Comments on: Elections in Australia, Canada, England, Germany, Netherlands Sat, 03 Jul 2021 14:23:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Sat, 05 Sep 2015 17:17:45 +0000 No I sorry to say to you that we are not better of…if I had a week and about 5000 pages I could explain.
The CIA have been running deep within this government and country for such a long time. The prime movers and shakers are Harvard trained.
There hasn’t been a prime minister that Washington have not approved of since before Lester B Pearson.
We pride ourselves on being Canadian.
Have you ever found out what that is…seriously take a look at it.
Everything and I mean everything we have or do or sell or look at or eat is the same as in the United States of Amerika. They supply most of our foodstuffs.
The USA is a continent, not a country.
We disarmed all through history till the present build-up because we were under US protection…the dew line was created and America flew our skies all during the cold war. Cold lake, Alberta is an American base.
We have never really been a sovereign country, and any vestiges of that, that is left is being torn apart by Harper government.
Answer this question who owns the oil and natural resources in Canada? Who mines or drills for it, were do the resources go when mined, we’re does the wheat go, when it is harvested, who owns it….American Corporations. We are a nation of 35 million…they are 350 million. Who owns what? What you believe about Canada is an illusion.
The price of oil is down and the whole province of Alberta is going into receivership…we are not Canadian Q.
Harper man is Amerikan.

By: From Québec Sat, 05 Sep 2015 03:51:13 +0000 Yes, I know about most of what you said, still he is better than the two other choices we have. I vote because we still have that liberty. If everybody stop voting… who will we have? A King or a dictator for life? Of course if I was an American, I wouldn’t vote, their elections are all rigged with the electronic voting. But I think that in Canada, our vote still counts.

By: Michael Burns Fri, 04 Sep 2015 22:06:08 +0000 Strange the conservatives have forced a 62% increase on my property taxes since 2013 (from $1600 to $2600).

Harper supports and finances neo-nazis in the Ukraine trying to overthrow a legitimately elected government there…

Harper has made it illegal to speak out against Israel, and especially what Israel is doing to the Palestinians.

Harper supports giving government pensions to criminal politicians….why is he protecting Duffy?

Stephen Harper is covering up crimes committed by the rogue RCMP and changing the history of their past crimes.

I thought that you had more sense than that Q, what a waste of one’s time and spirit…voting is be complicit in the mind game, the matrix, the whole cluster-fuck.
Voting is to give them the right to oppress…to give permission to their dystopian NWO.

To except the paradigm and know the truth as a truth is to be a self-blinded hypocrite…you think your vote really counts?

Do you believe you are helping? You are voting out of spite…ar’nt you?

To vote is to legitimize a farce Q…a cruel game and hoax foisted on the ignorant public.

I am not in favor of Mulcair or Trudeau or for that matter anyone else…its all corrupt and absurd to me, all of it, the whole system.

But you must know the truth… Harper is a globalist tearing apart Canadian soveignty…the laws on our Canadian waterways have been changed by his government, and are now considered by law, a resource that can be controlled and sold by the government on the global market.
Will you like him when 50,000 refugees enter the country, running from the illegal wars he co-op’s with Amerika.

You are such a supporter of Alex Jones and Infowars…what do you think of this…

…Canada/Canadians were always peacekeepers were we not!
Our famous pale-blue berets have been seen in such places as Rwanda, Somalia, Croatia, Angola; now with a secret half a trillion $ spending on the canadian military, I guess we are hawks now. And will follow Amerika into any war they wish us too. We are either with them or…well…we just another state.

By: From Québec Thu, 03 Sep 2015 18:33:25 +0000 “so…we not getting rid of the son-of-a-bitch anytime soon.” (Michael)

GOOD! I wouldn’t want Muclair or Trudeau, that’s for sure. Two complete socialist idiots who believe in the Global Warming scam. At least Harper doesn’t believe in that shit. Trudeau and Mulcair would have gladly signed the International gun treaty, they are such pussies. but Harper had the guts to not sign it. Plus, Harper lowered our taxes.

– PM announces tax cut for small businesses | Prime Minister of Canada”.

– Stephen Harper’s dramatic tax cuts – Maclean’s

– Stephen Harper’s historic tax-cutting legacy

– Etc.

I’m voting for him.

By: Michael Burns Thu, 03 Sep 2015 03:32:01 +0000 @Doreen
Your the smartest person in the room…I totally agree.
I have never voted, I will never vote…ever.

I will run the handle on the guillotine though…when we get to that…in one of my lives, I lived in France. Somewhere around 1776; so I have have experience…pull the handle! …empty the basket…pull the handle!

By: Michael Burns Thu, 03 Sep 2015 03:17:44 +0000 @ The soap opera writer

This election will end up being the longest in Canadian history (eleven weeks), and cost the Canadian taxpayer a whopping $400,000,000.

And that is for a $327,400 job…he (Stephen Harper) receives $163,700 as a member of parliament and $163,700 for being Prime minister.

There has been cause for concern with voter surveillance by all the parties; tweaking with the election process…bastards.

We have got a dog and pony show, with the antics of his royal highest Stephen Harper. Justin Trudeau is a complete idiot and is there in name only. His father was the infamous Pierre Elliott Trudeau the Prime Minister of Canada from 1968 till my birthday 1979.

There is almost no opposition to the conservatives in Canada…they hold 159 seats, compared to 95 for Mulcair and the NDP and that changed because Alberta had a landslide in the last provincial election for the NDP, an almost total NDP vote…Alberta was Conservative country here in the west.

Trudeau and the liberals hold 36 federal seats.
The Bloc hold 2 seats and the Green party 2 seats.
So as you see, Heir Harper is un-opposed. He does what he wishes. What opposition does exist cannot get it together on any one issue and remain separated and powerless in parliament.

The NDP have not been able to get together since the Great Jack Layton died of Cancer. Mulcair and Trudeau are not as heavily financed by corporate money like King Stephen.
To give you an idea of his power, Heir Stephen took $59,000,000,000…yes thats 59 Billion with a B from the Unemployment Insurance coffers (the people’s money); and put it into general coffers with no earmark. That’s a big black hole; it will never ever be accounted for, and what is really galling is not one of the opposition parties opposed his move.

Harper is owned by the corpration and totally controlled by Washington.
He holds office as Prime Minister of Canada at Her Royal Majesty’s pleasure…so…we not getting rid of the son-of-a-bitch anytime soon.

By: Doreen Agostino Thu, 03 Sep 2015 00:03:02 +0000 Together we can peacefully end crimes against humanity and nature. Simply withdraw consent by no longer voting for any candidate in any election. Otherwise we are complicit, forfeit the right to complain, and reap what we sow.

By: Rhondar Wed, 02 Sep 2015 23:05:18 +0000 Walker, Rubio and Christie are just bench warmers for Jeb….backups in case something dire surfaces about Jeb’s past before the election.

By: Rhondar Wed, 02 Sep 2015 23:03:56 +0000 Is anyone else skeptical about the drama of Carly Fiorina being let into the CNN debates? Changing rules for that mediocre performance is beyond belief. She’s a rotten globalist.

No doubt this was done to keep Rand Paul off the stage. Let’s see who they ax….him or Christie.
and as far as polls are concerned I’ve never been polled once and I am turning 63 this year….so who buys that those polls are even valid?

By: robinsoncaruso1 Wed, 02 Sep 2015 19:07:00 +0000 mahalo sir
