the way to the bank drowning in their billions of dollars. And most of the American people are apathetic to this problem (as long as it doesn’t happen to them!). I’ve talked to a lot of people on this – intelligent, successful, college educated people. Most feel that medical drugs are safe because the FDA “wouldn’t approve an unsafe drug.” Many explicitly trust (and personally like) their doctor when it comes to the recommendation of a certain drug(s). I guess if their friendly, lovable doctor prescribed them rat poison, and it was FDA approved, they would gladly take it.

Sadly, we are truly a mind controlled population when it comes to medical drugs and medical treatment. As long as people get their dose of reality TV, sports & social networking, as is well and good. And the drug companies creating the impetus for the destruction of human life while they laugh all the way to the bank? All I can say is they sure have a sick sense of humor!
