Comments on: The last individual in Europe Mon, 14 Sep 2015 20:01:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: usurykills Mon, 14 Sep 2015 20:01:43 +0000 Kurzweil computer! Nice jab, Jon!

By: Greg O. Mon, 14 Sep 2015 00:04:20 +0000 Funny that you mention Alan Watt. If you scroll down to the comments of this Rappoport blog of just a few days ago, I talked about an amazing incident that I watched him tell in one of his videos.

It also just occurred to me how, with things like television, TPTB, have killed legitimate community amongst human beings, while simultaneously indoctrinating them with this phony sense of “Oneness” that we are talking about in this post. Typical example of the divide/conquer/disorient strategy that they use to manipulate and manage us useless eaters.

By: one Sun, 13 Sep 2015 15:37:37 +0000 It’s complicated. You have to be intelligent, choose your battles very well, and know how to “live inside your head”.Your strategy is good; don’t get too isolated. Intelligent resistance is not cowardice; and it certainly beats storming your family’s house shouting “DA JOOOS!!!” or “ILLUMINATI!!!”.
Check Alan Watt’s material, he’s second to none in whatever you might call “truth movement”.

By: mothman777 Sun, 13 Sep 2015 12:54:32 +0000 Nicely written, you are perfectly right, as this ‘we are all one’ business is the perfect means of political and even psychic subjugation, by TPTB who are orchestrating this, but they will secretly always hold themselves too special to have their own consciousness merged with ours.

By: Greg O. Sun, 13 Sep 2015 01:38:02 +0000 @ one —

“… It’s a product of weakness, cowardice. But who isn’t a coward nowadays ? You have to be, or at least pretend.”

You nailed the whole Facebook sheeple-herding thing very well.

I’m not aiming this comment at you personally, but I contend that if a person finds it necessary to pretend to be a coward — for an extended period of time — then they are one.

My whole point of late is that we need to speak out way more forcibly about the mental and physical tyranny that is being foisted upon us by the people who are seen as our Constitutionally elected “leaders”. Easier said than done, I’ll admit. I’ve alienated friends and family over it. Now I’m in the process of taking heat for it at work. I feel like a coward at times when I don’t speak up at appropriate moments. Sometimes you DO have to bide your time and ‘pick your battles’. But shutting up for too long makes it that much harder to speak up when the time IS right, thus breeding cowardice.

If I can make a football parallel. Instead of gambling big with a long bomb to the endzone by laying my whole “subversive” viewpoint on them in one bizarre diatribe (THAT doesn’t go over real well), I try to ‘dink and dunk’ my point gradually down the field with a West Coast Offense type of approach. A comment here, a point there. I guess you could also call that a Gramzian strategy — worming your ideas in over time so as not to attract too much attention.

I’m still taking heat, but it’s a dry heat (sorry, I lived in Arizona a little too long).

By: one Sat, 12 Sep 2015 20:11:40 +0000 “There is only one genuine human impulse: to do good for others. And the State owns that impulse.”
Absolutely brilliant insight, Jon. That’s exactly how they’ve reduced us all to “good” drones capable only of “liking” inane acts of goodwill on Facebook, and supporting all the deluge of charitable causes thrown at us everyday. Ideologies are dead, mental life is dead, all that’s left of civilization is empty-collectivistic “kindness”.
Comment I left on another website about “Climate Change”:

I see this crap popping up in Facebook and everybody going “ooooh so cute. My God, Climate Change is so horrible”. 500k likes. And anybody who goes up against it being ganged up by the people-pleasers. That’s how opinions are made today in this ( the World’s ) brainless society – by people-pleasers. Political Correctness is a state-of-mind: it’s that decision to diminish one’s own power of analysis and criticism in order not to upset the established order, with it’s truths and dogmas; it happens when that need for belonging and having an “acceptable” identity overrides everything else. It’s a product of weakness, cowardice.
But who isn’t a coward nowadays ? You have to be, or at least pretend.

You can have sex with anyone or anything you want, and wear ( or not ) anything in the streets, but don’t dare to think! Psychological individualism is the ultimate crime.

By: P. Health Freedom (@PHealthFreedom) Sat, 12 Sep 2015 14:55:51 +0000 Adam was the last individual. When Eve arrived, he was forced to become part of a community. When the children came, the community grew, as did jealousy, and sin. If it had not happened, none of us would be here today.

By: Greg O. Sat, 12 Sep 2015 14:50:31 +0000 Over the years, as I have let my true feelings and beliefs be known to those around me, I have become more and more aware of the level of mental slavery that society is under. Even people who I thought were “awake” or, at least on their way to waking up, still cannot wrap their heads around the rank evil that is happening before their eyes. I’ve seen people — intelligent, grownups — put their fingers in their ears and do the “la, la, la, la…” thing, simply because they do not want to admit to themselves that our “leaders” are capable of the kind of atrocities that I accuse them of. “That kind of thing doesn’t happen in America!”, is the usual response or attitude.

And now with the presidential election coming up, they’re starting to get excited about this or that candidate, (typically Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump). This after we’ve spent the last three or four years agreeing that the whole system is illegitimate to begin with! So why do they still buy into a rigged game by “voting” for Globalist puppets? Because they really are not awake at all. They keep beating their heads against the same political and ideological walls, with no hope of things ever changing. The very definition of insanity. 

The Oligarch Scum aren’t not going to need FEMA camps for these people because they pose absolutely no threat to anybody. Sheep never do. The herd dogs in the media will tell them where to go and what to think.

The country is not merely in decline, it is in freefall, and I’ve wasted my breath on 99% of the idiots that I’ve talked to.

By: From Québec Sat, 12 Sep 2015 14:36:21 +0000 Great Scene from The Twilight Zone episode “The Obsolete Man”
