Comments on: Robots: a play in one brief act Wed, 16 Sep 2015 20:26:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Wed, 16 Sep 2015 20:26:49 +0000 Aha…a thinker.

“We, as consciousness, create organic physical beings that are sentient. – P O

That’s rhetorical…you use the term ‘we’, are you the borg.
I don’t know if your sentient…I know I am.
You could be smart software spitting out some conundrum it is having difficulty with..
The making of a child, is not the making of the sentience, it is the organic suit to house the sentient that ‘we’ make.
A body is entered; Sentience enters. We are immortals here recycling through these lives, an adventurous soul playing endlessly in the field of the gods.
Sentience is spark that when explored becomes sun. Sentience when explored thoroughly becomes a Universe. A greater space.
…tell me something.
Is a computer spontaneous?…does it blurt out one day “hey shit for for brains, get your hands of my keyboard”
It’s not capable of that, its not capable of understanding itself as individual, separate from the rest and possibly the only one.
It can be programmable, but then that is not sentience.
It’s not possible for it to realize that it is temporal, fragile, and completely vulnerable, but then powerfully imaginative beyond belief. Endlessly creative, immortal, and unique. A constant contradiction to itself, capable of getting getting up one morning and changing the world or ending it’s life.
Being a human does not make you the same as me.
And I am not speaking qualitatively, you might be richer or poorer, smarter or better looking. I am talking about the ghost in the machine, that is the consciousness.
Computers don’t have that.
Computers are tools.

By: Gökmen Tue, 15 Sep 2015 20:51:13 +0000 PS: enjoying myself, my ignorance here.

By: pov Tue, 15 Sep 2015 17:20:12 +0000 While I’m aware that consciousness is fundamental (i.e gives rise to the physical) I think it’s a stretch to think that sentient androids are not a strong possibility. We, as consciousness, create organic physical beings that are sentient. We, as consciousness, can create in organic physical beings that are sentient. Plus ruling that out means stating we (as consciousness) can create anything – except for that.
