Comments on: The psychiatric matrix creates the politically correct victim Fri, 25 Dec 2015 23:17:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bill Fri, 25 Dec 2015 23:17:15 +0000 “He can discover the truth about this pseudo-science.” The best way to start is by reading the almost 40 books by Dr. Thomas Szasz. Read his books instead of reading what other people wrote about him. They steal his work and act like they invented (or corrected) it. I implore you to read it yourself and make up your own mind. There are a few of his quotes in this article (some verbatim). Try drinking from the original source. The water is far more pure and rejuvenating.

Much respect to Jon for being one of the only people willing to even allude to these topics.

By: coffeegrounded Tue, 15 Dec 2015 05:23:37 +0000 Jon, I can only hope that you are never in need of clinical psychiatry. I will grant you that many people are misdiagnosed, but there are also a great number of us that suffer tremendous havoc brought on by events that were, and are, beyond our control.

Your article does a great disservice to many who are born with genetic material missing, or overloaded. You invalidate the soldier that returns from war terrorized by witnessed atrocities, and, personally, I know first-hand about Post-Partum Psychosis.

Big Pharma has created and enticed many. Greed and avarice will always exist. Sadly, so will those of us that have been flawed by nature. “Snapping out of it!” Isn’t an option, believing that it is can be dangerous, especially to those of us that are the stigmatized freaks of a show that you seem to know nothing about. Reading and researching is one thing, but living the hell of hells and trying to navigate against the storm of ignorance is another.

Sincerely, I do hope you never need help, but should something occur within your life that causes you to reflect differently upon the words you have written here, I will befriend you and stop at nothing to get you help.


By: jacobite2015 Sun, 06 Dec 2015 09:46:57 +0000 I also did research on Dr. Allen Frances and found some disturbing information in reference to a 2010 article by him in Psychology Today titled, “Will DSM5 contain or worsen the epidemic of Autism” (“Can the epidemic of Autism be contained?”). In the article, Dr . Frances states that Autism is over diagnosed and is a “fad,” hence the dramatic increase in cases. He further states that “it’s a FOOLISH theory that Autism is caused by vaccination.”

Dr. Frances reiterates that position in another article on the Autism subject around 2013, but I don’t find anything more recently. Are you aware of any more recent information on Dr. Frances’ postion on the subject? I wonder if he still maintains his postion that there is no vaccine-Austim link? I know Age of Autism wasn’t too thrilled with him based on one of their posts back in 2011.

If Dr. Frances hasn’t changed his views then he certainly isn’t going to be of any help with the many parents of Autistic children let alone the anti-vax/pro-choice movement. He seems he would fit right into the hands of hyper-vax/anti-choice tyrants that have been our adversaries for so long…not good.

By: jacobite2015 Sat, 05 Dec 2015 10:50:23 +0000 Interesting post, but somewhat confusing: If I understand this correctly, a mental disorder/condition ~cannot~ be diagnosed without a definite chemical or biological test ? (which there aren’t any). My thought on this is what about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Autism? On PTSD, veterans are committing suicide at a rate of 22 a day and many are less likely to seek help from a mental health professional. Certainly, many are self-medicating and abusing alcohol as opposed to seeking professional help. However, the underlying problem is primarily stress & depression from their experiences:

On Autism, the only way to obtain a clinical diagnosis is through an Autism-specific behavior pattern assessment. No chemical or biological test is available/utilized to make a diagnosis. Many then need mental health services and unfortunately, some are put on Risperal and other antipsychotic drugs.

No question that Big Pharma’s financial interest is to get as many people diagnosed with mental disorders as possible so as to have antidepressants/antipsychotics prescribed as part of the treatment. And since 70% of the safety studies of this class of drugs are industry-funded (Ann Intern Med/2013), who can trust them to be safe and effective anyway. Undoubtedly, exercise, meditation and proper nutritional can help with symptoms of stress and depression, but it can have it’s limitations in severe cases. And we all know chronic stress releases cortisol in the bloodstream which can cause a whole host of physical problems most notiibly cardiovascular disease.

By: orlandosorbonegmailcom Sat, 05 Dec 2015 06:55:14 +0000 Guardian (UK) dd Dec 4th, featured an article that I know will interest you; it being right up your alley.

A woman, known as C, won the right to refuse medical treatment and thereby overruling the doctors’ attempts to overrule her desire to die.

The account is very compelling because it involved the psychiatrists attempt to attach a histrionic narcissistic disorder to her mental state.

Please read it. Aside from the tragedy of the occasion, perhaps you will find it useful.

All the best,
Roland […]

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 05 Dec 2015 03:54:18 +0000 Oh boy, where do I start, Jon?

Great post and I don’t think you are saying there is no merit to psychiatry or certain individuals do not have psychiatric issues, but the standards/vision used to define psychiatric practices/goals are an anathema; if I understand you correctly.

In the same way, the three boogers “rape”, “Violate” and “abuse” summarise political corruption as, many (if not all) cases promoting allegations of this nature are partially or wholly based on fantasy. One on my earlier Ozzie Thinker posts touches on this in regards to the branding manipulation of “bravery”

My next ISIS post will talk of my present obsession with etymology and how words (like violation) have been changed to create opposite meanings (years ago an old girlfriend used to ask me if I would like to “violate her” – demeaning the sexual bonding process) so thank you for stirring up my creative passion.


By: johnbarleycorn12 Sat, 05 Dec 2015 01:27:50 +0000 Reblogged this on John Barleycorn and commented:

By: From Québec Sat, 05 Dec 2015 00:28:54 +0000 I hope that one day these lunatic psychiatrists, with their false science, will be brought to criminal courts.

Meanwhile, we are winning on another false science:

In the Hague, Netherlands, International Criminal Court


“The time is long overdue for a global citizens’ tribunal to put Monsanto on trial for crimes against humanity and the environment. . . Corporate agribusiness, industrial forestry, the garbage and sewage industry and agricultural biotechnology have literally killed the climate-stabilizing, carbon-sink capacity of the Earth’s living soil.”
– Ronnie Cummins, international director of the OCA (US) and Via Organica (Mexico), and member of the RI Steering Committee,

The proceedings will take place on World Food Day,October 16, 2016.

By: Kevin Scott King Fri, 04 Dec 2015 15:43:24 +0000 Great Article. Thanks for revealing the truth about the pseudo-science called psychiatry. And thanks for the “There is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bullshit. I mean, you just can’t define it.” quote. I was so surprised I went to find the article and verify it. Here is a link to it;

And the quote is in the first paragraph.
