Comments on: Sweden: test case for the new utopia Mon, 25 Jan 2016 20:08:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: jsolbakken Mon, 25 Jan 2016 20:08:17 +0000 I prefer to judge views on their own merits and demerits, and not engage in the non-thinking process of making up mind based on how established politics spews things one way or another. Besides, anti-immigrant views are severely repressed in politics these days, so, what the heck are you spewing about?

By: jsolbakken Mon, 25 Jan 2016 20:02:30 +0000 What is wrong with being anti-Muslim, and anti-Islam? When I look at Islam and its adherents, I see something I want to keep as far away from as possible. I see nothing attractive to me as an occupant of Western Civilization in Islam. Nothing what so ever. Islam is a total negative in my view, and I have the innate human right to express my political preference for excluding adherents of Islam from my political environs. What is wrong with that? How can you contradict me here without denying me my own political and human rights?

By: jsolbakken Mon, 25 Jan 2016 19:57:22 +0000 Yes, the migrants pass through the bankrupt countries to get to where the goodies are, and where the idiots are who will pay them to be there. It is an impossibility that so many people, whether they are called refugees or migrants or ishkabiblists, can do any good to any country.

By: Peter Grafström Mon, 09 Nov 2015 22:34:32 +0000 Michael Burns
Apparently you have a blind spot about ad hominem.
What regards cognitive infiltration, there is nothing in the term defining the consequences. It can even have a positive effect. I think you have functioned like a catalyst by making ignorant characterizations about Sweden.

By: Michael Burns Mon, 09 Nov 2015 00:55:20 +0000 I am freer than you? I love no big brother….I have been a resistor and a revolutionary for a thousand years.
I am simply a messenger, in this case.

So now I am cognitively dissonant, cognitive infiltrated with ODD.
An the  Piece-de-resistance suspocious.
But you still you haven’t told me what are lies in my posts.
Please stop with ad hominid, and tell me some truth.

By: Peter Grafström Sun, 08 Nov 2015 21:18:07 +0000 The hegemonic oligarchy deliberately designs racial mixing in europe in order to wipe out those traits naturally connected with national identity. Just like Jon writes. This is an old program both via the Fabian society as expressed by George Bernard Shaw: ‘The future belongs to the mongrel not the young Junker’. And Shaw was simultaneously a eugenicist. Ie elitism for some and mixing for the rest.

In addition the various branches of the british elites all were in collusion despite appearances and a world dominated and populated by the british elite race was the goal and culling of the herd of ‘lower’ breed was and is an important part of the plot. So first mix’em then kill’em.

Simultaneously with Shaw was Coudenhove Kalergi who pleaded for a european-african racial mix. Apparently both the aristocratic families and the jews were seen as exceptional and consequently not part of the mixing program. More recently, Peter Sutherland is an outspoken proponent about this racial mixing program for Europe.
The fact that Barbara Lerner Spectre acknowledges that this mixing is a jewish-led program seems like a deliberate provocation intended to draw hatred against jews. Since she is not likely to act on her own I think this is part of an Israeli strategy to attract jewish immigrants.

By: Peter Grafström Sun, 08 Nov 2015 20:27:07 +0000 Michael Burns
With such sources you are well at ease under your Orwellian big brother but this strengthens my suspicion about you being a cognitive infiltrator.

By: Sun, 08 Nov 2015 18:52:22 +0000 It is wonderful to see Middleways exposition of the Barbara Spectre monologue, and chilling to hear her presentation of the dismemberment of Europe as humanitarian, much less necessary. Of course, it is neither humanitarian or necessary. It is not humanitarian because it is a simple matter to detain the Arab invasion in the Med’ with adequate supplies and comfort until they can return home and rejuvenate their countries. And it is not necessary because there is no compelling reason to introduce an alien culture and another genome-type into the European space. The reason is therefore ideological occasioned by racial hatred. To paraphrase an old quote by Elie Wesel, the infamous ‘Nazi Hunter’, Zionists HATE Germans, not merely because of the WW2 slaughter, but because of a racial difference between them and the Ashkenazi’s and Sephardics. It is typical of a Jewish propagandist like Spectre to present her opinion as charitable and essential, when it is merely a mask for genocide. And the truly troubling thing – like the bad Nazi’s her ilk hate, she sincerely believes she is doing the right thing. This nonsense will begin to stop when we re-investigate the false anthropological basis for human equality by recognizing that the ‘Homo Sapien’ construct is an ideological – not a scientific – opinion, and that we bi-pedal hominids are all in competition for the earth’s resources. Than maybe we can throw off the ridiculous ‘Christian charity’ that hobbles us and that the Jews manipulate and learn to protect our geographical space and very particular genetic character.

By: Michael Burns Sun, 08 Nov 2015 18:45:48 +0000 @ intedu

Därför du skulle säga jag ligger därför … .Jag vet “sanningen”.
Det skulle vara den enda anledningen till att jag skulle ljuga.

Jag rapportera vad som påstods, av nyhetskällor, Wikipedia, CIA, svenska regeringen, FN bland ett fåtal.
Om sanningen inte är sagt, sedan “du måste stå upp och tala offentligt.
Inte bara kalla mig en lögnare, bevisar att jag ljuger.

By: Michael Burns Sun, 08 Nov 2015 17:43:56 +0000 @ from Quebec

This is the last word I will have on this with you.
I will state my case and then be done with it.

This is just more anti-Muslim rhetoric from you.
Admit it, you a bigot and an neocon, who believes Harper is good for Canada….and then out of the other side of you mouth your against the NWO and the TPP.

I need to wake up….that’s hilarious.
You label me as a socialist….because I care about freedom for all of people.
I care about a quality of life for all humans on Planet Wal-Mart.
I don’t even vote.

Make you mind up….which side ‘you’ are on.

HARPER is a despot, you believe anything and everything they tell you about him.
He sold Canada down the river; Freedom of speech, CSIS, The Wheat Board. GMO’s, signing the TPP, the changing of laws of protected Canadian waterways, so the water can be sold on the stock market as a commodity.
Bringing container loads of cheap labor into Canada, to under mine Canadian workers and union jobs, and create a false climate of his job creation within the country.
The truth will soon be told about him and his party’s corruption.

I am for free speech. For all people. And for the challenging for what is said by those who are free.
I am for equality. For all people.
I am for the world belongs to all of people.
Not the self entitled.
I am for revolution of the soul, the mind, the heart.
I am for nobody has the corner on the market called freedom.
Especially you Quebec.
I am for quality of life for all human.

Who the hell do you think you are.
You’re boring, and a elitist….it’s time for youth, Trudeau youth, an not more of the same boring old neocon old men. Selling the future cheap.

“And who are you to think that you know more on the subject than Jon? Have you been a free-lance investigative reporter for over 30 years?”…..” – From Quebec

I should respect what?
How do you know who I am. You know nothing about me. Nothing.
Jon is not a God here.
I am not allowed to challenge his ideas. …tow the line, and don’t make waves….go to hell.
I will challenge God and see it as my right.

If Jon wishes me to leave, he need only ask, and I will oblige, peacefully and politely.

You believe that this is what this website is, disciples like you to genuflect when he writes an article. Makes philosophical conclusions about the world; without challenge from others…we all must be challenged.
All of us.
I challenged his rhetoric. I have that right as a free man. An intelligent man. As someone who reaches for higher truth.
He can’t be wrong?
You can’t be wrong?
Go to hell Quebec.
