Comments on: Energy wars: ‘massive’ oil discovery in Israel Tue, 13 Dec 2016 05:38:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 13 Dec 2016 05:38:28 +0000 Of course, the Bible contains unfettered truth, that’s why it contradicts itself so much.

Ignoring all that old propaganda for Pharisees hell bent on indoctrinating their foe (anything and everything “in their way:), one thing is clear. Talk of “contradictions”, It’s those “Islamic” nutters calling themselves “ISIS” that are protecting the Golan Heights for Israel. How about that for fallacy? I guess that sums up despotism and its goals.

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 30 Oct 2015 02:02:03 +0000 What nonsense, Dtrain. Are you a “compatriot”?

There are no civilised Syrians? I think the majority there will disagree and consider themselves rather more “human” than the average citizen of Israel, which, of course, is an illegal state (according to their own Haredim) prized from Palestine. We learn Israelite view on the “terms of ownership” from Jericho. What a barbarous bunch!

By: DDearborn Wed, 28 Oct 2015 21:47:57 +0000 Hmmm

Actually the United States has controlled that area first with the British and then using Israel as its proxy since WWII. What is Israel? Who created Israel? The UN never actually formally ratified the creation of Israel. In the Middle East Israel comes in dead last in terms of the legal legitimacy of its existence. And Israel’s murdering of what now amounts to 10’s of thousands of innocent Palestinian women and children and turning millions more into refugee does not constitute “semi-civilized” it is the very essence of evil, terror and uncivilized barbarism.

By: Dtrain Wed, 28 Oct 2015 18:47:45 +0000 Rob, does it? What is Syria? Who created Syria? The fact is they are nothing more than a bunch of tribal goat herders.

Israel has controlled that area for almost 50 years….just let it go… will be okay. I know people like you hate Israel even though they are the only semi-civilized people in the entire region.

By: Rob Sun, 18 Oct 2015 05:18:08 +0000 The Golan Heights belongs Syria. The title should read “Massive Oil Discovery in Syria’s Golan Heights.”

By: Susan Q Sat, 17 Oct 2015 21:54:37 +0000 Though I’m not thrilled with the corporation Genie in Israel and its all to questionable board, I definitely take issue with your “taken by Israel from Syria” line. According to antiquities literature- The book of Jubilees-,after the flood, lots were cast to determine who should live where. The survivors of the flood further put themselves under a curse if they lived anywhere but where the lot fell for them.
The lot for the descendants of Shem fell in the area of current day Israel. This lot land even went as far at the river Euphrates. Well Abraham, Isaac, & Israel were descendants of Shem; Canaan was not but opted to live there anyway. They were even reproved for living there and warned. The Canaanites decided to settle there curse or no curse as did the Palestinians later on.
According to the book of Jashur, referenced twice in the Bible as the go to source for more in depth information, Israel approached his brother Esau at the death of their father Isaac.
‘Yes,’ he says,'(You sold me the birthright but) I’m willing to split up father Isaac’s possessions anyway. What would you like to have-goods or land?’
Esau gives the matter some thought & contacts Uncle Ishmael’s son or his brother in Law for advice(Yes Esau married a cousin) .
“In your face” Nebayothl says,’Hey man take the possessions cuz we’re already living in the land even though we don’t have the birthright to do so.’
So Esau tells his brother he’ll take dad’s possessions, Israel can have the land.
Israel says, ‘Are you sure? If that’s what you want I’ll even pay you for the land. Which he does do for their agreed upon amount in front of four witnesses. The transaction is even recorded and stored away.
Israel has always allowed people to live on land that was by rights and purchase his, yet is badmouthed for camping out on the very land he inherited and paid for.
Also Syria is short for Assyria which invaded Northern Israel in the 700s BCE and deported them off their land to 3 different locations besides selling them as slaves throughout the then known world via the seaports of Tyre and Sidon. One location was below the Caucasus Mountains. The Black Obelisk the Assyrian king’s record of the account, references the people as Saache (off the cuff unsure of spelling but the upshot is this word is their languages meaning for Isaac’s sons) and became known as the Scythians. They cross the Caucasus mountains and become known as Caucasians. Southern Israel the Kingdom of Judah (the Jews) is invaded later by Babylon and deported there. The land is populated with their own people.
So again… who was it that stole what from whom?
Oh and by the way what was your ethnic background, Caucasian was it? Smack talking your relatives again are you? Well that’s on you. Have a great day.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 17 Oct 2015 04:07:53 +0000 Correct assessment….!

By: BDBinc Fri, 16 Oct 2015 19:19:04 +0000 Its a coordinated joint escalation for a WW3.
The West playing the “bad” guy the Putin playing the role of “good” guy but they are all in on the NWO plan . Putin is ruled by Washington that’s why he’s helping them bomb Syria.
FUNDING both sides is the Banksters forgotten in this ” good vs bad” paradigm .
Banksters funding Putin and Banksters funding Ohbomba .The Crown, Vatican and Washington profit off War and maintain cotnrol in chaos , profit off people acting for their interests and made up causes.
The radical propaganda in this war continues.

By: From Québec Fri, 16 Oct 2015 18:41:36 +0000 Putin is Defeating More than ISIS in Syria

By: johnbarleycorn12 Fri, 16 Oct 2015 01:31:05 +0000 Reblogged this on John Barleycorn and commented:
This could be a game changer.
