Comments on: The buried factor that influences all life Wed, 30 Sep 2015 18:56:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Wed, 30 Sep 2015 18:56:13 +0000 I would like to buy;  you are wise and I like you…soon!… I am flat broke and busted right now. And I do wish to support you.
For now, for what you do how about poem?
It’s a little bit darker, but I think it works.
Wishing you prosperity.

the fox

I keep trying to put dry clothes on but it never stops raining.

I just get wet again.

I can handle it on my back, it’s those squishy boots.

Ah…think I’ll become a fish.

Ahead three feet and slip back too…

Michael Jackson made a living out of the moonwalk.

Poor Mike…what a talent

Mother-fuckers got it comin

Everything is broken man…

Broken hearts and broken plates

Broken weather and broken mates

Broken trees around the convent

Broken fox…

I don’t like broken foxes

The last fox in town and he likes kitty-kats…

His brother’s gone…


Some red neck mother with a truck

Is gonna run me down one day

Do me a favor make sure I’m next to the fox

He’s been a friend indeed

Follows me around at nights

I feel his loss…

Little ticky-tack houses

With a blue light inside…

Blue glow on faces

And that light in their eyes

And out hear with the fox

A blood-moon rises in… ah Indigo sky

A rare event…it’s just awe

I’ll be dead next time around

And the fox said

“Do not go gently into that dark night..

But rage along with a fox.”

I said “I know…its some kinda Bardo”

He said “I am in Chapel Perilous…

Dark night of my soul.”

I said “I know but I’ll walk here with you”

Had a dream last night

Nobody was talkin to me in it

“What..ya all self-righteous now. Ya know something I don’t know.”

Gonna have to give ya all an eviction notice

It is my head yer in

I own this space you play in…

I invited you all hear

This is my Universe

I created it out nothing

I created it a long time ago

From pocket fluff, and kisses, from smiles and winks…

and those occasional nods from someone at a distance

Who recognized or knew you from long, long ago

And doesn’t wish to intrude…

From passing words from that stranger

Whose whispers later at the edge of your night

And love had…

and love lost

It’s those ghosts that haunt that grave yard in your heart.

And still slow he moves and I wait

For that beast waiting to be born
