Comments on: The Cosmological News channel Thu, 05 Nov 2015 14:34:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Thu, 05 Nov 2015 14:34:44 +0000 Very good Jeanne, it’s the stereotypes that limit perception. So much wasted time, energy, and above all, government money goes in to reinforcimg them.

“I heartily agree that opening to a new consciousness by choice is of utmost importance! “- Jeanne

…..I heartily agree.

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 05 Nov 2015 06:56:02 +0000 I agree with Tesla and this is something I have [personally] been battling with over the years, Jon.

Is “change” for the better? Conditionally, from the perspective of absolute knowledge, the answer has to be an emphatic yes. But how can absolute knowledge be achieved without first unclogging all perceptions that came from the initial “rationalisation” of what is?

Yes, my book on the tiny subject of existence, determines that all power is found in nothing reflected by something. for details on “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”.


By: henry Thu, 05 Nov 2015 06:15:01 +0000 It wouldn’t matter to me if you worshiped Christ or crystals; so long as you do not try to compel me to pay for actions that you have taken that did not work out the way you envisioned. The trick of the controllers is to get everyone on the hook to pay for everybody else. In this way, they feel it is justified to poke their nose into other peoples’ business. Knowing that other people will be compelled to pick them up when they fall causes individuals to not consider the long term outcomes of their actions. It also reduces individuals from taking action because if they are successful, their winnings will be confiscated.

There was a time when people voluntarily donated money to churches and civic organizations. Those who needed assistance would go to the church service and see the people who are helping them. They would realize that they have made mistakes. They would say thank you for feeding my children. Now that government takes people money at the point of a gun and gives some of it to those who have made mistakes, the whole model changes. The people say it is not their responsibility to help their neighbors because that is the governments’ job. Their job is to pay as little money as possible. The government employee don’t think there is a problem because if they did, they would be out of a job. Those receiving assistance are not given the information that they have made mistakes. They say “Those rich assholes are stealing my god-damn money”. The people who had their money stolen do not get a thank you and those receiving it are not helped by it. The system is broken. I can only see the problem getting worse.

Why did people voluntarily donate money to help others? 1) To make sure there is a safety net that is in place in case they, or their family members need it, 2) their moral code encourages it, 3) nudging desperate people back to the path of civilization is cheaper in the long run than defending against criminals. Without a cosmological belief system, one of the key reasons is removed.

For most decisions that we make, there are a number of factors that we evaluate. Should I eat the desert? No because it will make me fat. Yes because it will taste good. No because it will cost me money that I could use for other things. Yes because it will make those around me happy. No it’s getting late. You put a weight on each reason and total the numbers. The weight applied is based on how far you can actualize yourself into the future. The farther you can predict the future, the better decisions you will make. Once government “helps” you, it shortens the time that you can see yourself into the future. So the “help” doesn’t help you at all. It actually causes you to think more short term and therefore it causes you to get poorer. The promise of an afterlife reward or punishment for things we did while alive, encourages people to think really long term.

The voluntary system, in part, is based a moral code. These are a few reasons to behave like there is a higher power even if you don’t believe it.

By: Jeanne Thu, 05 Nov 2015 06:07:51 +0000 As an “elder”, contrary to Tesla’s comment about getting older & allowing reason to overshadow & suppress early life’s “purely instinctive endeavors”‘, I’m finding, much to my delight at 72, a refreshing kind of freedom that is difficult to describe, but deeply felt. It includes a fearlessness & radical faith in my own natural ways of Being, experiencing, & creatively expressing. It also calls for not accepting or believing the stereotypes of aging which do tremendous harm to one’s psyche & as well as to one’s health.

I heartily agree that opening to a new consciousness by choice is of utmost importance! Preconceived notions & rigid beliefs block the freshness of new discoveries. Letting go of our old identities as we enter new frontiers frees us to directly experience & co-create a whole new world…

Thank you, Jon, for reminding us to step out of the Box & create above & beyond that which came before us…

By: From Québec Thu, 05 Nov 2015 04:08:47 +0000 Yes, it is very intriguing and complicated.

I’m not a religious person, I do not believe in made man’s religions.

But I do believe, that there is somehow, what we could call a God. I do not know what that “God” is exactly, but it seems to me, that he wants to multiply himself or itself, through humans, planets, animals, plants, galaxies and so forth. He seems to want to experiment everything and wants his creation to experiment the same things.

A bit like a man and a woman have children. These children grow up and have children of their own who also will have children of their own, etc.

If you do not have children, after your death, maybe you go on another planet to experience something else..

I know, I’m not expressing it very clearly here, but in my mind, it is clear.

One person or one thing “God”, multiplying himself in different peoples and things to experiment quadrillions of different consciousness.

In other words: We are all Gods.

By: henry Wed, 04 Nov 2015 23:13:10 +0000 There are positive aspects to the belief in a higher power(s) that will reward those who follow a moral code and punish those who don’t, after they die. Once the moral code is learned, the individual does not need to be prodded by others to do what is right. That is, they become self-governing. If god(s) doesn’t exist then some people will act as living gods who will create a code that they will punish violations for violations while the violators are still alive. This is socialism. It is a religion.

Americanism is the belief that governments are instituted to secure the unalienable rights of each man and woman. In pursuing happiness, you have the right to do anything that you want, so long as you don’t prevent the others from pursuing their happiness. If there is a conflict in rights, governments can get involved. Governments cannot force any religion on you.

Collectivists have stolen our flag. The choice they give you is being dominated by global government or global corporations. The trick is that the same handful of people control both the government and corporations. They pay their henchmen in the media, business, education, and government well to disempower the people. The goal is to get people to say: The law is too complicated so I better keep my head down. The experts are smarter than I am so I guess they know how to run things. I don’t want to be deemed mentally ill so I better not try to think for myself by using politically incorrect terms or objectively evaluating “conspiracy theories”.

Religions have a set of stories, rituals, beliefs, and one, or more faith statements. A faith statement says that you can evaluate new information unless it conflicts with the central premise of the faith. Jews believe that if they will follow the laws of Moses then they will be the chosen people. Christians believe that if you emulate the ideas set forth by Jesus Christ then you will go to heaven after you die. Protestants believe that you can determine the ideas of Jesus by reading the Bible yourself. Americans believe that governments are instituted to secure the unalienable rights of each man and woman. American socialism believe that there should be a separation of church and state (When the state is your church, no other minor religion can conflict with the one true religion: socialism). Muslims believe that Mohammad is the last prophet and the Koran instructs you what Allah wants you to do.

For the last 500 years, countries populated by Christians have outperformed the rest. The protestant countries: England, Germany, Netherlands, United States, and Switzerland have outperformed the Catholic countries: Spain, Ireland, Poland, Italy, and Latin America. While Americanism was being practiced in the United States, it outperformed the other protestant countries. Since the United States have been captured by socialists, it has started to underperform other countries.

How does one become self-governing without a cosmological belief system?

By: Dimitri Wed, 04 Nov 2015 17:03:06 +0000 Jon,
Time and again you portray the essence of the deadened consciousness, and I never get tired of it. “We create, you absorb.” Great stuff. Nevertheless, the cosmology of Genesis 1 and 2 is the story of invention by a conscious entity. I think that it deserves recognition as such, no matter how much it has been abused by religious people. If we are by nature creative inventors, then it makes sense to believe that we have our origins in some kind of conscious source. The alternatives? Either we are an accidental configuration of stuff and energy, or the universe itself is a creative inventor. That is to say, the universe is functionally “God” and vice-versa. Does it make logical sense that there are other alternatives that are waiting to be invented?
