Comments on: The TPP: a monster too big to fail? Sat, 10 Oct 2015 05:27:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ultrawoman Sat, 10 Oct 2015 05:27:09 +0000 I can’t wait to meet those black swans!

By: Ultrawoman Sat, 10 Oct 2015 05:26:25 +0000 Excellent! Let’s hope they fail miserably!

By: Josh Fri, 09 Oct 2015 06:50:21 +0000 Yes I absolutely understand that point that all three of them are making. I also realized that I’ve known this and have been living it for a long time now, I just never framed it in exactly that way.

I know there are ways out for myself. I know that pushing as hard as you can to get total control over a planet and a species, no matter how many resources and how clever you (think) you are, is a whole lot easier said than done.

The product of an insane subset of the human species is insane on the face of it. So black swans are waiting in the wings and they *will* be flying in – law of the universe.

Its everybody else I’m talking about here that I’m more worried about honestly. The herd thinkers.

By: Dawn Fri, 09 Oct 2015 01:09:44 +0000 Amen to that!

By: Greg Osborne Thu, 08 Oct 2015 00:09:40 +0000 This is it. This is the article that I will forward to all of the people (and then some) whose ideological cages I have been rattling over this international abomination for the last two-plus years.

You are absolutely right, Jon. This rancid piece of humanity-killing evil will be the crown jewel in this mans career-long assault on everything that is good. This is why the Great Imposter was hired by the Globalists. Push this through and you have effectively bypassed all Constitutional accountability on so many levels. After that, the precedent will have been set to where the Executive Branch will essentially become a dictatorship. Not that it hasn’t already happened, but the scope of the TPP is broader and more far reaching than anything yet attempted by this “president”.

The one thing that we have going for us is that this illegal treaty has almost every side of the political spectrum railing against it (albeit for different reasons). But I am not very hopeful, because you are right, Jon, as the political stakes get higher, so does the desperation. And with that, the gloves come off and the knives come out. We will see just how corrupt Washington really is if this passes.

Beautifully stated and summed up.

By: laurabruno Wed, 07 Oct 2015 13:40:02 +0000 Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:
Yes, this is it.

May those pushing the TPP fail so miserably, drown so deeply in their own corruption, cowardice and greed that they can never now nor ever again breathe life into such schemes. May the rip currents of Poetic Justice wrest the puppeteers and their puppets under and away with swift force. Never to manipulate this world again. Never to return.

May those with vision and courage flush the TPP and its proponents from our toilets, from our shores, from our governments and from our lives.

May the People on shore awaken from trance and return to their hearts, their souls, their soil, their kin, their homes, their friends, their communities, their lives. May they live, love and create in peace. May prosperity and harmony return to the Land and Her People.

May it be so, and soon.

By: Theodore Wed, 07 Oct 2015 13:20:41 +0000 Just to add, Jon talks about the deeper notions of the dichotomy you mention.

Also, Matt Drudge identifies the dichotomy — the “lock and key” — and the way out.

At 12m54s: “How sick are the American people right now?”

At 13m48s: On eliminating the ‘sickness’…

“make [create] your own play ground [how? by using your imagination]”

“[Alex, what you and I have created ( and]… this is a figment of [our] imagination[s] [that we have made fact in the word]”

“it is a very simple thesis: you are what you dream you are and become [you take your deepest desires and make them fact in the world using you imagination]”

By: Josh Wed, 07 Oct 2015 06:09:28 +0000 This is exactly it. For those of us that recognize what this is, its hard to decide what is more terrifying:

The fact that we live on a planet in the moment in history where this massive illegal centralization of power into the hands of a tyrannical elite is actually happening – OR – that the greatest part of the population is either completely oblivious or in determined denial, and in either case some large majority literally cannot understand the importance at all.

The people have been made so intellectually weak they are not capable of ‘getting it’, no matter how simply you break it down to them. All information is of equal value: they have no way of evaluating cause and effect or following a train of reliable evidence and coming to rational conclusions.

I still haven’t found the perfect word that quite covers this feeling. I don’t think there is one in English.

By: Ultrawoman Wed, 07 Oct 2015 05:17:36 +0000 Where do we go if the TPP passes? Where do we go if it fails? Will they try to push it through next year? Will they try to push it through the week before Christmas?

By: Dawn Vierra Wed, 07 Oct 2015 02:17:25 +0000 TPP. This is it. Drum roll
