Comments on: Artist exceeds limits permitted by brain researchers Wed, 31 Jul 2019 12:41:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Greg O. Mon, 05 Oct 2015 06:52:34 +0000 Wow! I commend you, Quebec. I feel like I’m trying to run in quicksand sometimes when it comes to waking people up.

I am a graphic designer and illustrator. I work with other artists and for many fine artists, photographers and ‘creatives’ from different fields. In my private live, I tend to gravitate to the same kind of people (Family? Don’t even ask!). The tragedy for me is seeing so many accomplished, creative, “open minded” people so firmly entrenched in one ideological tar pit or another — to the absolute exclusion of the possibility of any other viewpoint.

With full disclosure, and at the risk of being accused of this very thing, I am a Bible believing (non-proselytizing) Christian — Reformed and definitely not of the ‘Health and Wealth’ variety. Contrary to what some might believe, this does not hold me back or box me into a limited range of imagination. I find inspiration and value in all areas of life and in many, many writers and artists, some that are, to say the least, frowned upon in traditional Christian circles. It’s simply a matter of separating the wheat from the chaff. For example, Noam Chomsky’s insiteful observations on the manipulation of society by the mass media as opposed to his soft headed and dangerous collectivist notions aimed at ‘the welfare of all’. (I mention people like him to SOME of my Christian friends or acquaintances, and they look at me like I just sprouted a second head.)

One would think that in such a creative environment, true free thought — imagination — would flow like water. Sadly, this is not always the case. Maybe it’s because most of the people that I’m around are older, like myself. As we approach middle and old age, we generally tend to stick with whatever world view, good, bad, crazy, etc., that we have come to believe. Or, whatever “Got me this far”. It’s great to have an opinion, but, as Jon Rappoport has so often said in so many ways, our reality is only as good as we can imagine it into existence. It is liquid, it thrives on input (inner and outer). It will expand if we alternately feed it and get out of its way.

What happens when actual artists stop doing this? Many of my “creative” coworkers and friends are in what I would call “artistic arrested development”. As their worldview is resistant to change, so is their approach to their own art. And to me it shows in their otherwise competent and masterful work. I find it extremely frustrating that all these so-called “free thinkers” (for me, as good a definition for an artist as any) are so captive to what they accept as “reality”. In short, one version or another of The Matrix. I would expect this from your average smart phone-gazing dolt off the street, but artists?!

I say all that to ask you this: Who are these people whose eyes you are opening? Do they tend to be younger?

By: Michael Burns Fri, 02 Oct 2015 17:19:48 +0000

By: Michael Burns Thu, 01 Oct 2015 22:22:00 +0000 No not highest state, natural state.
Everyone is an artist, creative, imaginative and with there own medium.
Artist means to be open minded.
Alive in the moment….your an artist, Leslie

By: From Québec Thu, 01 Oct 2015 21:54:55 +0000 I really like that story, Jon. And I believe that it has a lot of truth in it.

It’s a bit like when you write a script in your head. You cannot really put it into written words, but it is clear in your mind. what you want it to be. You clearly see the role of the characters, the ambiance… and so on. And every day the script gets bigger and bigger and more powerful.

I’ve been writing a script in my mind, for months now. It’s about exposing the NWO and its tyranny.. And amazingly, I’ve noticed that when I try to wake-up some people, it is more easy than before. Like if they could intercept my brain waves.

I can now get them to read informative articles, and watch powerful videos. Before that script in my mind, it was almost impossible to convince anyone to do so. No one seemed to care about all that. But now, it’s a cakewalk.

By: arcadia11 Thu, 01 Oct 2015 20:27:27 +0000 that’s because you may not be considered to be an artist.
artists seem to agree that they are the highest life forms.
very much like doctors. though ‘artist’ is at very best a vague term.

what i see is that life is an art. everyone is an artist. period.

By: Tracy Thu, 01 Oct 2015 14:30:21 +0000 That went straight over my head 🙂
