Comments on: Beyond the Deep State Sat, 14 Nov 2015 05:37:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Sat, 14 Nov 2015 05:37:12 +0000 This sounds like exactly the kind of therapy I need. I wish I had a teacher like you when I was in band.

By: Dimitri Fri, 13 Nov 2015 16:05:47 +0000 Very inspiring. This year, I found my creative outlet in teaching music to children. Some of these kids have been really closed down by the pervasive influence of “deep state”. It is a rewarding challenge to be get them to relax, to trust their ears, to feel rhythm and to sing melody first, before having to follow notation. Some of them who come from other teachers have their music books covered with penciled instructions so that they can hardly see the notes. They can be so fearful of making a mistake. Getting them over that fear is the best experience for both student and teacher. Deep State is really a state of mind – it’s the fear of punishment. What might happen to you if you follow your inner voice.
