Comments on: Rappoport: if I were President, if you were Tue, 13 Oct 2015 11:54:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 13 Oct 2015 11:54:16 +0000 @David

Are these rhetorical questions or have you been full absorbed by materialist propaganda?

The only thing anyone can be SURE about is individuality. That “chi” is one part feeling, and another part imagination mixed in with a big dose of “beliefs”. Imagination is the roadmap that allows those feelings to be, but nagging beliefs, ever watchful for “breaks” in the script, try to crimp individualism.

Jon’s one of those spiritual doctors with the remedy for every calcified belief system.

By: David Mon, 12 Oct 2015 05:21:05 +0000 What does imagination mean? What does it feel like? How do you know if you’re using it or not?

By: Corey hawkins Sun, 11 Oct 2015 01:45:50 +0000 Why? Then u vote your revolutionary party into the imposter United States corporate fake govt and are now working for them???? Your thinking though, I like that, just please really learn just how the American republic govt our founders gave us which is still here works, and how the 2nd corporate govt under the form of democracy ruled govt. ever wondered where the 2 party voting system got their names? Republicans and democrats? They throw these clues at us confident we will never catch on and usually don’t. But your on the right track. Just please never stop digging until we revolutionize the entire planet my friend. This is about humanity, not just us. You are a human and so is that Chinese guy being strangled by his corporate fake govt. not 2 different peoples but 1 human race. And what are we humans racing too???

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 10 Oct 2015 02:21:29 +0000 I wasn’t greatly impressed by the “David Lederman” charades and “loaded” innuendo of the Matt Drudge interview. Denial of the relevance of Isis (i.e. check out the background to the Jewish Passover), frankly, put me right off.

This, on the other hand, is poetry in motion. This, and they’re all good, Jon, is one of your better entries. Question is: is there are workable paradigm without money or electronic credits?


By: Dan Quixoté Sat, 10 Oct 2015 00:31:17 +0000 JR for prez. Rappoport or Ewing. Either way.

By: jacobite2015 Sat, 10 Oct 2015 00:24:54 +0000 To chime in: I think the main reason many people in America don’t vote is b/c of the 2 party dominance of the Republicans & Democrats, or what I call the “two headed monster.”

Interestingly, former Gov. Jesse Ventura was on the George Noory Coast to Coast show the other night and said the American political system is a total joke. He characterized it as “pro wrestling,” where both parties put on an act in front of the American people to create the Illusion that they hate & depise each other. However, he further explained that behind closed doors both parties are very cozy with each other and actually agree bilaterally of their philosophy of government dominance & control of the people.

After all look at the choices we have with the “two-headed monster:” Nothing but a bunch of Aristocrats & multi-millionares, attorneys & physicians, House of Bush & the Clinton dynasty, etc. Yeah…these folks are really in touch with us middle-class working stiffs who just want government out of our freaking lives and for us to be left alone. How about a Congress that instead admiring about how many millions of dollars each one has, and how wonderful they act when on camera, they would actually study the U.S. Constitution and adhere to it for once in their freaking lifetime!

The American politicians??? Nothing but a bunch of Aristocrats, Nobles & Egomaniacs!!! (not to mention suck-ups to big pharma, the CDC, the FDA, the Federal Reserve!).

By: The Chiefe (@the_chiefe71) Sat, 10 Oct 2015 00:21:39 +0000 WikiLeaks has released the “highly guarded top-secret” TPP treaty chapter that ushers in a global Fascist Corporatist State.

By: From Québec Fri, 09 Oct 2015 23:17:37 +0000 Me again…lol

Get in touch with all the third political Parties, and convince them to abolish those parties and select the best candidates of each party and have them join with The Revolution Party.

So on voting day, there will only be 3 choices: ,
The Republican Party, the Democratic Party and the Revolution Party.

By: From Québec Fri, 09 Oct 2015 22:43:32 +0000 Post-Scriptum:

If you can accomplish that, you will solve the problem of all NATO nations, because you will abolish NATO. It would also solve the problem of the tyrannical TPP Treaty who will also be abolished. No more financial breakdown for countries, since the Federal Reserve will also be abolished. No more financial Armageddon for the world.

You would return to the USA that once was the most inspiring country on this planet. The whole World will be cheering at you. What do you have to lose to try it? And don’t worry about the money, if Infowars could get one million donation on a money bomb in one day, imagine what The Revolution Party would get in the remaining months before the election?

By: From Québec Fri, 09 Oct 2015 22:21:08 +0000 What needs to be done in the USA:

Get some real strong people and true patriots like Jon Rappoport, Matt Drudge, Alex Jones, Judge Napolitano and many other brave men with tremendous imagination skills and creativity and who have powerful internet websites and create a new political Party, called:
The Revolution Party

Don’t worry about the MSM who will not cover it. They are insignificant. The Internet websites are much more powerful than the MSM and they have greater traffic. Convince every reader of these sites to exercise their right to vote. And have them convince their families and friends.

It will be a landslide win for The Revolution Party. And the rigged election system, cannot cope with a landslide win.

Can you Imagine that? It’s not too late. Make it happen. It’s all in your hands.
