Comments on: Pope Francis speaks with God Thu, 01 Oct 2015 02:15:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: From Québec Thu, 01 Oct 2015 02:15:09 +0000 @ Michael Burns

“I’m for equal poverty, and how did you idea I was a socialist.” (Michael)


You gotta be kidding me, read some of your posts in previous articles. Is your memory starting to fade a bit or what?

– You hate our Conservative Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. You say that Big corporations puts in the Conservative Party. Well, now explain to me why he gives tax cuts to small businesses an why he lowered the TPS for everyone else. It makes no sense if you think about it.

– You hate Alex Jones because he makes money and you hate alternative media because, you say: the first think they ask you is your money. By the way, all of Alex’s movies are free on the Internet. He works 18 hours a day and have a huge business that cost him about 10 million dollars a year to operate. You seem to believe that these people should work for nothing.
You do not understand entrepreneurship. Even Jon, sells his collection of the Matrix, he is also an entrepreneur. Those are the kind of people that I like and respect. These people work very hard to educate the public and they spend a lot of hours to bring us their findings … but for you, it should all be free (a real socialist way of thinking)… everything should be free.

– You say: Socialism is based on societal controls, social ownership of resources and wealth, instead of limited ownership under government and corporation and top down control”

LOL… boy, you are naïve. This is what they sell you, but nothing is further from the truth. I know, I live in a shit hole called socialist Québec. We have roads full of pot holes, our infrastructures are collapsing , overpasses are falling on people and killing them. There is traffic jams all over the place, all day long, not enough higways.
People go to the hospital and wait 22 hours and more in the waiting emergency room. If someone is diagnosed with cancer, it takes about a year before they can see a specialist for some health care… they have time to die on these long waiting lists.

Montreal is probably the number One canadian city for homeless people on the street… they are everywhere.
We have a beautiful Island beside Jacques Cartier Bridge that is supposed to be ours. But you pay a fee to come in, another one for the parking, another one to use the beach, another one to use the swimming pool and so on. After a day you have spend more than a 100$ for a family of three.

And this stupid province wants to separate from Canada. Hahahah” The second pooress province in the country. They get 9 billions in perequation every year from the rich western provinces. What a shame! And they want to separate? We would be a third world country within 6 months if that ever happens.

And those idiots want more of the so-called Syrian migrant refugees, when we all know that they are composed of 75% of young men with no proof whatsoever that they come from Syria. They are Jihadists coming to the west to have wealfare for the rest of their lives and to bring terror. So far, every contry they go to, rapes and criminality go up. They are trouble makers. Most countries are now having their military at their borders to prevent them from comming in. But Québec, and you Michael, want some more of them… WTF! You can’t be more socialist then that.
Wake up Michael, this Refugees thing is an orchestrated scam by the Elites to destroy the West and get their NWO

These socialists have nationalized our Hydro Québec, (the biggest mistake they’ve ever done). They have no competition. The bureacrats at Hydro are ruthless idiots. You cannot argue with them, they will cut your service, they think they are Gods. In the last 2 years the tarrifs went up by 11% although they make billions surplus profits every year.

In the winter, at minus 40 degrees Celcius, whenever we have an electrical breakdown it takes them 3 to 5 days before they fix it. Ask the people of Venezuela, what they think of their socialist Hugo Chavez. That brutal dictator ruined their country.

As far as our two other canadian political parties, they are a complete joke.
So this is why I still vote for the Conservatives. I know our votes still counts in Canada. I know, because all of my life I have been working at every federal election as a superviser to make sure that the paper ballots are well counted, sealed and then delivered to the central center, where they are open in front of every superviser before the resuls are announced on television, one by one by districts. Canada is not USA yet.

Of course in USA, I wouldn’t bother voting, a complete waste of time and energy that leeds nowhere. It’s all rigged with the electronic voting machines and the superdelegates BS

I could go on and on for hours, but I’ll stop here.
Now you know why I believe you are a socialist.
And socialism brings equal poverty and misery to everyone.

You hate succesful entrepreneurs who make money. If that is not the sign of a socialist, nothing else is.
And, this is probably why you hate Donald Trump. But you know what, I think that so far, he would be the best candidate to fix this broken country that is going down the tube.

I wrote that very fast and there are problably a hundred language mistakes… so don’t bother about them, just try to understand what I am trying to tell you.

By: Theodore Wed, 30 Sep 2015 03:04:06 +0000 yes. i meant “just to digress…”

By: ErnieM Tue, 29 Sep 2015 19:31:22 +0000 BRILLIANT irreverence–very entertaining!

By: Michael Burns Tue, 29 Sep 2015 18:09:27 +0000 @Q
I’m a hacker…the NSA knows; that’s it give them ideas Q, as if I am not persecuted enough. I’ll be in tin-foil suite soon…I’m for equal poverty, and how did you idea I was a socialist.
I am apolitical.
Your telling lies, I’m trying to tell the truth….wtf

By: Michael Burns Tue, 29 Sep 2015 17:49:06 +0000 I misunderstand you vocabulary Tangentially I’m sure means to digress from your topic.

By: Theodore Tue, 29 Sep 2015 12:29:04 +0000 Why apology? good back and forth.

By: Mia Manners Tue, 29 Sep 2015 07:46:14 +0000 Yep – all the way down the line….

By: Michael Burns Tue, 29 Sep 2015 04:14:44 +0000 My apology Theo…

By: sedatedprincess4 Tue, 29 Sep 2015 02:23:35 +0000 That’s exactly what I was thinking the whole time! Great piece Jon. I’d like to share it but God being “in on the evil” with the Pope kind of ruins the raw truth part of it.

By: Kit Watkins Tue, 29 Sep 2015 01:49:39 +0000 LOL — I’m laughing so hard I’m crying. Thanks!
