Comments on: Who owns your genes? Are they a cure? Wed, 28 Oct 2015 04:08:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: From Québec Wed, 28 Oct 2015 04:08:54 +0000 Who owns your genes?

Well, I hope it’s me.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 27 Oct 2015 02:13:54 +0000 I am glad a few others are beginning to decode the “industrialists’ cycle of greed”.

They do not understand genes nor will they if they stick to their spirituality free- automaton atheist-materialist paradigms.

Good article, Jon, as always.


By: johnbarleycorn12 Mon, 26 Oct 2015 11:17:51 +0000 Reblogged this on John Barleycorn and commented:
Good question.

By: mervyn caplan Mon, 26 Oct 2015 08:27:22 +0000 These learned ignoramus arrogant liars and dogmatic materialists don’t seem to have any understanding about anything living. Their wicked biotechnology is going to destroy most of humanity. The fact of the matter is that the human being is a relection of the cosmos and when the female is fertilized the stars and planets form the body, the nerve senses and the internal organs. Spiritual Science and medicine by Dr. R. Steiner […]

By: itsonlyausername Mon, 26 Oct 2015 07:40:42 +0000 The sole cause of cancer is the toxic environment. Sole cause of the toxic environment is greed of big business. Big business exists because of one policy…..economic growth. Abandon economic growth policy and introduce steady state economic policy and you get rid of toxic environment….over time of course. You also rid the world of deforestation for palm oil in Far East Asia (not profitable) and GM soya in South America (not profitable), huge factory livestock feeding operations in Europe and US so we can eat meat at every meal (not profitable) exotic oil exploration for Tar Sands and fracked gas (definitely will not be profitable), famine in developing nations where we have robbed the people of their natural resources, displaced them from their lands and stopped them carrying on their traditional lifestyles because they were seen as a block to capitalist ambitions (not profitable. Yes I know. It doesn’t sound right. But banks and hedge fund investors make huge fortunes out of famine. When food demand increases so does the price of food and their profits. All since Maggie Thatcher and Ronald Reagan deregulated food amd fuel pricing), wars (people won’t need to fight over money and power and resources so it will not be profitable. Besides there won’t be any need to run or escape from some threat to life), ocean acidification due to carbon dioxide emissions (self explanatory really but if you need to know why its because we won’t be burning huge swathes of rainforest for palm oil or GM soya or burning huge amounts of fossil fuels because none of those things will be profitable) and finally the cherry on the icing on the cake. We will stop stone cold dead the problem of climate change.
And all because we ditched economic growth.
Oh and one more thing. The human population will fall. Not because of a loss of capitalist greed or investment or opportunities to expand our existence but because there won’t be that make believe motivation to breed like rabbits because its seen as somehow profitable to have huge families or that survival will be jeopardised by lack of food or disease or wars or climate change. In fact destroy economicgrowth policy and people will benefit from a fairer share or all natural resources…..because its not profitable not to.

By: henry Mon, 26 Oct 2015 06:42:55 +0000 Round up is a poison that kills most plant cells on contact. Some plants with a specific gene are not affected by the poison. So, it follows that, certain genes can affect the sensitivity to certain toxins. Can your genes change? Perhaps. A genetic treatment may change some of your genes to stop you from being negatively impacted by specific toxins. Alternatively, you could avoid coming into contact with the toxins. The long term effects of changing a gene may have other, currently unknown, negative consequences. Therefore, the safer option is to reduce the toxins that you may be exposed to and to get proper nutrients so that your body can eliminate the toxins that you are exposed to.

Another issue is that if human genes are spliced into animals, are they still animals? If monkeys are spliced with humans, the monkeys might be able to perform jobs that humans do currently. The hybrids could be owned and be de facto slaves. At what point to animals get human rights? If human genes are spliced into rats that make them intelligent, what would happen if they escape and breed?

By: Theodore Mon, 26 Oct 2015 00:23:46 +0000 side bar: speaking of Monsanto’s RoundUp — glyphosate…

Are you putting Monsanto in your vagina? 85% of tampons and feminine hygiene products contaminated with cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide

Tampons, sterile cotton, sanitary pads contaminated with glyphosate – study
