Comments on: The first cave painter and freedom from mind control Tue, 24 Nov 2015 19:07:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Tue, 24 Nov 2015 19:07:08 +0000 “We’ll never know who he was, but the moment he scratched out an animal on the wall of a cave, everything changed.” – JR

Yeah we do, we know who he was was. He knew he was separate from the clan, the tribe, and he knew he was a individual, and that he was free, regardless of what the tribe was saying to him.
And he showed them how important that idea was, by painting a masterpiece on a cave wall.

If you look into the eyes of every defiant artist and individual in the world there he is. Passionate, free and inspired; wanting something new and original. Something better than the status quo. Wondering, curious about his world, willing to explore it and find out what it is, not listening to the dogma of the day…”That the world is this, or the world is that”.
He finds out for himself.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 24 Nov 2015 18:52:33 +0000 ” I often wondered why someone would pay $100 million for a painting that they could see for free.” -henry
….there is more to a painting than simply looking at it.

“The elites support artists in the same way as the Rockefellers support medicine.” -henry

….does’nt seem like a fair analogy henry. How should I make my bread, and butter then.
How will I make bricks without straw/

By: henry Sat, 21 Nov 2015 21:31:48 +0000 Artists take memories, their own or those of others, and create a representation of them. This could be in the form of words (a story, poem, play), sounds (music, song), two dimensional picture (photo, painting, woven item, motion pictures), three dimensional sculpture (building, clothing, statute) or a performance. Sometimes their art captures the essence of an idea that others can appreciate. These works may become valuable. The artist may be able to make enough money off of their creations that they do not need to work like most people do.

Most artists do not become wealthy. Their art is not appreciated. To avoid this, many artists do not try to represent original ideas, they take ideas from others that have been appreciated and modify them. The elites support artists in the same way as the Rockefellers support medicine. The art that represents ideas that they want you to accept are called master pieces and are popularized.

Fiction that supports the power elites is called literature. Movies that win awards for best picture are often forgotten while movies that are not deemed to be great make much more money. Maybe this is true for all art; I’m not sure.

Some paintings can be viewed for free on the internet. You could by a printed version for a few bucks and a painted copy of the original done by an art student for a few hundred bucks. The original may costs millions of dollars. I often wondered why someone would pay $100 million for a painting that they could see for free. I think they want to hold a historical artifact of something that changed the way people think.

The most amazing thing about cave art is that it survived.

By: From Québec Fri, 20 Nov 2015 16:17:26 +0000 Another little miracle, was the beginning of animated cartoons for children. They figured out that Illustrated images seen in rapid succession would give the impression of movement. Giving life to cartoon characters, that was quite something!

By: Dmitri Fri, 20 Nov 2015 00:28:49 +0000 An artist creating his own space and time, perfectly at ease. Think of Phillipe Petit, the tightrope walker who walked back and forth on a cable between the Twin Towers, kneeling and lying down on the wire, over 1300 feet in the air. Did he not illustrate perfectly what a true artist does? Here’s a quote:

“People are touched by seeing somebody walking in the sky because they cannot imagine being there. It is like a miracle. And to me too when I see a wire walker, talented or not, think a miracle is happening now!” (

By: Avi Thu, 19 Nov 2015 21:22:01 +0000 check Bernard d’Espagnat !
