Comments on: Black budget ops Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:23:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:23:15 +0000 @JL

Do you work for the FBI? They seem quite sure there are sufficient resources to track every single e-mail ever issued and also determine which are “fake” (including the owners real identity).

I, personally, think (being a mere mortal) they have enormous front and zero substance for what they are proposing is IMPOSSIBLE without extra-terrestrial assistance.

By: Jesse lewis Wed, 24 Feb 2016 23:01:15 +0000 The fed is run by the same people who do the spying,control our military,control our food,all the drugs(legal and illegal),control most of the press,they control everything in our country and every country in this world
Also love how u make it mandatory to put your name and email address on your comments to be able to submit a comment. If I wasn’t on the fbi,nsa,cia and whatever other agencies red flag list I would be worried. But I personally believe that everybody should be completely transparent about everything

By: Theodore Thu, 03 Sep 2015 15:42:11 +0000 “electronic mail” is a misnomer. It is technically “electronic postcard” — meaning, it is sent unsealed (unencrypted). Did this “electronic postcard” server use end-to-end encryption between the sender and receiver?

By: Theodore Thu, 03 Sep 2015 15:38:28 +0000 FBI Scours Clinton Server for Evidence of Spying
Sept 3, 2015 6:00 AM EDT
By Eli Lake & Josh Rogin

“The FBI has begun a probe into whether foreign intelligence services compromised Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server during and after her tenure as secretary of state, according to U.S. intelligence and Congressional officials…”

By: Bruce Sun, 30 Aug 2015 20:11:30 +0000 Article describes the operation of the (Poppy) Bush CIA Company cabal, controlling the country (including adopted ‘sons’ and “daughter-in-law” Barry-0 and Billary. Qui bono, indeed!

By: Barry Fri, 28 Aug 2015 10:32:46 +0000 Known this to be true for long time. And it was reaffirmed for me the other day by a bank and an insurance company. The collusion was palpable and the crime was most distinctly protected to be in their favour by the bank. The insurance company has an electronic backdoor to all private savings accts with all banks here in Australia, no doubt the world over. This is no conspiracy theory.

By having this access and monitoring capability they can monitor the pattern of your monetary footprint every month, to track it and wait for the opportune moment to put your acct into arrears with a sizeable bill that you may owe them.Then that sits there like a black hole on your acct.

Once that sizeable amount of money sits in arrears as a debit on your acct. All direct debits for all other payments on certain dates or consecutive dates are then confiscated by their cosy little relationship with the bank to make sure they are first in line for your money as it hits your acct.

Now this may be all perfectly legal you may say, So what is my point. Its fucking collusion is my point. Your money is then funnelled into the Legal Black Hole trap. Which you are unable to protest unless you are aware of the impending trap set by the insurance company in advance. Then you can plot your way around it like I did. And the A holes are still waiting for their money for which they only have a short window of opportunity to foreclose on legally then the Illegal debit reverts back if no money is there for about 5 days I think.

Because your money is LEGAL Putty for them to squeeze their greedy little fingers at WIll.

You have to have eyes in the back of head these days to keep on top of everything.

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 28 Aug 2015 03:12:13 +0000 It is interesting you bought up 10th Sept 2001 and Rumsfeld’s announcement. The very next day was the 60th anniversary of foundation at the Pentagon and the only people on site were pretty much Anderson Consulting accountants auditing that massive debt accusation. Well, we know what happened. That is the day famously known as 9/11 and the rest is history.

Did the Pentagon get wound up as a consequence, you ask?

No, but Anderson Consulting was spectacularly lynched by the mainstream liars for FRAUD, Uh oh.

It may seem incongruous, but in the early 50’s a visitor from Venus called Valliant Thor hooked up with President Eisenhower and was resident in the Whitehouse for 2-3 years. According to myths the alien had no belly button and could make himself invisible at will, although in photographs he looks like a normal human.

The point is this Thor also advised Eisenhower the only way forward was absolute transparency and honest communication. You can imagine the response from the old guard of cheaters…..

Great article, as usual, Jon….


By: GJH Thu, 27 Aug 2015 16:07:45 +0000 Excellent exploration of the obvious implications of total surveillance. Essential lesson for the many naive people who say, ‘I don’t mind if they spy on me, I’m not doing anything wrong.’

By: From Québec Thu, 27 Aug 2015 04:41:37 +0000 Yes! Who watches the watchers?
