Comments on: Syed Farook and the new world of emotional “triggers” Tue, 08 Dec 2015 08:27:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: penniewoodfall Tue, 08 Dec 2015 08:27:53 +0000, ‘Sentimentality’ being one emotion that triggers off ‘slush’ 🙂
Emotional manipulation leads to ‘patriotism ‘Well, we will not go into religion…too big a subject.Alas,emotional manipulation predominates as so too the media .A vast subject…more education needed..teaching kids how to think, teaching kids to observe their emotions…etc still we are mostly unaware what we are being manipulated toward…2.2 kids 2.2 cars and not to forget the Hollywood dream…thanx

By: From QuĂ©bec Tue, 08 Dec 2015 05:03:51 +0000 Yes, that is what is coming if we don’t stop that leftist insanity.

By: robert lafoy Tue, 08 Dec 2015 01:40:32 +0000 Triggers are not the problem, life would be quite dull without them. It’s what they’re manipulated toward, that’s the problem.

By: mytimelines Mon, 07 Dec 2015 03:54:48 +0000 This video may seem far fetched but if we continue down this path of not offending (or triggering anyone) we would could end up in such a preposterous place

Modern Educayshun

By: penniewoodfall Sun, 06 Dec 2015 15:34:22 +0000 I am triggered by the sight/smell of food
I am triggered by hearing music
I am triggered by hate and blame
I am triggered by love and wonder where it is?
I am triggered when the gods speak
Wot am I not triggered by?
Alas, not much…….

By: From Québec Sun, 06 Dec 2015 04:27:57 +0000 University Professor Exposes Mind Control Programs in Universities

By: archivesdave Sat, 05 Dec 2015 22:33:58 +0000 thnx a lot Jon…I really do apprciate all that u do but it wud be extremely helpful to me (and maybe a whole lot of other seniors like myself) if u cud provide an audio or an audio/ video clip for your more important articles since many of us have/are becoming reading handicapped at our age.

By: prophetess D Sat, 05 Dec 2015 21:42:30 +0000 There ARE triggers in the movies and music that are CAUSING the mass shootings. They are hypnotic commands. Some are right in the lyrics and others are hidden subliminally. SO these kids obsession with “triggers” is not based on nothing . We have all been social engineered.

THEY are being made GAY by social engineering. AND it is true that they are IN a hypnotic state by the psych drugs which do that to people, deliberately.

The Columbine shooters were ON psych drugs AND took a DEATH ED Class One of the shooters Said he had nightmares about shooting people after taking this class. They were hypnotized by the drugs and programmed by the class. THey were set up and it was a beta test for all the following mass shootings. In the early 90s many schools had “death ed” and the suicide rate shot up – by design. The social engineers want to depopulate the planet by 90% and are using movies, music, education, poisoned water and food, and wars to do it (And healthcare – the vaccines have poison).
Jared Loughner the Tucson shooter had said in his video that the “government manipulates through grammar” I believe he was referring to ‘trigger words” and also the re-definition of words to manipulate people which has been going on a long time.
I am the tail end of the boomers – we were told FREE LOVE was love when it was just FREE SEX to manipulate us to use sex for recreation instead of procreation. NOW the kids are being told ANAL sex is SEX when it is abuse – the bible calls it self- abuse – to get them to engage in it as a form of sex. stage 2 of social engineering to separate sex from love and marriage, to break down family structure so the state can raise kids a la Brave New World, which is the end goal. Huxley was a social engineering insider and his book is an Illuminati blueprint. The illuminati are devil worshippers.

see articles, free books, music,
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Wisdom 101 for a generation that has no common sense

we have all been social engineered

The millenials suffer from a serious mental disorder – Gerbil on a Cracker

Illuminati mind control in psych drugs music & education

By: krys Sat, 05 Dec 2015 19:36:29 +0000 DAMN straight and to the point as well! Your educational and intellectual acumen is truly refreshing to see! Thank you for your precise perspective on this socially contagious and debilitating trend Sir!
