Comments on: When Hillary “dodged sniper fire” Fri, 30 Oct 2015 22:31:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: jeffrey Fri, 30 Oct 2015 22:31:06 +0000 Ha! Very convincingly, and even laugh-inducingly well-expressed, Jon; thank you! And I am reminded by your focus in this piece—and by my enjoyment of it—that one of the great chasms/divides in type, perception, and motivation among humans is between those who value and revere truth discernment/truth alignment/truth adherence as a PRIMARY PRINCIPLE FOR THE PRESERVATION AND CONTINUING ELEVATION OF CONSCIOUS EXISTENCE…in contrast to, and pitted against those who are yet to recognize and to hold the principle of truth in its appropriate place of importance and esteem in moment-to-moment existence…throughout existence.

I am moved to mention this despite the ongoing clear, obvious, and profound evidence of your own awareness of the necessity for truth discernment/alignment, because perhaps when we focus on revealing the lies of the political puppets and stooges we may be assuming, in part, that this will somehow encourage them to be more honest? Or do we despair that these types will ever grow to love truth and all its related life-giving blessings, so we focus on their lies for the purpose of…umm…of revealing our ethical superiority to these overgrown juvenile delinquents?… and/or also at least providing other reg’lar folks an increased capacity to see through the reptile-puppets’/talking heads’ B.S.?

Those who have been schooled and conditioned—and likely satanically/traumatically hazed in initiation—into position in the modern satanic/Machiavellian zionist idiot-moron military-political mafia power structure clearly have no concern for the value of truth/truthfulness operating in their current existence. They don’t see the relevance of truth, truth discernment, truthfulness; they are schooled in, and operating from, a sort of negative, dark anti-universe philosophy in which it is considered laudable—and a great service to their chosen master—to cheat, to steal, to control, to bully/threaten, to punish, imprison, murder, to prevaricate and cover up, etc.—and to do so with the most intense sense of pride, accomplishment, sense of self-worth, and even glee at having followed and fulfilled their chosen master’s/party’s code of “ethics/values.”

So, actually, in reading your piece which focused on some of the most obvious recent proveable bullshit/effluent to flow ftom Clinton’s spewage hole, I am wondering if it would behoove us to expend more time, energy, and focus on educating people—at many levels—on why truth discernment/truth adherence is actually of utmost importance to our lives, to all life?

Mahalo, endlessly elevating blessedness,

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 21 Oct 2015 02:01:17 +0000 Lovely piece, Jon. Poetry in motion….!

By: Mark Tue, 20 Oct 2015 00:13:52 +0000 The obvious answer is that like so many others in her game, she’s probably a psychopath. She neither believes nor doubts. She’ll say whatever comes into her mind to further her goals.

Psychopaths have no conscience and will say and do anything to get what they want. When they get caught in a lie they just lie again. And all without a trace of remorse or guilt, or even the awareness of telling lies. To psychopaths, whatever they say at the moment is the truth for that moment.

Normal people don’t recognize psychopaths, other than the trite stereotypes in the movies. But the most common kind of psychopath is a person who simply has no conscience. They feel no remorse and no empathy for their victims. Until the public understands that there can be no changes for the better. Please read this:

The Trick of the Psychopath’s Trade: Make Us Believe that Evil Comes from Others

By: swo8 Mon, 19 Oct 2015 15:17:13 +0000 At this time in the game I would find it very amusing to see our politicians doing a little dance for us under fire.
