Comments on: Beyond an artificial world Thu, 08 Oct 2015 19:15:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Thu, 08 Oct 2015 19:15:39 +0000 Well, decisions are made on many different levels and combinations of levels. That cannot be argued. It’s just a fact.

Not all decisions are made at the conscious, meditated level. Things like reactivity play a huge roll in the daily lives of just about everyone. Reactivity is not calculation.

Judgement and error are very strictly based social or cultural or personal values. Judgement and error are entirely subjective. There is no such thing as a factually universal standard for thought or action. One mans deadly sin can easily be another man’s god given pleasure or right.

MOST importantly, I was writing about randomness and why AI can never achieve human quality. Without randomness all things would eventually add up to a grand self canceling harmonic. It would all go flat-line and existence would cease. On a smaller scale randomness prevents some fool from developing an AI that could effectively anticipate every human evasive action thereby subjugating humanity to the rule of hard, merciless and lifeless code.

Most people don’t much care for randomness because it tends to yield unexpected results here and there. That is understandable.

With all of that said, it would seem to me that you are expressing something like a fear of that which cannot be perfectly calculated. Is this correct? Just asking.

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 08 Oct 2015 04:38:49 +0000 @Mike

Disagree here: “Each human being can make uncalculated, pointless…” Everything everyone does is calculated and with a point, but can be judged “irrational, spontaneous, intuitive, creative, destructive or, MOST importantly, ‘in error'”.

By: Mike Wed, 07 Oct 2015 02:26:46 +0000 Code is funny stuff.

If this then who cares.
If this then maybe.
If this then why?
If this then you pick one.
If this then pin the tail on the donkey.
If this the ….what?

Can’t code humanness.

By: Andy Wed, 07 Oct 2015 02:22:11 +0000 Thank you for that Michael.

By: Mike Wed, 07 Oct 2015 00:13:18 +0000 Well, it comes down to randomness.

Each human being can make uncalculated, pointless, irrational, spontaneous,intuitive,creative, destructive, etc., decisions on many different levels and combinations of levels. Times eight billion people. And some aliens for good measure.

It is impossible to program that. Ain’t gonna happen.

Control is equal to calculation. What cannot be calculated cannot be controlled.

I have read that the purpose of the NSA is to gather enough comm data to algorithmically compute human thought and behavior. I find that funny.

This has been tried before. The Adam and Eve story is a brief narrative about a genetically modified race that had entered a healing process. The left brain (logical, it’s all good, let’s stay here) had begun to reintegrate with the right brain (creative, there is so much more, let’s get out of here) in spite of the corpus controller filter that had been installed between the spheres. An agreement was reached in the mind of the race and the race departed to parts to be discovered. It is not about an “Adam” and an “Eve”, it’s about the psychological healing of a GMO race. That would be us. There are still a lot of people subject to non-integrated thinking, but it’s getting better. The question is do we have enough time to finish healing?

There is some evidence that this healing could be accomplished rather quickly. You may recall that Cain had to receive a mark (thing, process) before he could go to live with the Nodites else they would have recognized him as a GMO and killed him out of hand. In other words his thought processes had to be modified to correspond to a non-GMO race. Be interesting to know what this “mark” is.

Logic, in wedlock to creativity, yields blessed randomness without which some fool would calculate the butterfly out to the Nth degree and freeze it all up.

It’s all about blessed randomness. AI stands for Ain’t Integrated.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 06 Oct 2015 22:19:48 +0000 @ Andy
I fine it interesting starting to see you shine.
Keep this up and you will be like a new penny.

“This could all change and I could be wrong but so what. Just doing an exercise.” -Andy

You’re not wrong…

“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.”

By: Andy Tue, 06 Oct 2015 17:54:38 +0000 I thought about this a lot this year and came to a realization just this year. Asking myself what is the difference between a machine and a human (in this case consciousness). The answer that kept coming up was that the major difference is that a machine would have a constant need for meaning. Did not make sense to me but it does. Someone touched on meaning above in a post. I have searched throughout my life for meaning. Then I asked myself what I was searching for. I could not come up with a consistent answer. Then I thought about a machine in that the neurosci guys building the machine are constantly giving the machine definitions. Giving it meaning for everything. So as it gets more advanced it will have the “appearance” of consciousness but it is always looking for meaning. What does he mean? or what does she mean? or what does this mean? Always definitions. But it is not really wondering. It is just doing what the code says. So that is where I am at. Seeing that I focused more on where I am. There is a difference between wondering and needing meaning imo. Wondering has to do with Imagination where needing seems more machine like. This could all change and I could be wrong but so what. Just doing an exercise.

By: From Québec Sun, 04 Oct 2015 18:38:51 +0000 October 2,2015: Powerful interview with Annie Jacobsen, the writer of the new book:
“The Pentagon’s Brain”: An Uncensored History of DARPA, America’s Top-Secret Military Research Agency

Everybody should listen to this interview. Very interesting and educating.
Start listening at: 50:56

The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday October 2 2015: Annie Jacobsen, Peter Schiff

By: alabaster Sun, 04 Oct 2015 14:19:50 +0000 You are right on, Jon. Any machine can only imitate life. One big difference with life and a mere machine is life CARES, but no machine cares. It doesn’t care what it does—something or nothing—it doesn’t care. It’s a servo-mechanism only, something that life had to set up, program, and use as a tool and actually has no meaning to anything except what it means to something living. Humans know that someone who gets into a state of not caring is approximating a machine, or inanimate object. Look at how much a dead body cares! It doesn’t! No life there. The ‘excitement’ about machines and computers is the same as the knobs who love to ‘show’ you how infinitesimally small you are compared to the size of galaxies, the universe, etc. It’s hilarious. But they’re simply talking as if everything is matter and physical, like you are your body and so your body in comparison to the size of galaxies is small. That is a gargantuan trick, trap, and lie.

By: bleak Sun, 04 Oct 2015 07:43:35 +0000 “Non-material means: without a rigid cause-and-effect structure.”

I’m guessing that by “rigid,” you’re saying a measurable C&E structure? Because, certainly, no cause does not have some kind of effect. And no effect is produced without something causing it. Now how and why that works specifically is totally beyond me. But very basically, good and evil causes produce like effects. There is no escaping the effects and that is how their matrix will fail. Whoever “they” are. Time is another matter altogether. Maybe it’s already happened, maybe not?

I believe in the invisible and try to reside there as much as I’m capable; even if for only a few minutes each day (on a “good” day). The invisible is a state of mind that can only be sought and is not really ever held for very long, is it? Not by me anyway. Like a place in a different time or a time in a different place. Temporally speaking for example. But I also believe that C&E is just as much a part of that “world” as it is this material one. Is C&E not a multi-dimensional, immutable and universal Law?

Who knows what effects anyone’s thoughts and/or actions cause? They may cause something tangible and immediate. Or, they may cause something to happen in a thousand years or in a parallel universe. As Brian Wilson sang, “God only knows.” They’re just a bunch of weasels playing at being gods. Bang on the head of one weasel and another pops up. So good luck to whoever is trying to put God in a box.

Thank you, Mr R. I don’t read much on the internet anymore except for you.
