Comments on: Training exercises dovetail with mass shootings Sat, 20 Jun 2020 12:45:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: hi Fri, 06 Oct 2017 04:39:00 +0000 Hmmm – I think zionism is only one ideological shade of the globalist shitshow – considering all the different (& many somewhat similar) themes of ideas & beliefs, whether organised religious cult or otherwise – the reality of power seems more messy & diverse to me. There’s been little in the way of genuine revolution & even those that manage some gains – many get crushed & it’s quite a slog where restrictions via vested interests bring limitations. Thanks for chatting. 🙂

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 06 Oct 2017 03:51:18 +0000 Agreed, “Judaism” is a front for synthetic factionalism. I believe better name for Zionism is “globalism”. This, at least, has a clear commercial objective. The puppets appear to have [thus far] reacted to plan to the letter. I see no “revolution” prospects at all.

By: hi Fri, 06 Oct 2017 03:34:31 +0000 Well, there’s more to the whole thing from what I’ve seen – from claims the whole zionist hoopla began as a manufactured hoax, from it being applied to all sorts of people & areas where there may be other ideologies at play & so on. This idea of marginalisation of everyone not jewish – again has it’s roots in some imaginary religious twaddle & fictional race concepts. So again, to say that it’s against racism seems incorrect. There’s also the issue around people coming from such a background – yet having no practice religious or ethnic with what was a phase for a variety of middle easternish folk (with many different factions & expressions – like any such phenomena), being lumped in with such nonsense. Again that goes into socio-cultural engineering & such & some elite types with wacky ideas. Not to mention incredible amounts of disinfo & pushing of all sorts of nonsense ideas & ideologies pushed onto supposed groups manipulated via some rather contrived, well funded, possibly covert methods. Nature does not demonstrate any variation on the human form via environmental effects to be superior to any other across the board – or above other creatures so genetically similar in the same life form arena. Personally, I don’t see any value in centralised states or manufactured cultural centralisation under a hierarchical, military, exploitative, abusive system. It has resulted in environmental & very real human destruction – there is little positive to say about it & is quite a difficult problem to surmount.

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 06 Oct 2017 02:57:27 +0000 Actually I need to correct you here. Zionism confronts a number of Jewish secular objectives, but most Jews [that I have discussed the subject with] are very vague on the use of the term (i.e. a union of Zion). They mostly interpret the “concept” as self-assured State (along the lines of messianic doctrine).

However, Zion is a variation of Sion, which means “fortress” or “PRISON”. Thus, Zionism means unified prison or “prison planet”. This is where the Jews I have discussed the matter with become particularly foggy. When I put to them, their “self-assurance” MEANS the MARGINALISATION of everyone else, I am always greeted with silence – abject silence!

By: hi Thu, 05 Oct 2017 01:59:07 +0000 Idk – seems isis is created by similar types that do this kind of thing. From my understanding this ridiculous zionist tripe is partially race based thinking – so I’d question any idea that they’re not. The reality of genetic diversity & human history destroys the manufactured race based construct. Again when you look at the true reality of incredible cultural tribal diversity & movements of people through history in different areas & conditions – that pretty much destroys a lot of questionable genetic based ideas – whose expression is governed more by environment than anything. Nationalism has long been a tool of imposed cultural programming for manipulative purposes in more recent fascism it’s a key feature, like racism, sexism & so on – very handy for capitalist corporate enterprise also… There can be so many myths with humans.

By: Skeletor Wed, 17 Feb 2016 12:30:41 +0000 Follow the money. Usually after a “mass shooting” a lot of scams spring up in the form of “victim fundraising”. Yet the Sandy Hook “shooting” is by far the one which has created more fake fundraising schemes. I wonder why.

By: mary Sat, 05 Dec 2015 05:27:14 +0000 Mass shootings up 700% under Obama……..And he is right on it before the bodies are even cold.

By: ChaosandOrder Fri, 04 Dec 2015 16:52:21 +0000 Reblogged this on encompassingchaos and commented:
This keeps eerily happening…training exercises around the same time as the live event. The really sad part about this that gets me every time is that REAL people are loosing their lives. I do not for once think that those lives lost are fake or are actors.
I really hope that there is not some rogue government agency coming up with this stuff and people are actually loosing their lives over some greater agenda, but my mind can’t stop thinking about all the atrocities that have been wrought on peoples by their government. Throughout history this has happened, and in American history there have been 100’s of “conspiracy theories” that have later turned out not so theoretical.

Our jobs as citizens is not to sit by idly and complacent while these “coincidences” keep happening. It is our job to question and create alternative theories to try and figure out where we have gone wrong as a people. Is our society really creating these people? What trauma does our current system impose upon our youth that this is the end result?

Gun control certainly is not the answer. We can see from history that many many more objects can be used other than guns to cause mass murder. Just do a Google search.

If there is not some greater conspiracy behind these events, then there is something seriously wrong with our society and we need to fix it.

Please contemplate your lives and the lives of those around you. What things can you do to create peace in the lives of others?

My mind and heart cannot fathom why the parents of a 6 month old baby would go through with something like this. They just celebrated the birth of new life and in turn took the lives of so many. What went wrong?

By: Laura Palmer Fri, 04 Dec 2015 06:21:43 +0000 You can add the Marysville Wa School shooting to it as well. or there’s more evidence it was a drill here

By: Almost had me Fri, 04 Dec 2015 01:45:14 +0000 Those tweets came out at 3:53pm EST 12:53pm PST, an hour after the first bomb went off. If another bomb / suspected bomb is reported, The bomb squad does a controlled blast to safley dispose of it.
