Comments on: Updated: the stimulus-response Empire Wed, 28 Oct 2015 20:37:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amy Helm Wed, 28 Oct 2015 20:37:26 +0000 This Empire is imploding like all the ones before it. Insanity of this magnitude is finite and unsustainable in ANY civilization. We have learned nothing.

In addition- whether you believe it or not, we live in a Universe filled with life far older than us. Who believe humans belong to them. Who have interfered with humans from the beginning. Who have imposed their way of being on our entire race from genetic manipulation to the forms of government currently in place.

Our problem is far greater than any government and it’s imposed controls and atrocities. We are multi-dimensional beings in a cosmic game. We are children with a child’s understanding of such things in this Universe and are constantly prevented from evolving. Our problem is ignorance. We are cosmic, multi-dimensional beings and hardly any of us KNOW this. Corrupt humans are being run by other entities, in order to create the atrocity, chaos and fear that these beings feed off of. Again- most do not know this.

Until humans realize they have been played by other off-planet beings for food/slaves, every civilization will just be a repetitive imploding Empire. That is what these beings do. And they have been doing this to planet after planet for aeons. That is their nature. We are food. That’s it.

Unless humans come to this realization- our race will become extinct. Tragic.

By: Stephen Persaud Thu, 22 Oct 2015 14:44:19 +0000 Arnold Toynbee…. Pitirim Sorokin …. Sima Qian all studied the rise and fall of civilisations..

There are many current examples of intellectuals…organisations and mad-men who believe that we as a civilisation have reached the “end of our road”…..

(New scientific models supported by the British government’s Foreign Office show that if we don’t change course, in less than three decades industrial civilisation will essentially collapse due to catastrophic food shortages, triggered by a combination of climate change, water scarcity, energy crisis, and political instability)

As Thomas Edison presciently pointed out to Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone in 1931, “We are like tenant farmers chopping down the fence around our house for fuel when we should be using nature’s inexhaustible sources of energy – sun, wind and tide. I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.”


Does such a thing as a SUPRA national government exist ??

In Ian Fleming’s novels, SPECTRE is a commercial enterprise led by Blofeld. The top level of the organisation is made up of twenty-one individuals….

Is there an agenda to shut down industrial society..??

In the fall of 1958 Theodore Kaczynski, a brilliant but vulnerable boy of sixteen, entered Harvard College. There he encountered a prevailing intellectual atmosphere of anti-technological despair……in other words the “Ivy league-rs” were discussing the END OF THE WORLD……which means so was the Pentagon and every other major intelligence agency on the planet……..

So they could either wait for the STHTF (shit to hit the fan)….or get ahead of the coming transition/collapse….by pre-empting it …working it from the inside……from this stand point the entire 2008 financial collapse was engineered……the Greek financial debacle is an exercise in how to collapse a modern society and yet still maintain some semblance of control…..and the “Arab Spring” (Islamic civil war) is a work-in-progress……

The world of Islam with more than 1500 million adherents spread over almost all the continents of the world is not in a very happy state. In fact, the religion is in a dire state. This state of affairs arises not because Islam is under attack externally from rival religions, although there is some discernible evidence supporting this notion, but mainly because it is perennially in the throes of intra-religious animosity which is now surfacing as a violent internecine conflict. This conflict is of late taking on such severe dimensions that the very foundation of the religion is in danger of being seriously shaken or even damaged.

The Shape of Things to Come….

There is evidence that the 2007−2010 drought contributed to the conflict in Syria. It was the worst drought in the instrumental record, causing widespread crop failure and a mass migration of farming families to urban centers. Century-long observed trends in precipitation, temperature, and sea-level pressure, supported by climate model results, strongly suggest that anthropogenic forcing has increased the probability of severe and persistent droughts in this region, and made the occurrence of a 3-year drought as severe as that of 2007−2010 2 to 3 times more likely than by natural variability alone. We conclude that human influences on the climate system are implicated in the current Syrian conflict…..–and-it-will-trigger-more-war-in-future-10081163.html

The first protests of the Arab spring in Tunisia in December 2010 were quickly dismissed as another bout of bread riots. Arab regimes responded by making adjustments to food prices and offering more subsidies. Increasing the subsidy slightly relieves the popular pressure but also increases the profit margins for importers and manufacturers. But this time round, truckloads of flour did not do the trick…

Washington faces what may be its worst drought in recorded history. The state isn’t on the road to sun-parched hellscapes out of Mad Max like some parts of California and the Midwest — not yet —but the coming months may serve as a wake-up call to new climate realities.


The U.S. intelligence and security communities grapple on a daily basis with the pressing reality that natural resource scarcity and global climate change pose direct threats to U.S. prosperity and national security. There is, perhaps, no clearer example than the sustained incursion of Chinese navy ships, fishing fleets, and oil rigs over the past five years into the territorial waters of Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, and other countries of the South China Sea.

China’s economic miracle is a “Paper Tiger”……..

Geologists predict more frequent catastrophes in China’s Three Gorges Dam region, after landslides wipe out a hydropower plant

China has transitioned from a mostly rural country of peasant farmers to one that is defined by its cities. But this urbanisation drive has produced a peculiar side effect: newly built urban areas, even completely new cities, that entirely lack people.

The quality of China’s overworked, polluted and artificially fertilised soil needs to be protected or the country could struggle to grow enough crops for the 300 million to 400 million people who will move from the countryside to the city over the next 30 years, a senior government adviser warned today.

A prominent U.S. environmental expert has raised doubts about China’s ability to curb its rampant air pollution problem, despite recent reports that the country’s clampdown against pollution was making some progress.

Paper Tiger just went miaow…

Every quasi-mushroom cloud has a silver lining. That was our cynical conclusion yesterday when we noticed that as part of China’s tragic Tianjin mega-explosion, thousands of channel-stuffed cars parked at the Chinese port which likely would have quietly rusted away into the epic nothingness of China’s unprecedented excess capacity of pretty much everything, were destroyed, thereby one-time reducing at least some of the gargantuan slack in the Chinese economy.

Which got us thinking: if natural disasters, either accidental or man made, are a tangential blessing to the Chinese economy, why stop at the Tianjin explosion? What about the biggest bogeyman facing China today – its environmental catastrophe, demonstrated best by the impenetrable, carciongenic and toxic smog resulting from the accelerated industrialization of the country….

As the wind whistles through half-finished skyscrapers and over empty boulevards, a development billed as China’s answer to Manhattan at times bears out the “ghost town” label some have given it.Chinese officials hope the towers of the Yujiapu Financial District will one day house a trading center to rival New York’s Wall Street or London’s Canary Wharf. But more than three years after construction began, all but one of the buildings planned for the development in the northern Chinese port city of Tianjin appear unfinished, alongside vacant spaces where others should stand

Zhang Xiaoying is a real estate analyst for Tianjin Centaline Property Consulting. Her job is to advise those who are interested in investing in this area. What is she telling them about China’s next Manhattan? “Don’t invest here!” Zhang says loudly, “It’s way too risky. Some developers have re-sold entire buildings at a loss just so they can pull out of here as soon as possible. For the projects that are finished, the investors are now pulling out.” The way Zhang sees it, Yujiapu is more Detroit than Manhattan, and it hasn’t even been built yet



The Elephant in the room……..

Riddley Walker is set about two thousand years after a nuclear war has devastated world civilizations. The main action of the story begins when the young narrator, Riddley, stumbles upon efforts to recreate a weapon of the ancient world. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists stated that “The force and beauty and awfulness of Hoban’s creation is shattering”

Radioactive waste is such a problem because it remains dangerous for tens of thousands to millions of years. To put that in context, 10,000 years ago our ancestors were hunting with flint blades, and nearly 1m years ago early humans were making their first tentative steps on to British soil. Who knows what will happen in the next million years…..
At the moment, most of the UK’s radioactive waste is stored at ground level in vaults and buildings at Sellafield. Zoe Shipton, professor of geological engineering at the University of Strathclyde, says: “This cannot continue long term, as at the surface the waste will be exposed to many possible threats, including terrorism, tsunamis and climate change.”

The vaults and buildings also require continual maintenance (24/7 — 365 days a year). Bearing in mind that the longest-running civilisation, the ancient Egyptians, were only around for 3,500 years, it is naive to think we can pass down information on how to monitor and maintain these buildings for hundreds of thousands of generations. What happens if there is a worldwide pandemic like the recent ebola outbreak and key nuclear workers all get sick ?

On June 22-23, 2001 – some 3 months before 9/11, and 4 months before the Anthrax attacks – the U.S. military held a senior-level war game at Andrews Air Force Base called Dark Winter. The scenario of this bio-terrorism drill was designed to simulate a smallpox attack in three states. Numerous congressmen, former CIA director James Woolsey, New York Times reporter Judith Miller (who pushed the Iraq WMD myth, as well as the false link between Iraq and the Anthrax attacks), and anti-terror official Jerome Hauer all participated in the exercise.

The best – and as far as many experts are concerned, only – option is to put the nuclear waste out of harm’s way in a geological disposal facility….

-radio active radio active…..

Maybe sometime in the future bacteria could feed off nuclear waste



Political disturbance and armed conflict in the Middle East since 2010 have had the unintended consequence of making the air cleaner. Researchers say that in countries like Syria and Iraq, levels of air pollutants have fallen dramatically. The amount of nitrogen dioxide in the air over Damascus has fallen by up to 50% since start of the civil war.

In the three days that followed the 9/11 attacks, when all commercial flights above the continental US were suddenly suspended, a veil was lifted on the profound, though until that point unconfirmed, effects that aviation-associated artificial clouds are having on our planetary environment.

In the August 2002 edition of Nature, which is ranked the world’s most cited interdisciplinary journal, a report was published titled “Contrails reduce daily temperature range,” where scientists discuss how “a brief interval when the skies were clear of jets unmasked an effect on climate.”

Three Days Without Contrails

The post-9/11 grounding of all commercial aircraft resulted in the sudden disappearance of condensation trails (contrails) from jet aircraft across the entire United States. According to the Nature study, the potential of contrails “…from jet aircraft to affect regional-scale surface temperatures has been debated for years…,” but it was not until the three-day grounding period that doubts concerning the existence of the phenomenon could be put to rest.

The Phenomenon: A 1.8 Degree Celsius Increase In Temperature in North America

The study found “…an anomalous increase in the average diurnal temperature range (that is, the difference between the daytime maximum and night-time minimum temperatures) for the period 11-14 September 2001.”


Prince Arjuna hesitates to attack the enemy with his army; Vishnu, in the incarnation of Krishna, encourages him, and motivates him by explaining how the world works, with reincarnations, Brahman, Maya etc. Arjuna asks to see Vishnu in his “cosmic”, i.e. real, form, a wish that is granted. The overwhelmed Arjuna asks:

Tell me who are You in such a fierce form? My salutations to You, O best of gods, be merciful! I wish to understand You, the primal Being, because I do not know Your mission.

The Supreme Lord said: I am death, the mighty destroyer of the world, out to destroy. Even without your participation all the warriors standing arrayed in the opposing armies shall cease to exist.

Therefore, get up and attain glory. Conquer your enemies and enjoy a prosperous kingdom. All these (warriors) have already been destroyed by Me. You are only an instrument, O Arjuna.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 21 Oct 2015 23:36:56 +0000 “Communist” (hopefully not the Russian/Chinese mockery) maybe, FQ, but thus far (per internet whispers) he doesn’t intend to back out of the Israel blessed “globalist” controversy whipped by Adolph Harper. Some are calling him Canada’s “Obama”.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 21 Oct 2015 02:12:29 +0000 The real Pavlov’s dog is “money”.

Therefore you must remove the “belief in” money to dissemble the globalists reign of terror. Until that happens, “happiness” is just another commodity [amply exploited by the “Buddhists”].


By: From Québec Wed, 21 Oct 2015 00:26:15 +0000 Another interesting article about last night Canadian election:

Liberal victory bad news for economy


“Canada’s economy isn’t in idle. It isn’t about to slip into recession, although the year-long drop in world oil prices has slowed growth noticeably.

Since the global financial crisis in 2008, Canada has performed better economically than any other G7 country, with the possible exception of the U.K.

But let’s assume Trudeau is right. That’s a big ask given how limited the Liberal boss’s economic knowledge is.

He’s a trust fund baby. At age 43, his only regular job has been a couple years of substitute teaching in B.C.

For the sake of argument, let’s accept Trudeau’s argument our economy is in idle. If it is, Trudeau proposes to jump behind the wheel, throw it into gear and slam it into a tree.

That’s what his pals in Ontario have done. McGuinty and Wynne have crashed and burned their economy – and Ontario’s finances.”

By: From Québec Tue, 20 Oct 2015 23:59:54 +0000 “Now we are getting to the pivot of this civilization. Which way will it ultimately swing? Toward the stimulus-response empire, or toward individual power?”

Well I can tell you that in Canada, it is the stimulous-response empire.
Yesterday, Justin Trudeau (Liberal, in fact more (ommunist) won a majority government and became our new Canadian Prime Minister.
Heaven help us!

This “ti-coune”, I think in English you could say, this ” dimwit ” will be the downfall of Canada.

He wants 25,000 so-called migrant refugees immediately, he wants Carbon tases, he want to be the best friend of Obama…etc.

If you Americans think that Obama is bad, wait till you see our “ti-coune” in action, Much worse than Obama if that is possible. In fact, Trudeau is to the left to Obama.he copied the 2008 election… hope and change… hahahaha!

See: Left-wing zealot Justin Trudeau elected as Canada’s next prime minister


“The news goes from bad to worse. In a tragic upset, Justin Trudeau, the leader of Canada’s Liberal Party, has unseated the peerless Stephen Harper. Harper was the last man standing — the last true leader of the free world.”

“UPDATE: A gloating CBC credited the Obama Ground Team sent to Canada last year to ensure election victory for the Liberals in tonight’s outcome. Members of Obama’s election team—who revolutionized data mining for political campaigns—shared it with Trudeau, and the rest is now history”.

By: BDBinc Tue, 20 Oct 2015 19:54:56 +0000 Pavlov:
Conditioned response vs non conditioned.
Desire for pleasure and fear of pain vs freedom.

By: laurabruno Tue, 20 Oct 2015 17:57:05 +0000 Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:
Another great piece by Jon! This one makes me so grateful (again) for the superb English teachers I had at Liberty High School. Not only did we read philosophers and classics, but we discussed — in depth — concepts of freedom, liberty, responsibility, creation, and the individual. I knew those teachers were offering us gifts, but until graduate school, I did not realize how unusual and precious those gifts really were. Thank you, Jon, for continuing to insist on what’s possible beyond what’s typically projected within the carefully controlled screen of “reality.”

By: Stephen Persaud Tue, 20 Oct 2015 16:27:20 +0000 “Recipe for disaster”

First….get your corporate ruling elite (be they French…British…German…Dutch…Italian…Russian… Chinese….Saudi…Israeli or American etc) to use their “state muscle” and intermediaries to fight “proxy wars” in another country in order to secure ownership of natural resources…..commodities…..or strategic geographical location…

This will then eventually lead to a failed state and in turn large numbers of displaced people.. ie: refugees….

Then from the ensuing chaos encourage mafias to take advantage of the tidal wave of humanity and traffick large numbers of desperate people into Europe.. thereby solving Europe’s ageing population demographic nightmare in a stroke by stealth…..

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have been ongoing for decades……so too have the conflicts in East Africa (Somalia/Eritrea/Sudan) as well as the other wars in the central African republics (all conflicts over resources driven by local rivalries … encouraged and backed by outside “players”) ….and during all this period of time there has only been a trickle of refugees seeking asylum in the “West”…

It is only with the recent collapses of Syria and Libya (although the Syrian war is now in its 5th year and Libya its 4th) that we have all of a sudden seen a mass migration of people……

If you ask me …someone has “thrown a switch” and is playing Joe Public for the easily led “sheeple” they are

By: Jennifer Peyton Tue, 20 Oct 2015 15:52:39 +0000 Thank you Jon. Now this is teaching “critical thinking” that goes way beyond teaching “critical thinking” through the hubris of “algebra” in public school/college. Two sides to a thought or an equation do not necessarily have to equal each other when you insert the human common denominator of “freewill”. I like it! Free will also shuts out and shuts down the “need” for third party intervention on any and All levels of real life. Score another for the individual rather than the herd. “If you’re Happy and you know it “clap your hands” … If I’m happy and I know it, I’ll make up my own song!
