Comments on: The loud world of ad hominem attacks Thu, 10 Dec 2015 05:44:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Thu, 10 Dec 2015 05:44:51 +0000 @Bruce
Well done, nicely done! Lol
and sometimes…
“The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction.” -William Blake
….personally that is, in the quiet after the storm.

By: Ultrawoman Wed, 09 Dec 2015 21:59:49 +0000 Great article!!! Great reply to article!!!

By: Bruce Hatcher Wed, 09 Dec 2015 18:13:39 +0000 Ponder the prose, it’s as plan as your nose, the temporal will always vex and perplex. where is the theme, that will bring it all together? Is there something beyond senses and mind that can make it all jell? Some say the Supreme Essence laid it all out. Of this I think there is no doubt. The cycles come and go, it’s all a show didn’t you know? The eternal might be beyond our view, so what do we do? Kick and scream and make up our own theme? We must go within to come out with a win.

By: sojourner Wed, 09 Dec 2015 15:51:00 +0000 Thank you!

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 09 Dec 2015 02:35:09 +0000 Brilliant article, Jon.

I say the same as you, but in my own inimitable fashion, of course.

In effect, the greater debate might be: can we rely on our “intelligence” after honestly analysing what we use as “basis”?

Even the best of us “err occasionally”.


By: Jan Holland Wed, 09 Dec 2015 01:31:45 +0000 Great article.

By: Daniel Noel Tue, 08 Dec 2015 23:36:53 +0000 Typical Rappoport article..lots of food for thought! I’ll respectfully propose that the “disappearance” of rationality may not be a fair representation of modern society, though. Western culture has largely been a culture of irrationality, starting at the beginning, with the loss of the antique Greek wisdom, which itself already had blind spots.

I would propose instead that we live in a period when more people are chafing at institutionalized irrationality. As an example, it took the something as big, morbid and spectacular as 9/11 to launch the Afghan war, while the puny Gleiwitz fairy tale was sufficient to launch WWII.

Those of us who understand the hysteria humanity lives under are rightly frustrated by its existence and by most people’s failure to see through it. But the human brain works in such a way that the habit of swallowing lies, which has been a hallmark of civilization for a few millennia, will not be overcome in a few years. It will presumably take a few generations for new, sane, rational habits to take hold. A sudden massive worldwide awakening is possible and could theoretically happen at any time, but it takes hope to expect it and optimism to expect it soon.


By: alabaster Tue, 08 Dec 2015 21:59:41 +0000 I’ve observed there is an incredible lack (or use) of reasoning ability by most people. They seem to rely on some illusion that everything has been figured out by others for you, so why bother figuring it out for yourself. That of course creates sheep. I’ve also learned NEVER say anything in an argument (that you hope to win) that is false, or put forward anything AS true, when you know darn well you don’t know whether it’s true or not. Also be able to differentiate between opinion and fact. Many people put forward an opinion AS fact! Which is ridiculous. And many people are interested in only making themselves right, no matter what. Interested in BEING right, and not in what IS right/correct. Basically an ego thing.
