Comments on: Projecting the future: 10,000 years from now Wed, 28 Oct 2015 05:42:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: archivesdave Wed, 28 Oct 2015 05:42:06 +0000 SOoo, He’s an Elitist…U’r marginalizing again.
There are a hellava lot of people out there who are overt or covert elitists like Tom Friedman, Albert Pike, Manly Hall, NEWTON, H Blavatsky, Carroll Quigley, etc. You mean to tell me you’re not going to read or listen to anything they have to say?

By: From Québec Tue, 27 Oct 2015 17:32:42 +0000 Michio Kahu wants Carbon taxes. If this is not enough for you to understand that he is an Elite, well, nothing will.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 27 Oct 2015 04:23:49 +0000 Kaku pushes atheist-materialist agenda to the hilt & couldn’t find his ass with both hands when considering REAL physics of the cosmos. If it is immaterial it must be factored to make sense of reality; whether it is “real” or not. These mathematicians that “measure” the unmeasurable make me chuckle. Have deluded themselves into a perpetual state of ignorance.

By: brad Mon, 26 Oct 2015 19:38:59 +0000 Brilliant insight! And one of the most uplifting things I’ve read in a long while. Thanks!

By: archivesdave Mon, 26 Oct 2015 17:04:18 +0000 Re Michio Kaku ~ ” he still believes that humans control the climate. He’s an idiot.”
It’s SO easy to marginalize folks, we’re all
well trained to do it. It doesn’t work, get over it.
Kaku believes in the future, we WILL be able to control climate, not only on this earth, but
in the solar system and eventually galaxy.
If we don’t learn to do this, we will cease to
Throughout your article you hint at mankinds’ learning to control and then condemn Kaku for the same thing!

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 26 Oct 2015 06:44:09 +0000 Jon,

10,000 years from now the elites/powers will manipulate the superficial arrogance (ignorance) of the masses. By then, hopefully focus will have widened from the ever-so narrow bandwidth of today. Will psy-op’s such as ISIS “work” in the future?

I think so, it is in the “nature” of man.


By: From Québec Mon, 26 Oct 2015 04:41:03 +0000 Michio Kaku is an Elite who believes in the Global Warming hoax, With all his PHD, he still believes that humans control the climate. He’s an idiot.
And forget the return of Christ, that’s another hoax.

By: archivesdave Mon, 26 Oct 2015 00:43:25 +0000 “2016: Donald Trump was elected President. He cut all the free benefits to the illegal and to the so-called migrants refugees. Most of these people returned to their countries.”

2016 ? No Way! Perhaps 2017 since he won’t be in office til then.

Re your 2016 to 3016 predictions…Take another look at what Michio Kaku sez.
Unless Christ returns, I’d say things will stack
up closer to his assessment.

By: From Québec Sun, 25 Oct 2015 22:45:25 +0000 Okay, I know. I realized, while taking a long walk, that I haven’t answered Jon’s question in my previous post. That’s me alright, always entangled in details. But details are important, how can you predict the future if you do not know the facts about the past? Anyway, enough apologies.

Here is my opinion of what this Earth will look like in 10,000 years from now:

Words will be useless. Since we will be able to communicate our thoughts through telepathy. We already can do it with some close friends.

Cars will be obsolete, because we will be able to transport ourselves everywhere we wish to go. Gravity won’t be a problem, and neither will density.

We will also travel in the Universe, not with spaceships, but through the power of our minds. We will be able to have a conversation with any of the humans that ever existed on this Earth.

We will even be able, after we leave Earth, to materialize our own body and go back in time as far as the stone age, just for the pleasure to see what was going on in these days. History books will be useless. It will also be possible to travel into the future. We will then be able to warn people of what is coming if they don’t pay attention. Everything will be possible. It always was, but we did not know it.

After living through and fighting so many centuries of slavery and brainwashing, people’s imagination and creativity grew bigger and bigger each century. The mind revolted and became much stronger, just like muscles do when you exercise them.

Generations, after generations of revolts, transferred us new genes and memories, that accelerate our transformation. We finally discovered that we, as an individual, had all the power we wanted to have.

I believe, no, I don’t believe, I know that we will be conscious that we live forever. Our mind and soul is eternal and indestructible. Our body will be optional: If you like your body, you can keep your body.
Oh boy, that sounds like Obama…lol

Of course, no need to say that Governments will be a thing of the past.

By: graham gambier Sun, 25 Oct 2015 21:18:06 +0000 The individual is already the primary force, has always been the primary force, and is the only possible force as groups are mere constructs. Statist propaganda elevates groups and diminishes individuals, but that does not change reality.
