Comments on: Who owns language? Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:32:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Wade Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:32:44 +0000 I found this story after reading about the UK government’s new guidelines on usage of the exclamation mark!

I’m not sure whether I enjoyed your story more or Timothy Maddon’s proclivity to be “profoundly insulted”! Truly you are both masters of the dark arts of satire.

Best wishes,

By: Greg Osborne Mon, 28 Sep 2015 15:30:17 +0000 This would make a great episode of The Outer Limits or The Twilight Zone. Why are there no shows like this anymore?

By: Sara Lee Langsam Sun, 27 Sep 2015 16:23:17 +0000 Thank you for this wonderful story that tells it all. Words are a gift to mankind that are to be used with great care. They have great power and influence and therefore must not be misused. No one has the authority to own a wordor decide how a word is to be used or whether or not a word is to be used. I love the “happy” ending.

By: From Québec Sun, 27 Sep 2015 15:36:44 +0000 So, at one time they all had the Flu. But since they “flew” away from the tyranny, no one has the Flu anymore.

LOL… just having a little fun with words here.

By: Barbara Schutt Sun, 27 Sep 2015 14:17:40 +0000 Haha, this is great, I loved it!

By: Timothy Madden Sun, 27 Sep 2015 08:07:29 +0000 Hi. I really appreciate this subject matter but I believe that you are making a material error in your use of the word “individual”, which is in substance an adjective and not a noun. I, for example, am not now nor have I ever been an “individual” as such begs the question of “individual what?”.

It is similar to the word “person”. All “persons” are created by law and not otherwise. I was not created by law, therefore I am not a “person”. I am a being of conscience, and I am profoundly insulted when someone calls me a “person”. Likewise with the word “individual”. I am an individual “being of conscience” but I am not and cannot be an “individual” without further qualification as such begs the question and so truncates broadly-defined thought process.

The primary damage is done at the point where one defaults to the explanation of “Well the subject word or term can be either an adjective or a noun depending on the context.” By accepting that explanation one creates what I call a counter-sense word or term that can mean either “X” or “Minus-X” depending on the needs of the decider.

Among the most significant counter-sense words is the word “principal” in the financial sense. Is the amount of “principal” the amount actually advanced or invested by the creditor and received by the debtor to their own use and control? Or is it the amount that the debtor is required to agree that they owe regardless of the amount actually so received? Is the amount of principal a question of fact (a noun)? Or is it a question of agreement of parties – an adjective or opinion? By total amount, all debt everywhere in the world today depends on the answer to that question. By reason and logic it must be a question of objective fact. By practice virtually every financial contract in the world treats it a matter of agreement of parties.

“I will loan you $100,000 at 30% provided that you give me a security that claims that I loaned you $130,000 at 6%, plus an unregistered side agreement for a $30,000 kick-back to me.” Going back about just ten years, without that cognitive sleight-of-hand all the debt in the world exactly disappears.

Your short story correctly identifies language as the central issue but you have assumed that the essential aspect is the assignment of bogus meanings that cannot be changed once so applied, while I think that the larger reality is defined by “counter-sense” words that function as “oscillating contradictions” that flip between nouns and adjectives according to the (unconscious) needs of the decider. Hope it helps. Tim.

By: mikesnexus Sun, 27 Sep 2015 06:33:34 +0000 Hi Jon, extremely thought provoking, thank you… still busy soaking it all in, it will take time. Have read it twice already, will have to read it again a few times to absorb the many undercurrents I feel when I read the story. Words are very powerful and can cause huge harm, but can also be positive and inspiring. Your story covers both areas, thanks, its really making me ponder life this Sunday morning…

Might come back and post another reply as I gain more insight to your post 🙂
