Comments on: Your personal revolution Sat, 29 Aug 2015 17:39:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Patrick Michael Mooney Sat, 29 Aug 2015 17:39:47 +0000 Here’s to the power of IMAGINATION…Let me affirm that everything Jon writes about the imagination is totally true! Give yourself over to its power and watch what happens to your life! Makes the whole trip worth the “price of admission”…but the truth is, the gift is FREE!

By: omanuel Sat, 29 Aug 2015 17:34:08 +0000 Tyrants have sought to hide reality from the public since Copernicus discovered the giant fountain of energy at the gravitational center of the solar system in 1543 .

Four centuries later, atomic bombs revealed the source of energy in the core of the Sun and frightened world leaders paid scientists to construct a “scientific” matrix of deceit after 1945.

The movie – My Name Is Bill W – shows Bill Wilson’s escape from the insanity of alcoholism (delusional thinking) by personal discovery of an external reality in 1935.

Bill Wilson called his discovery of an external reality a “spirituality awakening.”. That may be the way world leaders and government scientists restore sanity to today’s troubled society – but that is an almost impossible challenge to Hubris. Here is my description of the awakening:


By: James Freeman Sat, 29 Aug 2015 12:15:22 +0000 Jon, I am a 83 year old man that realizes that I am a common sense individual that knows what is right for my well being, and am tottaly disgusted by the tyranical, big head egos, that are so insecure that they must get involved in others lives.

I read what you have to say every day and want to thank you for using your expertese, and interesting style of informing people, in the effort to wake us up to truths in life.

By: Tracy Fri, 28 Aug 2015 21:55:45 +0000 Jon, I haven’t cracked the Power Outside the Matrix yet. I have listened to you talk about researching your book, A.I.D.S. Inc. breifly though.

It is difficult to concentrate fully with a chemically lobotomised brain – another subject that you cover thoroughly in your articles.

Good on ya Jon! 🙂

By: omanuel Fri, 28 Aug 2015 20:25:23 +0000 Thank you for this site, Jon.

I just finished watching the video, My Name Is Bill W. explain how Bill Wilson discovered an external reality that solved delusional thinking in his own life in 1935:


By a coincidence, I happen to know the external reality that frightened world leaders agreed to hide from the public in 1945:

