Comments on: Abortion and population: an open secret Thu, 03 Dec 2015 00:58:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: samuelpierce Thu, 03 Dec 2015 00:58:49 +0000 Research suggests an upturn in births is likely to be led by older and better-educated women.

Birth rates for women in their 30s rose 3% last year. Rates for women ages 25 to 29 were largely unchanged, but that actually masks a slight improvement: In 2013, this rate had declined 1%.

WSJ article [dated] Jun 17, 2015.

It mentioned rates (birth) for age 25-29 largely unchanged (no mention of the almost 25% abortion rate) as Jon mentioned. So Jon is correct when a conservative publication, WSJ, does not mention the abortion rate in an article “U.S. Birthrate Hits Turning Point.” […]

By: Matt Crawford Wed, 02 Dec 2015 17:20:43 +0000 I suspect the real reason for the abortion debacle was/is the inevitable black market that would utilize human tissue for scientific study. The ‘elite’ want to live for ever. David Rockefeller, if I got this right, has had three major heart attacks … and is still kicking (us). The point being that these scumbags won’t hesitate to politically motivate the slaughter of innocents to find whatever DNA tissue or chemicals from a ‘live’ source that can precipitate healing.
All the stuff about female ‘rights’ was specifically created in the 40’s and 50’s to inevitably promote abortion as a ‘freedom’ issue when the primary ulterior motive was as above.
As to the issue of ‘Right To Life’, new discoveries will inevitably prove that each body has a soul at conception. Feminism will then be shown to be the antithesis of the maternal instinct.

By: From Québec Wed, 02 Dec 2015 05:55:23 +0000 Maybe it’s because they don’t want abortions to stop. The declining birth rate is good for the NWO. At that rate, Americans will soon be extinguish. But, it will allow millions of so-called Muslim Immigrant refugies to replace them. That is their goal.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 02 Dec 2015 02:44:31 +0000 Them smoked mirrors will keep trouble away, Jon.

Very good.


By: Hahaj Tue, 01 Dec 2015 19:59:47 +0000 Noreen this is silly.

By: Karen Keener Tue, 01 Dec 2015 14:54:48 +0000 What is the agenda if any of reporting that the birth rates are low? Why not just not mention that part? I always try to read between the lines with everything reported and not. There must be some significance. Is it to make people think they need to panic and take fertility drugs? There’s a pitch in every mainstream story. Why not conveniently not tell this one. What’s the pitch?

By: StreetDetective Tue, 01 Dec 2015 11:15:27 +0000 i reblog Jon almost daily…his great works.
