Comments on: US media blackout: France oppose vaccines Tue, 01 Sep 2015 23:11:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: papatwan Tue, 01 Sep 2015 23:11:54 +0000 Reblogged this on My PoetTree Bears Fruit and commented:
Here is an interesting stance that would seem to place France as an opposition to the currently perceived “global” stance on the efficacy and safety of our everyday run of the mill vaccines and the notion that vaccination is synonymous with immunity.
The status quo is on the line and Mainstream media can only not report (blackout) facts like these in their desperate attempts to prop up the farce that (supposedly) American doctors hold to be self-evident; that of “safe and effective” vaccines and the over-exaggerated idea that their is a consensus amongst doctors and even moreso amongst the masses of moms and dads, stipulating that they are the “99%” and all for the vaccine regime.
Let me be clear here: the doctors have a conflict of interest in that they make a lot of skrilla ($) from their patients and from the Big Pharma companies for being the administers of these multi-vaccine cocktails and the following dis-ease and side effects that ensue, whereas doctors on the other end of the “debate” are under constant threat of having their very livelihood and medical practices abolished for holding strong to the scientific literature and their gut instincts (if they become pro-active or are even active at all in educating or not vaccinating their patients.) Fear and repercussion are tools at work to persuade (strong-arm) dissenting points of view.
And on the issue of the Moms and Dads and the farcical notion that there is an overwhelming majority and consensus amongst them that they support or follow the CDC vaccine schedule for themselves or their children and that they are NOT opposed to mandatory vaccines.
Again, parents are under the threat of fear, mainly propagated by mainstream media and manipulative and authoritative doctors as well as by the false ideology that their children if not vaccinated are a bigger risk to other children who are vaccinated; (where’s the logic in that?) And then their is the “all-powerful” CPS with all their authority and resources under their thumb to keep the parents in line for their freedom of choice, should they choose, to protect and resist certain dangerous and harmful, possibly deadly and debilitating medical procedures; Fear-mongering, manipulation and guilt are tools that are being used to shape perception and to mask reality.

By: Vanessa Elliott Thu, 27 Aug 2015 21:41:14 +0000 Balance of payouts as of May 2015 is $3.5 Billion dollars. Over $146.5 M has been paid out so far in 2015. Horrible.

By: Joan Campbell Wed, 26 Aug 2015 22:31:53 +0000 A very wise country

By: alexanderbackman Tue, 25 Aug 2015 10:56:02 +0000 Dear Jon, […] great write-up. When can I interview you for my show?

By: arcadia11 Tue, 25 Aug 2015 02:18:04 +0000 thank you, dawn.

By: dawn Mon, 24 Aug 2015 23:20:12 +0000 Every 3 mos the ACCV has a meeting about vaccines, compensation shelled out due to injury/death and what they want to do next. This is the June 2015 meeting minutes from Washington DC. Pgs 55-60 are the injured children. Its all just sickening. And adults, pregnant women are next. We have to fight this mandatory medicine all the way starting with the most vulnerable, our kids!!

By: R Andrew Ohge aka Dr Rex Dexter Mon, 24 Aug 2015 18:04:58 +0000 The greatest accomplishment in American Style Censorship has proven to be the “NO-SEE-HEAR-SPEAK” Method…then spend the money on Shilling Trolls to trash any articles the Alternative Press manages to slip through.

By: From Québec Mon, 24 Aug 2015 16:44:56 +0000 Hip Hip Hip Hourra for France!

By: Tim MacDaddy Mon, 24 Aug 2015 15:35:09 +0000 A simple examination of the truth shows they are hiding things from the public. Why are vaccine lawsuits kept out of the public and placed in ‘special hearings’ away from public knowledge? This alone should tell you there is something wrong. And things do go wrong in vaccinations.

By: James Tracy Mon, 24 Aug 2015 14:51:54 +0000 Reblogged this on Scoop Feed.
