Comments on: The TPP, Monsanto, Rockefeller, Trilateral Commission, Brzezinski Mon, 12 Jul 2021 14:12:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert L Wachsmuth sr Fri, 16 Dec 2016 04:23:13 +0000 Soylent Green is Real , Pharmaceutical industry controlled Medical Examiners offices across the country Falsifying Medical records Dumping Tens of thousands of body’s every year no investigations . Doctors Suck your Blood and Eat our Flesh .

By: gwp Wed, 30 Sep 2015 00:23:16 +0000 Michael makes some good points and perhaps, more importantly, touches on a long running psy op from controlled opposition / cointelpro (e.g. Alex Jones, Pail Craig Roberts, and Michael Snyder) pumping nonstop Doom Porn and learned helplessness. Within this frame is a constant self loathing, enough to actually get a large segment of the American awake community to root for the destruction of the US, ironically, by the BRICS, composed of NWO globalist oligarchs just as Machiavellian as the home grown ones. It’s the perfect set up for a scapegoat scenario for the end of dollar as the reserve currency to be replaced by a global digital currency. Can’t blame the international banksters, in fact, they likely will be heralded as wise saviors.

WWIII is not on the agenda, it would inflict far too much damage on TPTB’s precious prison planet infrastructure and their fragile global casino (stock markets). What is apparently on the agenda is the eventual breakup of large nation states, including the US as was floated this summer in a WSJ article written by Peggy Noonan. June 2015 the Rothschild owned The Economist predicted Russia will break up. A third globalist publication is predicting China’s extreme corruption and other problems will result in its fragmentation. Meanwhile, just as the west is doing and in some cases even more so, China, Russia, and India roll out Smart Grid and Smart Cities complete with Agenda 21 “sustainability” language. The endgame is regional government and constant tracking and monitoring all around the globe.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 23 Sep 2015 15:45:19 +0000 What if we live in an electric universe, and the sun is on a vast and powerful river of current, emanating from the galaxtic core… like a Birkeland current riding on the electromagnetic force spiraling round the central sun.
It would explain sunspots and why the surface of the sun is so much colder than the Corona. Roughly 8000 degrees Kelvin compared to what…Millions of degrees.
Why is the surface so cold if it’s nuclear as opposed to plasma?…curious.

By: omanuel Wed, 23 Sep 2015 03:00:14 +0000 Thanks, Jon. Your skill in investigating and reporting the worldwide MATRIX of deceit helps others recognize the far-reaching consequences when the totalitarian aspirations of Stalin and the Pope merged after WWII to forbid public knowledge the core of the Sun is the Creator & Sustainer of every atom, life and planet in the Solar System.


See discussions on:
1. Laura Bruno’s blog:

2. Flurry of Thoughts:

By: From Québec Wed, 23 Sep 2015 00:40:39 +0000 Oh Boy!

By: Michael Burns Tue, 22 Sep 2015 22:35:40 +0000 @Quebec

This is hypocritical….American bashing.
It must be so nice to sit and state all this complete and utter garbage. And what astounds me is, it is without any intellectual prowess. Without individualism, un-imaginative and clichéd.

You ask Americans to wake….rage against how ridiculous they are; spoilt and self-centered….

You still believe your vote counts: or more to the fact, that it is ok to vote in spite…simply because you wish the other parties to lose. Because they are commies or socialists. Do you know what communism is? Do you know what socialism Is?
Is your own morality bent a bit, two-sided in some way…hmm?
Define corruption for me?

Socialism is based on societal controls, social ownership of resources and wealth, instead of limited ownership under government and corporation and top down control.
But yet you vote conservative which is the right hand of the corporation. As a matter of fact the corporation in Canada puts the conservative leader in power here…
You a dangerous contradiction, as well as a hypocrite…your loading muskets for the Queen.

Most Americans are trying everyday to get it done…pay the bills, feed their children, and try to live an honorable and decent life. They realize they have been told lies their whole life. But it is very hard to get to the point in your life and realize everything that you have learnt is absolutely wrong. Now what can you do?everything is moving at break-neck speed…you do the best you can.
But only the truly courageous or completely mad are capable of understanding how deep the that fuckin rabbit hole is…even you are not aware of your own thinking or how you come to conclusions. It’s obvious you have never questioned it! You knee jerk, a reflex against what?
Even you do not know the truth. Even you are not aware about what is really is going on here.
But you bible thump Alex Jones, I afraid to tell you, you’re a fundamentalist…you have found a religion. You are an inquisitor.

You justify what ‘you’ watch on Television, but yet chastised those who watch MSM and ridiculous. hypocrisy!
Not being aware or wanting to not be aware that the Television device is the problem, not the little pictures on the device…that’s ridiculous.

Alternate media tells the truth, right? But…the first thing Alternate media asks for when I enter is money, money, money…especially Alex Jones.

I will never change your mind on television soaps or Alex Jones even if I brought you a smoking gun. You are fundamental in your thinking.
Alex Jones is a honey pot that get all the bees in one spot, you make it so easy for them. There are think-tanks taking apart your arguments and devising new and improved opposition…its an endless game of semantics.

I am saddened by the pressures under which young families now in North America are forced to live; forced vaccinations; GMO’ed food being the more economical choice, if you call it choice; WiFi, cellphones, Gwen Towers; endless propaganda, even in the movies; education system that dumb your children down; medical systems that make you sick, and based on profit; Big Pharma doping the sentient from the cradle on; a job market and economy that is being destroyed by neo-conservatives; a government that in the genocide business; politicians who are gutless and corrupt…but there you sit old woman and have all those hypocritical answers for it all…. It’s the sleeping self-centered sheeple of America.

Most families today have to have both parents working to support a household. And its difficult to do that and answer a clarion call.
The amenities of life are soaring out of control, everything compartmentalized, catalogued, built for obsolescence, figured to nth decimal against the consumer; but still people have to wake up…right?
So easy for you having no one to worry about. Is easy to callous when you ignorant.

“People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”

You condemn refugees… never having walked in their shoes, ignorant of the fact that the Conservative majority in Canada is part of that cause…what is truth to you?
Your are old and have never had children…you are not married and so you do not have knowledge of what it means to raise little ones and have a commitment to a partner in a marriage, and be completely and utterly helpless to the reign of terror, in an America.
It so easy for you to watch you soaps and fear porn believe it all to be true and think that you have the answers and are ahead of the game.
Tell me what great activism did you do today Q…

You are the controlled opposition you are used to divide ideologies. You are there to confuse the lines. You move memes along the internet.
And you actually believe that a reality TV host is capable of being the next President of the United States of America, in control of somewhere in the range of 14,000 nuclear missiles, at the brink of WWIII with the BRICS nations; and the lives of 350 millions people….and the show stopper of show stoppers, that all the hoopla is actually genuine, and not-just-another-soap-opera-script… your completely and utterly ridiculous.
Waking is not what you think it is ….Q
And your are not awake, because you speak here…You are using an old worn out “I AM CANADIAN” platform to bash Americans.

By: From Québec Tue, 22 Sep 2015 00:54:16 +0000 Oh, and lets us not forget the fluoride in the water, the GMO’s, the vaccines, that dumb them down.

By: From Québec Mon, 21 Sep 2015 22:03:52 +0000 “why a US citizen DOESN’T KNOW about all this? ” Gokmen

Well, I believe that Americans have been bombarded for too long by things like:
We are the best country in the world….the greatest nations on Earth…a beacon of light for the world… we are exceptional…blablabla and so on.

And it is true that at one time, they were. But it didn’t last very long before the corruption settled in. That pride and confidence they had for their country was almost impossible to destruct.

When the Internet came along, alternative media started to show the corruption, but the Americans didn’t want to believe it… how could that be?

They ignored them at first, But wthen they grew bigger and bigger, that’s when they started calling them tin-foil hats, conspiracy theorists. They laught at them and ridicule them. Some still do it.

Nowaday, many are still fighting them, attacking in every possible way. Not only do they deny the facts, they trash the people who are doing a business to wake them up. They say: He must be a shill, or he is working for Israel,,, or he’s selling fear and wants to make money out of it…. and all sort other kind of stupidities.

And especially when the person trying to wake them-up is not dressed in a suit, and just look like a good old country boy, they reject him. Who does this radio host think he is to pretend knowing things we don’t? He’s no better than us.

I think this is one of the biggest problem why most Americans do not know what is going on in their own country.

By: laurabruno Mon, 21 Sep 2015 14:01:55 +0000 Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:
A must-read post. I’m so glad Jon’s addressing the TPP and TTIP treaties, as their implications run so deep and so pervasive that they will affect everyone’s life in every way. Please read the article and do whatever you can to flush these agreements completely out of our reality.

By: From Québec Mon, 21 Sep 2015 03:57:46 +0000 Well said Gökmen!
