Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: the beginning Tue, 10 Nov 2015 15:44:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: arcadia11 Tue, 10 Nov 2015 15:44:56 +0000 you are feeling the programming doing its job, david. your freedom, warmth, and peace are not gone. you have just been hypnotized to focus on what makes you controllable and not what makes you you.

helps to acknowledge that what you are feeling is not real – it does not come from you. it does not belong to you.

become a mirror. reflect it
back to its source.

you are not alone. there are many of us here with you,

much love-


By: arcadia11 Tue, 10 Nov 2015 15:35:49 +0000 that was lovely, jeanne. thank you.

By: Jeanne Tue, 10 Nov 2015 05:53:44 +0000 David, You can be free again! It starts with choosing to exit the Matrix (see Jon’s material) & never giving up on yourself! There is power in conscious choice. Many of us have gone through “the long, dark night of the soul” & have come through it with deep compassion & caring for others as well as ourselves. You are NOT your mind. You are a beautiful spirit having a human experience. Take a “time out” from the world. Get bodywork, take walks in Nature, listen to meditative music, be with loving, positive people & remember to breathe…Let the tears flow;they are cleansing & restorative. Take a class in meditation. Get rid of the TV. It’s a tool of negative programming. You will come through this challenge much the wiser if you allow it to be a time of gentle transformation.

With understanding & agape love, Jeanne

By: Salvador Mon, 09 Nov 2015 11:14:07 +0000 Hello Kiki – as you await Jon’s response, I will give you mine as a fellow Jew. I agree with everything you say, and your conclusions are correct. More Jews need to do the same, to rally not around Jews and Israel but around the truth. The brainwashing, the spell that’s been cast on the masses is surreal. The scale of the monumental lies we’ve been told is equally surreal. This is why so many cannot awaken to the truth – it’s too unbelievable.

I’ve lost relationships with family members based on speaking the truth. Here’s an understatement: Most Jewish families don’t want to hear that Israel was the mastermind behind 9/11, and about all of the Talmudic Israeli-Jewish-dual American/Israeli citizens and other American Zionist traitors in our government that were behind one of the most surreal lies ever told in the history of the world, a lie which led directly to the deaths of millions of innocents around the world. Yet isn’t it time we speak the truth? How many more deaths of millions of innocent people will it take?

So is it really hard to understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and who’s responsible once you understand 9/11? Both are intimately tied to the ability of these people, these chameleons, to tell lies so massive, so monumental that most people simply shut down by reflex action upon hearing them. They know this, and they know how effective the technique of the big lie is. And then of course they completely control the narrative as they own the media lock, stock and barrel so the only story most hear is their story – the lie. Now, 14 years later, a half-dozen sovereign nations invaded and destroyed later, and now Europe and America are being flooded with “immigrants”, by design of course. Entire continents are being taken down. I wonder who’s behind that? Is it time for us to speak the truth? How is all this being done? If you control the money, you control the world. Who controls the money? It all goes back to the bankers. Who are the bankers? (by the way, who created Israel and why was it created, i.e. was it created as a homeland for oppressed Jews or as a fiefdom and beach head for the Rothschild bankers…) In 2015, they control everyone below them and virtually everything on our planet.

The only solution I see is the most beautiful solution one could imagine, yet a solution so many are frightened to death of – truth. In today’s world, truth is poison to so many, in fact many would prefer death over truth, which is by no coincidence what you see playing out around the world today as millions more die in wars and other manufactured events, those same events all founded in lies, and in the complete absence of truth.

So again who controls our reality, at least in the 3d sense? There’s so much information out there leading to the usual suspects, the same ones that have been at it for centuries now, yet for some not yet understood reason, despite all the clear evidence to the who (these people do have names), the script continues to unfold as nothing is done to stop them. Aside from them having blackmailed and bribed the entire world, the true spiritual why to that mystery – why humanity continues to stand down as they are being destroyed – I don’t have an answer for.Perhaps the answer is unfolding now . . .

By: David Sun, 08 Nov 2015 22:34:52 +0000 This is exactly how I feel right now, like my mind is locked into the world and I feel limited and trapped. My whole reality is dark and depressing and hopeless and I want out, I want to be free. I want that feeling of warmth and peace and freedom again

By: ksmm kiki Sun, 08 Nov 2015 20:11:57 +0000 Jon, I would like to know, from one Jew to another, what the truth is about what is really going on in the Middle East, specifically between Israelis and Palestinians.

I have read so much rhetoric, propaganda and hatred spewed about generously on Facebook about Jews killing Palestinians. I have listened to Miko Peled’s passionate speech, which I tend to believe. I have no doubt that the Israeli Mossad was intricately involved in 9/11 and other atrocities, and Israel receives so many trillions of dollars in support from the US, when that money could be better used to improve the lives of US citizens.

I think there are so many Jews that believe that rock-throwing by Palestinians justifies military action (murder by firearms) against them. I also see the hatred growing against all Jewish people, based on fundamentalist actions of a small sect of Jews. I can see another holocaust happening because of all this hatred of all Jews.

I would appreciate your input on my questions.


By: Michael Burns Sun, 08 Nov 2015 18:08:11 +0000  “Know when you don’t know something.”
-Jon R
….that was exactly my point!
