I say the same as you, but in my own inimitable fashion, of course.
In effect, the greater debate might be: can we rely on our “intelligence” after honestly analysing what we use as “basis”?
Even the best of us “err occasionally”.
I would propose instead that we live in a period when more people are chafing at institutionalized irrationality. As an example, it took the something as big, morbid and spectacular as 9/11 to launch the Afghan war, while the puny Gleiwitz fairy tale was sufficient to launch WWII.
Those of us who understand the hysteria humanity lives under are rightly frustrated by its existence and by most people’s failure to see through it. But the human brain works in such a way that the habit of swallowing lies, which has been a hallmark of civilization for a few millennia, will not be overcome in a few years. It will presumably take a few generations for new, sane, rational habits to take hold. A sudden massive worldwide awakening is possible and could theoretically happen at any time, but it takes hope to expect it and optimism to expect it soon.